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:( dunno if a hallensteins ad makes you partiularly talented, though. But good on him for getting a start in something...

No, but being recognised for your playwrighting, or your artistic abilities, or at sundance for your badassery, or getting signed to Flying Nun, or being in nicely successful bands already, does.


Which are some of the things other people of mine have done this year. And for a number of years. My life is sucky and surrounded by extraordinary people.

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What was that, TV1 news? They had this story about how Warner Bros executives were driven around in Parliamentary limos, "costing taxpayers thousands". Now, I love to hate this government, but I just didn't think that was such a big deal.


But then, as a tiny little aside in this story, they said the National government also gave the executives "full Customs facilitation". :stunned: That is a much, much bigger deal than how they got around Wellington. It's also a dangerous precedent.

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I bullet-pointed everything, but then I felt silly. Basically, a bunch of shite things happened this year, and whenever I overcame them, something new got thrown on the table. I totally thought I was clear with only a fortnight of 2010 left, but something new happened today and now I have to hustle to fix it before it fucks up everything for the rest of my life - and I'm fond of hyperbole, but I'm not exaggerating. The circumstances of my immediate family read like every house on Wisteria Lane - in every series - combined. And minus the voiceovers. I just wanted to work the next 2 weeks and get this year over with - I'm copy editing. The pay is wonderful and the work is neat and mentally engaging and it's the best job I've ever had.


Thanks for the sadfaces and shiz though guys. Less than three.

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There was a weird comment today by John Key about the upcoming by-election in Botany (after Pansy Wong stepped down). "We'll be looking for a similar result to what we had in Mana, which was solid support for the government." Um, John, you lost Mana. :erm:


And don't give me that 'reduced majority' stuff - fewer people voted, and the left vote was split three ways between Labour, the Greens (who are enjoying increased popularity in Wellington in the wake of a Green candidate's win in the mayoralty there) and Matt McCarten.

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What would be your ideal ODI team of players from the last decade?



1. Lou Vincent

2. Nathan Astle

3. Stephen Fleming

4. Ross Taylor

5. Craig McMillan (or Scott Styris)

6. Chris Cairns

7. Brendon McCullum

8. Daniel Vettori

9. Chris Harris

10. Kyle Mills

11. Shane Bond


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