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Should I buy this necklace for my sister? She likes vintage-y looking stuff.



I love that too! Looks like an extinct huia on it. If she likes the vintage stuff as well as birds, then I'm sure she'd love it too.


I want this:




I think it would suit me well with liking birds and using cameras on birds for my project. A mate of mine knows the woman who makes all these cool bits of jewellery from scrabble tiles and stuff. http://brighteyedbirdie.blogspot.com/


Hello Moas! Long time no see!

Hope everyone is doing well, its been that crazy exam time of year.


Hey Kat! All well here, hope you're going well with all your exams! :)

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I love that too! Looks like an extinct huia on it. If she likes the vintage stuff as well as birds, then I'm sure she'd love it too.


I want this:




I think it would suit me well with liking birds and using cameras on birds for my project. A mate of mine knows the woman who makes all these cool bits of jewellery from scrabble tiles and stuff. http://brighteyedbirdie.blogspot.com/




Hey Kat! All well here, hope you're going well with all your exams! :)


That's cute too, but I can't tell is it a picture or a brooch or something?

Exams are all done, got half of the results todayand just waiting for the other one. Graduation in Dec and then just my reg exam to go!


I like the idea of graduating, just not so sold on the whole actual ceremony thing. What did you guys think? Are they fun or just tiresome and boring?

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That's cute too, but I can't tell is it a picture or a brooch or something?

Exams are all done, got half of the results todayand just waiting for the other one. Graduation in Dec and then just my reg exam to go!


I like the idea of graduating, just not so sold on the whole actual ceremony thing. What did you guys think? Are they fun or just tiresome and boring?


It's a scrable tile with the picture printed on it or something. I'd like to have it as a necklace.


As for graduation, my ceremony was pretty dull but it didn't feel too long. All the events surrounding graduation were fun though, like getting dressed up in the robes, the lunch and photos before the ceremony with fellow students and lecturers, then after the ceremony was a little march down the road (we got balloons :LOL:) to a big tent with drinks and nibbles.

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It's a scrable tile with the picture printed on it or something. I'd like to have it as a necklace.


As for graduation, my ceremony was pretty dull but it didn't feel too long. All the events surrounding graduation were fun though, like getting dressed up in the robes, the lunch and photos before the ceremony with fellow students and lecturers, then after the ceremony was a little march down the road (we got balloons :LOL:) to a big tent with drinks and nibbles.


Yeah I am very much looking forward to dressing up in a silly gown!


The ceremony is good for the 1 minute you're on stage. It's bad for the 179 other minutes you have to sit through.


This is my worry, especially as I used to fall asleep in boring lectures, and I'm not so good at sitting still for long times.




Truly frightening.

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I haven't been on here in a while. Hmmm


News: The Phoenix Foundation were awesome. School is finished and I got Dux :awesome: now trying to get ready for exams. Scholarship English on Tuesday morn :supersad:

Grats about the Duxness! Good luck for Monday, also.


Should I buy this necklace for my sister? She likes vintage-y looking stuff.


That's very pretty. Yes you should.


Hello Moas! Long time no see!

Hope everyone is doing well, its been that crazy exam time of year.

Hey Kat! Hope exams have been going well :kiss:


I heard today he's having a baby (well, not him, but his partner). That's the stuff of nightmares, really, isn't it? RODNEY BABIES! :eek:
Rodney SEX :vomit:


My job is so awesome right now. That's all I really have to say.

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^ Had to force my mum to promise not to watch 71 when she's living by herself. She gets so freaked out :facepalm:


New job. I'm going to be SO INSANELY WEALTHY in 2 weeks when I get paid, and the work is actually fun in a bookwormy way :awesome:


Also - just a general Aucklandery query: if I want to start looking for a flat to lease with a mate or two, what time of year should I aim to come up and start doing all of that? Atm I'm angling for the first week of February...

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Ooh, drama unfolding just outside the window. They've cordoned off part of Victoria St.


Apparently it's because they think The Palace might collapse. Lucky the brothel they were going to set up in that building hasn't opened yet.

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Ooh, drama unfolding just outside the window. They've cordoned off part of Victoria St.


Apparently it's because they think The Palace might collapse. Lucky the brothel they were going to set up in that building hasn't opened yet.


My best mate used to live in that building. It had slanted floors so you felt like you were always tipsy when there. I'm confused though because she had to move out because they said it was a condemned building, and then tried to turn it into a brothel. I thought if it was condemned that's like the end of the line and they would have to tear it down? :stunned:


The photo was from an article stating he couldn't HIDE his delight. I'm off to a training course better be good for having to brave the tube at peak hour.


That is a terrible pun.


^ Had to force my mum to promise not to watch 71 when she's living by herself. She gets so freaked out :facepalm:


New job. I'm going to be SO INSANELY WEALTHY in 2 weeks when I get paid, and the work is actually fun in a bookwormy way :awesome:


Also - just a general Aucklandery query: if I want to start looking for a flat to lease with a mate or two, what time of year should I aim to come up and start doing all of that? Atm I'm angling for the first week of February...


Yay exciting times! I would try and get in as early as you can, as I imagine there will be loads of students also thinking the same!:)


Got my exam results back, A- and A+ so incredibley stoked. Don't think I've ever had an A plus in my life!!!

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