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Hahha I can get 100% expert vocals on that song, not sure why, can't sing to save myself but can somehow trick the rock band.

Drums are too hard! Bass is where I rock out!


Gulp, hope the comp is ok!


I have to sing it high. I can't go anywhere near low enough to do it how he does so it was way higher instead. Still did awesome though :awesome:

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I have to sing it high. I can't go anywhere near low enough to do it how he does so it was way higher instead. Still did awesome though :awesome:


Hahahhahhaaa I have to alternate between the super manly low that I can get and the super crazy high bit that I can also get, I just can't get any of the range in between! LOL.


It's a fun song to sing. Is it your game or someone else's?

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No... I found that it wasn't really my cup of tea. I'm now focusing on political science, biology and economics... So it'll take me awhile.. What are you doing again?

Just to dig this up... I was doing geography and history, graduated last year :)


I watched I'm Not There this evening, it was the most enjoyable film I've seen in a long time.

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Hahahhahhaaa I have to alternate between the super manly low that I can get and the super crazy high bit that I can also get, I just can't get any of the range in between! LOL.


It's a fun song to sing. Is it your game or someone else's?


It's my friend's- we all went around there on Friday to play it.

Haha yeah that's the same with me for some songs, there's just that one middling note that I can't get and have to either sing high or sing low. I think it was particularly with The Killers that I was like whyyy did I do this? :LOL:

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It's my friend's- we all went around there on Friday to play it.

Haha yeah that's the same with me for some songs, there's just that one middling note that I can't get and have to either sing high or sing low. I think it was particularly with The Killers that I was like whyyy did I do this? :LOL:


Oh yeah I know that feeling, I always get booted onto singing, when I want to be rocking the bass!!!!


So tired now, think I'll go to bed with my book, am on book 7 of 8 from the books True Blood is based on :)


Night all! Have a good one tomorrow!

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Oh yeah I know that feeling, I always get booted onto singing, when I want to be rocking the bass!!!!


So tired now, think I'll go to bed with my book, am on book 7 of 8 from the books True Blood is based on :)


Night all! Have a good one tomorrow!


I don't mind singing, because the others are too hard for me. I didn't even try bass.

Ooh sounds like a good read!


Night Kat :happy:

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It's going to be released in the normal cinemas soon though I think :happy: It looks really good.


Ooh, awesome! :happy:


Second was 'Let the Right One In' a subtitled (unexpected) Swedish vampiresque-horror-romance.


I've seen it too, it's very ineresting.




:happy: I hope I get to see them one day. The little babies are so cute.

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Aw those things are so funny looking!


Today is so beautiful! And I've accomplished loads too, cleaned my room

(a huge undertaking) taken the dog for a massive walk, started my speech for the wedding and realised how much I love dancing toys. They crack me up!





And it was $5 :D

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Yeah, it's a really beautiful day today.


Speech for the wedding?



Yus, it's my best friend's wedding on Saturday, and I am a bridesmaid, and have to make a sppech. Pooh! I like speeches just not sure if I have that many nice things to say this time! ;)



you have a dog?


i've been pretty productive too, cleaned up the spare room for guests in november and then planted some lettuce, coriander and radishes. hope they grow. nice it feels like spring again.


also listed some more muse singles on trademe if anyone's interested.


I do indeed, a black lab collie cross called Sophie, she's mad and daft and usually well behaved :D


Yay sounds like you have been quite the green fingered person! Or is it green thumb? I'm never sure....


:LOL: the way its ears go!


now if only i were to start this insurance study beside me. why did i sign up to do this paper?!


Oh my, I know! It's the best $5 I ever spent, he cracks me up!


So apparently someone from Boyzone died. Random.


Aww, my best mate will be gutted, she loved the gay one!

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Yus, it's my best friend's wedding on Saturday, and I am a bridesmaid, and have to make a sppech. Pooh! I like speeches just not sure if I have that many nice things to say this time! ;)


You must be looking forward to that though. Awesome. Any pre-wedding parties planned?

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You must be looking forward to that though. Awesome. Any pre-wedding parties planned?


Have done the hen's night successfully, her family is Mormon (though she's not really anymore) and so I had to make it please everyone, which I think it did in the end.


It's also possibly the worst marriage possible, so much that not one of her friends or family think it's a good idea, so there will be some awkward moments on the day, including a very high chance that the groom will be drunk and high. :stunned:


I've just realised that I can't get to work tomorrow. So angry. Looks like I am going to have to spend $40 on a taxi. Grrrr.

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Have done the hen's night successfully, her family is Mormon (though she's not really anymore) and so I had to make it please everyone, which I think it did in the end.


It's also possibly the worst marriage possible, so much that not one of her friends or family think it's a good idea, so there will be some awkward moments on the day, including a very high chance that the groom will be drunk and high. :stunned:

Oh, I see. :( Not awesome.


I've just realised that I can't get to work tomorrow. So angry. Looks like I am going to have to spend $40 on a taxi. Grrrr.

No fun. Is that because of the bus strike?

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QUOTE=_Ed_;6571494]Oh, I see. :( That's not good at all then.



No fun. Is that because of the bus strike?


Yeah I forgot about it and don't start til one so can't get a ride in with anyone. GAH.


I've written two lines of my speech. :facepalm:[

I figure if I just talk about her I should be ok right>?

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