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Should i go to eds place with a pot and pan????


I am amazed how well i am combatting with my boredom at the moment usually by about now i would be trying to climb the walls.. *sighs* the sooner i am able to have income to go out job hunting with the better. That is my main hold up.

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I went to RENT last night :awesome: It was sooo good! Its got Michael Murphy in it, so understandably we were all a bit 'oh. him.' about it, but he came out and blew me away! His voice is so good, seriously! And he played his character really well. It was a great performance, except at one part they had a small lighting difficulty, but they sorted that out pretty quickly and were all good to go again.


It was weird because on the bus on the way there, a rock flew up from the road and hit the window I was sitting next to, and cracked the safety glass and gave us all a shock. So as we drove to the bus depot we switched seats, and we could hear and see the glass continuing to crack. It didn't crumble though.


And then afterwards we stopped in at a friend's 21st which was good because there were lots of people to see and catch up with, and the guy is really nice so it was good to wish him a happy birthday and all :happy:

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Hey there Moa,


How've you all been?


Pretty good at the moment i was a bit sick sat but i am fine now. I finished one jumper and working on another and looking forward to going to winz tommorow to sort some things out.


Putting up with my mom just at me *sighs* shes making me feel worse about a situation i cannot control and if i could i would be if a job comes up in auckers and it means i need to move i am jumping for it.


Who was at the anzac day service??

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I would go if i didnt value my sleep so much. I admire those who do. My ggrandad was the horseman in gallipoli and my grandad was in the navy he was one of those that watch the bomb testings all that time ago and my grandad believes this is why i was born like i was.


Lol my mom saids that it was the area where we were living around the time of her pregers played a part too and i said to mom i am a fucked up example of the human race :LOL::LOL: a little nutty with weird random thought highly creative and a big fan of muse.:LOL::LOL:


I know its kind of a hassle to go job hunting and the market at the moment to get a job is highly competitive and also i am aiming to go back to the course so heres hoping i have a sensible,understanding human case worker and i know for a fact they are gunna ask me questions about my workplace i was at and one of them will be "why did they hire more staff when they are unable to give me the hours".


And as for the mama issues well i have been switching off and looking the other way.

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Yeah me too. I've always wanted to go to one. My mum's decided it's an example of generation Y warmongering, but I'm surprisingly not as cynical as her when it comes to ANZAC things.


Though I didn't even buy a poppy this year...


My family were living in Paekakariki when I was born, but as much as I'd like to blame my tortocullis (my-neck-bones-are-funny-itis) on the steepness of the hills I don't think it'd fly :chuckle:

It was a beautiful place to live and stuff though. I remember the way my dad used to go walking down to the beach, with me in one of those backpack things people put babies in on his back. I remember when his strides used to feel endlessly huge and loping and rolling to my toddler self :happy:


The market is made of fail. So is WINZ. I wish you the best of luck on that front.


As to the mamaness - that's the most sensible thing to do imo.

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No it wouldnt fly would it where excactly is that i was born in whangerei womans hostpital and had to be trans less than 12hrs old for an operation.


I know its made to fail *sighs* it'll look up for me at least and this time it will be the best thing i will do with myself.

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Guest hysteriaaah

Their delay of announcing the dates are in fact making many of us all antsy :(


oh my gosh, did you guys hear how they had to cancel a free justin bieber concert in sydney coz' it just went mental....cops turned up and crazy girls weren't listening so cops told them all to go home but the girls were so determined to see him that a bunch of them followed the bus he was in back to some tv station or something. Apparently he performed one song for them behind a panel of glass. :eek:

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Guest hysteriaaah
my friend rumoured they were going to do the powerstation, but I highly doubt that theyd play that venue, would be awesome though


I highly doubt it as well...they'll prob be bringing a big production over with em' so i thought vector would be most likely. They might play trusts stadium again but they're a lot bigger than the last time they came. Gosh i'm still pissed i couldn't go in 2007:(

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KAT :awesome::kiss:


Things are good. Things are going swimmingly in fact.


I didn't have internet, which is why I wasn't online or here.


How have things been with you?


Ahhh, did you go to that special centre thing you were going to?


I've been good, finally got the courage to sit my restricted and passed, which has pretty much changed my life. I'm working between two hospitals at the moment, in preparation to go to the children's hospital in May.




Glad to hear things are going well for you!


I highly doubt it as well...they'll prob be bringing a big production over with em' so i thought vector would be most likely. They might play trusts stadium again but they're a lot bigger than the last time they came. Gosh i'm still pissed i couldn't go in 2007:(



Yeah I thought they would be big enough to play Vector now too. DO WANT!

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Oh congrats with the restricted!


As a carless person (living in Wellington does this to you. The public transport system is ingrained in my psyche) I appreciate the hugeness of this achievement :happy:


Special centre-wise: I don't even have to go anymore (I was going next month)

Which is just testament to how awesome (but actually normal, in the grand scheme of things, but still) things are.


I am invincible, in a way I haven't been since I was about 16.



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Oh congrats with the restricted!


As a carless person (living in Wellington does this to you. The public transport system is ingrained in my psyche) I appreciate the hugeness of this achievement :happy:


Special centre-wise: I don't even have to go anymore (I was going next month)

Which is just testament to how awesome (but actually normal, in the grand scheme of things, but still) things are.


I am invincible, in a way I haven't been since I was about 16.




Aw well done! That's great news, am stoked for you! Bet it's opening up a whole new wolrd for you too!


As a previously carless person whose best mate lives in Welly, I have to say that if I ever moved out of Auckland Welly is definitely the palce I would go. I love it there, and I find the people seem to be a lot more alternative, interesting and fun! I will probably move there at some point, especially because their hospital has a great set up and team too!

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