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It's not that weird outside of New Zealand, a lot of department stores and supermarket chains are part of the financial market. I guess in NZ it's never really been that successful and it's probably to do with size and the fact with insurance people tend to go with what they know, being who their parents were insured with etc.

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Labour really learnt nothing from 2008. :noey: They're just going to alienate what voters they have left to go vote for the Greens. Basically, let's go in with no policies except "attack John Key". And I absolutely loathe John Key, but if that's the whole basis of your campaign, it's just childish and embarrassing.


Although I did like this:


Several of Goff's signs have been removed in his Mt Roskill electorate but he said that was what happened in election campaigns.


"They've been very personal, they've chosen the ones with my photo on. Somebody suggested they might be adorning somebody's lounge wall and I thought well that's ok. But more likely its the back of the toilet door."

Edited by JoBear
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A bird pooed on my head yesterday. I felt a plop on my head and thought, "I really hope that was a raindrop." It wasn't a raindrop. :(


But at least I was on my way home from work. If it had been in the morning, people would have been even more justified than usual in calling me shithead all day!

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Copy and paste from Banter because I'm too lazy to retype:


Fuck's sake- I've been at this flat a grand total of 4 days and already there's a shit ton of drama developing. The landlord might want to build a house in our backyard, we have to organise a tenancy agreement and bond (apparently they've just been living here without one), I might have to start paying an extra $25 dollars a week for water, and I just found out that the cat we have is actually being housed against the landlord's rules and he doesn't even know that its here, and he's very strict on a no-pets rule. Oh and we'll have to pay a bond too- so that's like $200 or something I'll have to take from my already dwindling savings account. It hasn't even been a freaking week ffs! :mad:

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I just saw that video of that helicopter crash. So intense. That pilot is lucky he didn't fall out onto the propellers or have them hit and kill anybody else.

Yeah, it's incredible! Unbelievably lucky.


It's meant to be good luck! Fuck knows why though. It doesn't feel like good luck.

Haha, exactly! But at least it allowed me to use some awesome words in describing it today - dollop and plop, for example.


Copy and paste from Banter because I'm too lazy to retype:


Fuck's sake- I've been at this flat a grand total of 4 days and already there's a shit ton of drama developing. The landlord might want to build a house in our backyard, we have to organise a tenancy agreement and bond (apparently they've just been living here without one), I might have to start paying an extra $25 dollars a week for water, and I just found out that the cat we have is actually being housed against the landlord's rules and he doesn't even know that its here, and he's very strict on a no-pets rule. Oh and we'll have to pay a bond too- so that's like $200 or something I'll have to take from my already dwindling savings account. It hasn't even been a freaking week ffs! :mad:


Sorry to hear that!

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I really want to know if there will be online stream for election results overseas!

I hope you're able to see it somehow!


The debate went pretty well at work tonight. From what I saw, Goff performed better. Key was flustered and kept saying "you had nine years - why didn't you do it then?", which is less valid now than it was in 2008.


Oh, and Jon Johansson slammed Key when he said supplementary member had the same proportional representation as MMP. "That is flat out untrue!" :awesome:

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That sucks Kitty. I gotta pay a $1650 bond just for a room in my new flat. Still waiting for portion back from my old flat too.


I really want to know if there will be online stream for election results overseas!


Woah snap.


Today one of my flatties was like 'I'm going to vote for John Key because he's better looking than Phil Goff.'

My face was like:

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwHv80gZ--AmIqZfK5oEIaK5fQxI7ZiUXQ5r4pihYsYl-s70mjPNfusmbe Sophie's choice.

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Copy and paste from Banter because I'm too lazy to retype:


Fuck's sake- I've been at this flat a grand total of 4 days and already there's a shit ton of drama developing. The landlord might want to build a house in our backyard, we have to organise a tenancy agreement and bond (apparently they've just been living here without one), I might have to start paying an extra $25 dollars a week for water, and I just found out that the cat we have is actually being housed against the landlord's rules and he doesn't even know that its here, and he's very strict on a no-pets rule. Oh and we'll have to pay a bond too- so that's like $200 or something I'll have to take from my already dwindling savings account. It hasn't even been a freaking week ffs! :mad:

Oh oh oh this sounds sooo much like my first flat.


I ended up moving out because of all the issues, even though my flatmates were super cool. Poor you :(


That sucks Kitty. I gotta pay a $1650 bond just for a room in my new flat. Still waiting for portion back from my old flat too.
:stunned: is it a nice flat?


Phil Goff is very slowly earning my respect. Sure, leading the country might be a bit extreme but at least he's showing a bit more of a people person role now rather than an 'I hate John Key' role...
It might have partly been that the media haven't really been giving him much coverage, other than in an I hate John Key capacity, as well.


That being said, I went to the Labour party caucus thing the other year and Jim Anderton chided them for their whole anti-National, as opposed to pro-Labour, stance.


Does anyone else have issues with the referendum though? Like, the way it's advertised, it sounds like even if you want to keep MMP you're forced to vote for an alternative. I tried to find out more about that online, but all that happened is I learnt a bunch about said alternatives. Nor can I navigate the igovt site. Maybe this is just due to my untechyness though.

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Does anyone else have issues with the referendum though? Like, the way it's advertised, it sounds like even if you want to keep MMP you're forced to vote for an alternative. I tried to find out more about that online, but all that happened is I learnt a bunch about said alternatives. Nor can I navigate the igovt site. Maybe this is just due to my untechyness though.


You do, because it saves people having to go back to vote on a new system if they decide to ditch MMP, iirc

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It might have partly been that the media haven't really been giving him much coverage, other than in an I hate John Key capacity, as well.


That being said, I went to the Labour party caucus thing the other year and Jim Anderton chided them for their whole anti-National, as opposed to pro-Labour, stance.


That just seems to be what politics is these days though in NZ. Someone proposes a new law and you've instantly got someone on an opposing party slagging off the idea. And yeah, I know the media aren't exactly the greatest source to trust in terms of getting the whole story, but they're all I've got! :chuckle:


Does anyone else have issues with the referendum though? Like, the way it's advertised, it sounds like even if you want to keep MMP you're forced to vote for an alternative. I tried to find out more about that online, but all that happened is I learnt a bunch about said alternatives. Nor can I navigate the igovt site. Maybe this is just due to my untechyness though.


Yeah, I had a problem with that. I want to keep MMP and will be voting it. However as for voting for an alternative, I don't feel a need to make it look like I possibly support another system because I don't :erm:

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Yeah, it is essentially their role in Parliament.


But when the election campaign comes around they should really be talking up their own ideas, rather than talking down the government's.


Yeah very much so. Government is so tiring, especially watching the US government. Its like as soon as any bill is proposed the other party jumps onto it like a ravenous tiger. It makes you just think 'if I were president, I would change the law to pass all these bills without needing a consensus... for the good of the country of course.' And then you realise that you're a dictator :LOL:

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The referendum voting paper says you can answer one question or both. I just wanted to keep MMP so only voted in part A. No point saying which alternative I prefer because I think all options are unsuitable.


Yeah, me too! I love that they give you a GIGANTIC felt tip to do it in, like a normal pen wouldn't do the job properly!

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