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21!!!!!!!! WOO! Even thought I've been legal able to drink for 3 years and my actual birthday was the 27th but FFFF 21!! :D


The Tenth Doctor.
That's badass.


Doesn't sound fun. :( Care to vent?
They're just really childish, and I don't get how one can live to the age of 23 and be so naive and tantrum-prone.


I'm moving out in 2 weeks anyway. Then I never have to see them again :awesome:

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Also I am entirely unimpressed with John Key announcing law changes without them having gone through Parliament first and saying that it's what everyone wanted. YES - it's what everyone wanted who wanted the Hobbit films in the New Zealand. It's not what anyone would have wanted who is affected by the law personally.


Seriously, reasons like that is why I'm so glad I am not in New Zealand. John Key just wanted the glory or he would have waited to announce the whole thing.


National have no respect for labour laws because they are on the side of business. Anything that makes it easier for businesses to operate makes them happy. Too bad about the employees on the wrong side of that.

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Well done Kitten, and it's still the 27th here :D Happy birthday!


Thanks! :happy:




That's badass.


Thank you!


It was :cool::chuckle:


Happy it's still the 27th here birthday. I've had far too much wine in your honour tonight. I tell myself not to drink at work dinners...then I drink at work dinners. :noey: But OMG, the dinner was amazing.


:LOL: thanks!

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Also I am entirely unimpressed with John Key announcing law changes without them having gone through Parliament first and saying that it's what everyone wanted. YES - it's what everyone wanted who wanted the Hobbit films in the New Zealand. It's not what anyone would have wanted who is affected by the law personally.


Seriously, reasons like that is why I'm so glad I am not in New Zealand. John Key just wanted the glory or he would have waited to announce the whole thing.


National have no respect for labour laws because they are on the side of business. Anything that makes it easier for businesses to operate makes them happy. Too bad about the employees on the wrong side of that.

It's disgraceful. Really unimpressed - especially that they're putting it through under urgency. There's no time to fully scrutinise the legislation. Really dangerous.


Also funny that when the actors' union said the boycott wasn't the only thing Warner Bros were worried about and that they would ask for sweeteners to keep the movie here, the union members were blasted for saying unfounded things about Warner Bros. But when it turned out that was indeed the case, where was the acknowledgement that they were right?

Edited by _Ed_
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You know what else is disgraceful? Graham Henry was caught doing 81kph in a 50k zone along the Auckland waterfront and got away with it because he's the All Blacks coach.


The police said it's because the officer who caught him wasn't adequately qualified to give tickets, but that's bullshit.


Sorry, I'm in a ranty mood this afternoon.

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Also funny that when the actors' union said the boycott wasn't the only thing Warner Bros were worried about and that they would ask for sweeteners to keep the movie here, the union members were blasted for saying unfounded things about Warner Bros. But when it turned out that was indeed the case, where was the acknowledgement that they were right?


National fail. Hard.



Weekend! (By which I mean: I don't have to work tomorrow night so officially my weekend starts now)


But, y'know, I have to study and babysit...

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The worldwide media on this has really been unbelievable. Even in New Zealand it has been awful. It's all about celebrating that the movies are going to made in NZ and screw whatever consequences there are of passing the law with urgency. It's all about protecting businesses and eroding the rights of everyday New Zealanders. But the problem is that most New Zealanders think if it doesn't affect me personally, what does it matter?


This whole thing has played so well into National's hands - they're heroes and it gives backing their anti-unionism stance. Has the 90 day trial law gone through yet?

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I think this song is two and a half minutes of pure awesomeness. :awesome:




Oh what was it? Not available anymore.


How the fuck do you confuse a camper brushing her teeth for an animal? If she happened to be wearing those novelty antlers, maybe you'd have a case.


Yeah, that was horrendous. The guy saying he thought it was a deer or a possum obviously had no clue to what he was shooting at. My mum wants me to wear an orange vest if I go out into the bush now.




:LOL: Cute!


Reminds me of a few weeks ago when I read about anatidaephobia- the fear that you are being watched by a duck :erm:


21!!!!!!!! WOO! Even thought I've been legal able to drink for 3 years and my actual birthday was the 27th but FFFF 21!! :D


Belated happy birthday! :D


The Tenth Doctor.



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Oh what was it? Not available anymore.

I've uploaded it again - https://www.yousendit.com/download/ZGJjT0NVdVVRR2Z2Wmc9PQ :)


I've had a good weekend. Had birthday drinks with a friend last night, and it ended up being one of those awesomely crazy nights. My memory of the latter part of it is somewhat sketchy. :LOL: We went to so many bars, including a posh one in Skycity, in which we completely made twats of ourselves. We were going to go to Desh as well, but when we walked past, there was a man in a dress standing outside. :erm: That was...off-putting.


And now this absolutely made my day today:


The crowd at Jon's rally. :happy:

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I don't keep up with Politics, so I have no idea exactly what Laws have been put through :erm:


I heard about the 90 day trial thing, and it probably affects me (and my age group) more than anyone else, because I don't have many qualifications/references yet. It'll probably make it harder for those on the dole to get into the workforce too, which is not really the best idea out. Oh our country.

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It will affect everyone really being most NZ companies are small and come under the new law. The burger fuel case highlights the massive problem. Girl was near end of 90 days, told her manager she wasn't getting her legal breaks under labour laws. They let her go saying she was not a team player.

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I've uploaded it again - https://www.yousendit.com/download/ZGJjT0NVdVVRR2Z2Wmc9PQ :)


I've had a good weekend. Had birthday drinks with a friend last night, and it ended up being one of those awesomely crazy nights. My memory of the latter part of it is somewhat sketchy. :LOL: We went to so many bars, including a posh one in Skycity, in which we completely made twats of ourselves. We were going to go to Desh as well, but when we walked past, there was a man in a dress standing outside. :erm: That was...off-putting.


Oh thanks!


Sounds like a good night out :LOL: What kind of dress was he wearing? :erm:


I have finished my weekly trips on Tiri now (:() and I was hoping to get to Rotorua for a nice relaxing spa, but no one could go and I couldn't be bothered getting the bus. So my weekend was a bit bland, mostly cleaning up my room. I made yummy afghans though :awesome:



Haha, that thing looks nasty. I guess it would stop people from hogging the bench though.

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