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Sounds like the way a Sunday should be!


And yeah, it's a little windowless room not much bigger than a closet. They use it to do a typing test for job applicants and for training. I don't want to share this cold, so it's the place for me! Have to move soon to do the news though.


Hahha oh dear, you poor thing!


I just cleaned all of the inside of my car, and it's all shiny and smells nice now. Decided to give the outside a wipe and now it looks worse than when I started, oops!

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Was a bit anticlimactic in the end. When I started doing the news it was a top story, with live crosses and all, but in the end it was just a brief mention later in the news. They arrested the guy.


In other news, I might be going flatting as early as next month. Feel like a bit of a traitor to people who are still holding out! But someone on Facebook (more an acquaintance than a friend) is looking for flatmates, and I think $140-150 per week for somewhere within walking distance of central Auckland sounds tempting.

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Haha, my car's a bit like that. Had to wipe a cobweb off one of the mirrors!


Another armed seige in Hawke's Bay. :stunned: What is it about that area? I think it's the third one of the year.

i wiped a cobweb off my passenger wing mirror today! sure he lives in there as he'll just rebuild it. and the cobwebs on the front grill. MY CAR IS NOT A HOUSE.


ooh flatting! didn't know you were considering it.

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The meness?


Is that, the me-ness? Or the men-ess?

The me-ness :chuckle:

I felt gross. Plus when the people who came to pick me up came to pick me up, I was still in my pjs and unshowered, because I didn't get up til 5pm.


I'd call it entertainment :awesome:

Went to a party last night, slept at my sister's flat, went to a bakery wearing the clothes I slept it. Yeah, that's how I roll :cool::LOL: About to go out again! Toodleoooooo!

:LOL: Glad you had fun!


In other news, I might be going flatting as early as next month. Feel like a bit of a traitor to people who are still holding out! But someone on Facebook (more an acquaintance than a friend) is looking for flatmates, and I think $140-150 per week for somewhere within walking distance of central Auckland sounds tempting.
Oh wow that sounds really reasonable imo.


Not that I know housing in Auckland, but at least in Wellington you have to pay about $160 pw for a nice place.

My gross but awesome place was $125, but it was really, truly, gross. The hallway ceiling was black with mildew.



I'm spending Xmas in the Hawke's Bay :(

And doing opium while there :awesome:

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Was a bit anticlimactic in the end. When I started doing the news it was a top story, with live crosses and all, but in the end it was just a brief mention later in the news. They arrested the guy.


In other news, I might be going flatting as early as next month. Feel like a bit of a traitor to people who are still holding out! But someone on Facebook (more an acquaintance than a friend) is looking for flatmates, and I think $140-150 per week for somewhere within walking distance of central Auckland sounds tempting.


Woaaaaaah! Exciting!! I'm not really too up on the play with rent prices but I know that two of my mates in the city pay loads more than that so that sounds pretty good!

How many people live there?


Oh and I keep meaning to ask what happened with the girl from uni? Did you guys end up going for a drink?


i wiped a cobweb off my passenger wing mirror today! sure he lives in there as he'll just rebuild it. and the cobwebs on the front grill. MY CAR IS NOT A HOUSE.


ooh flatting! didn't know you were considering it.


Bah, mine was right on the bacdk door handle, completely spread all over it, and I felt like such a bitch for destroying it.


The me-ness :chuckle:

I felt gross. Plus when the people who came to pick me up came to pick me up, I was still in my pjs and unshowered, because I didn't get up til 5pm.


:LOL: Glad you had fun!


Oh wow that sounds really reasonable imo.


Not that I know housing in Auckland, but at least in Wellington you have to pay about $160 pw for a nice place.

My gross but awesome place was $125, but it was really, truly, gross. The hallway ceiling was black with mildew.



I'm spending Xmas in the Hawke's Bay :(

And doing opium while there :awesome:



Oh yeah I have days like that!


And opium? Random?

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Oh and I keep meaning to ask what happened with the girl from uni? Did you guys end up going for a drink?


And opium? Random?




That is random :LOL:


Went to party during the day today and had heaps of good food. We were grossed out though because one of the people who's birthday it was got a Zen garden as a gift, and there was like a little wooden bench ornament that came with the set. Some friends and I were playing with the garden and then someone was like 'ew this smells' about the wooden thing, so we all sniffed it and it reeked. Then my friend had a look at it and she was like 'uh...guys?'. It turned out that what we thought was like sprayed-on fake lichen was actually mould :stunned: And we had touched and smelt it! SO GROSS.


Then when I got home I felt kinda sick. I'm a little worried- I've been having headaches quite a bit recently as I've said before, and she had asked me when I was there if I was having any nausea. She also asked if it hurt my head to lean forward, and it didn't, but yesterday I did and it hurt. The sore spot still hasn't gone away either.

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Sorry, haven't been ignoring you guys - the phones are dead in my house and no one would come and fix it on a weekend!


ooh flatting! didn't know you were considering it.

I wasn't really, but it's a combination of factors - this place sounds/looks pretty good, and my Mum's decided to retire at the end of the year, so I'd be a bit of a burden if I stayed and would probably pay board anyway.


Woaaaaaah! Exciting!! I'm not really too up on the play with rent prices but I know that two of my mates in the city pay loads more than that so that sounds pretty good!

How many people live there?

It's a five double-room place. My only concern is I hope it's not four couples. :erm: I know there's one couple, and they're looking for people to fill the other four rooms.


Oh and I keep meaning to ask what happened with the girl from uni? Did you guys end up going for a drink?

No reply, but also (my resistance to snooping came to an end) no Facebook activity since the day before I asked. Could have gone away somewhere on holiday, for all I know.


Or maybe she doesn't have internet access outside of uni! I'm in for a long wait in that case. :LOL: Killing me. Seriously.


Then when I got home I felt kinda sick. I'm a little worried- I've been having headaches quite a bit recently as I've said before, and she had asked me when I was there if I was having any nausea. She also asked if it hurt my head to lean forward, and it didn't, but yesterday I did and it hurt. The sore spot still hasn't gone away either.

That is a bit of a worry. Have you been to see a doctor? Hope it clears by itself, but maybe you should if it keeps giving you trouble.

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That is random :LOL:


Went to party during the day today and had heaps of good food. We were grossed out though because one of the people who's birthday it was got a Zen garden as a gift, and there was like a little wooden bench ornament that came with the set. Some friends and I were playing with the garden and then someone was like 'ew this smells' about the wooden thing, so we all sniffed it and it reeked. Then my friend had a look at it and she was like 'uh...guys?'. It turned out that what we thought was like sprayed-on fake lichen was actually mould :stunned: And we had touched and smelt it! SO GROSS.


Then when I got home I felt kinda sick. I'm a little worried- I've been having headaches quite a bit recently as I've said before, and she had asked me when I was there if I was having any nausea. She also asked if it hurt my head to lean forward, and it didn't, but yesterday I did and it hurt. The sore spot still hasn't gone away either.

Am I the only one that doesn't think so? That probably speaks volumes in and of itself :LOL:


Urgh that's kinda nasty, though the party itself sounds cool :happy:


And... you should have that checked out. I'm worried as well!




My mum apologised to me for my childhood today, which was excruciatingly awkward. She was like, sobbing, and wouldn't stop, and when I said "It's okay" she said "IT ISN'T :'(" and when I said "I forgive you. I love you." She'd say "YOU SHOULDN'T :'("


Idk. I feel kind of sad about it all, but it's not like that's going to change things.I just want it treated like water under the bridge. And while I'm working on treating it as such, everyone else tells me I'm ignoring it, or I'm letting myself get mired in it because I internalise all my working-out. Gosh.

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That is random :LOL:



Then when I got home I felt kinda sick. I'm a little worried- I've been having headaches quite a bit recently as I've said before, and she had asked me when I was there if I was having any nausea. She also asked if it hurt my head to lean forward, and it didn't, but yesterday I did and it hurt. The sore spot still hasn't gone away either.



Headaches are lame, and the thing to beat them is knowing why you are having them, which can be tricky but is a case of ruling things out. Do you get stuffy blocked noses a lot? Could be sinus related, or it might be your eyes, I got loads of eye headaches and never realised until I got glasses that they were from my eyes!

Or if you grind your teeth when sleeping that is a major cause of them, and actually teeth in general.


Or the dreaded stress is a big cause, but either way get along to the docs and find out what's going on!! Especially find out what that spot is too!!!!


Sorry, haven't been ignoring you guys - the phones are dead in my house and no one would come and fix it on a weekend!



It's a five double-room place. My only concern is I hope it's not four couples. :erm: I know there's one couple, and they're looking for people to fill the other four rooms.



No reply, but also (my resistance to snooping came to an end) no Facebook activity since the day before I asked. Could have gone away somewhere on holiday, for all I know.


Or maybe she doesn't have internet access outside of uni! I'm in for a long wait in that case. :LOL: Killing me. Seriously.



That is a bit of a worry. Have you been to see a doctor? Hope it clears by itself, but maybe you should if it keeps giving you trouble.


Five rooms sounds mint! My ex lived with four couples, and I stayed there a lot and even being part of a couple it was quite bad, we found that if the other couples were arguing we would end up arguing too, ugh and just being around that many couples is just sickening!


About the girl, all I have to say is : :(



Am I the only one that doesn't think so? That probably speaks volumes in and of itself :LOL:


Urgh that's kinda nasty, though the party itself sounds cool :happy:


And... you should have that checked out. I'm worried as well!




My mum apologised to me for my childhood today, which was excruciatingly awkward. She was like, sobbing, and wouldn't stop, and when I said "It's okay" she said "IT ISN'T :'(" and when I said "I forgive you. I love you." She'd say "YOU SHOULDN'T :'("


Idk. I feel kind of sad about it all, but it's not like that's going to change things.I just want it treated like water under the bridge. And while I'm working on treating it as such, everyone else tells me I'm ignoring it, or I'm letting myself get mired in it because I internalise all my working-out. Gosh.



I guess it's a good thing that they realise bad things have happened which maybe they had a hand in (I don't know what happened) so I guess the only consolation is that they know that they maybe went about things wrong or whatever, hopefully they can also come to realise that the way for you to heal is to move on and let it lie.

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That is a bit of a worry. Have you been to see a doctor? Hope it clears by itself, but maybe you should if it keeps giving you trouble.


And... you should have that checked out. I'm worried as well!


My mum apologised to me for my childhood today, which was excruciatingly awkward. She was like, sobbing, and wouldn't stop, and when I said "It's okay" she said "IT ISN'T :'(" and when I said "I forgive you. I love you." She'd say "YOU SHOULDN'T :'("


Idk. I feel kind of sad about it all, but it's not like that's going to change things.I just want it treated like water under the bridge. And while I'm working on treating it as such, everyone else tells me I'm ignoring it, or I'm letting myself get mired in it because I internalise all my working-out. Gosh.


Sorry guys, I could have sworn when I typed it all out that I said I'd been to the doctor. That's what the 'she' I was referring to was :LOL: She said that if I hurt when I lent forwards then it could be sinuses. Not sure what the sore spot is all about though. Might go back next week or week after. Also how sad is it that as I was typing this I originally put 'the Doctor', as in the last Time Lord :facepalm::LOL:


Aw it's kind of nice that she apologised (because I don't know about anyone else but my mum would be far too stubborn to ever admit to being a less-than-stellar parent on occasions) but yeah, I can imagine it would also be totally awkward. Hopefully like Kat said, she will realise that its in the past now and the only thing to do is use the experience to create a better future! :happy:

Are you well, Lenny? Still at the health ranch place?


I too am also annoyed that the girl hasn't contacted Rich yet! Why hasn't she checked her facebook? I wish I knew her so I could be like 'im going to leave you a fun message on facebook!' and then she would go to check and see Rich's message :LOL:

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I think beer at Shadows might be in order. Michelle? Kitty? EDIT: Oh no, it's closed until Jan 5. :(


And I'm sure you lasted longer than I would have! How's your day going?


What? Awww man you get my hope up and then shoot me down! Boooo!


My day was the total shizzle, in fact yesterday and today rocked so much! Yesterday I got to do an oseophagogastectomy which is removing the oesophagus and then basically just reattaching it to the stomach with some jejunum, but you go in through the side so we have to put a speical tube in the trachea that lets us deflate one of the lungs so the surgeon can get in, and it's really super technical and we don't do them often so that was awesome.


The today I did another massive 8 hour case called a radical cystoprostatectomy, formation of neo bladder, which means they remove the bladder and then make a new one using part of the bowel.


How incredible is that??!! And I rocked and wasn't spazzy or clumsy for once in my life, it was so much win.


How's your day been?

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evening you two!


my study leave from work has not been used as intended. i went to the gym at half 8, went out and bought a christmas present and some lunch, started some beef in the girlie thread by accident, played with a cat in the hot sun, went supermarket shopping and just put some homemade pizza in the oven. there was about 45 minutes of study in all that.

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