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Hey Jo! I wasn't aware you were a polsci student! Did you do anything else? What are you doing now?

We call it Political Studies at Otago :awesome: I did a double major with Gender Studies.


At the moment, working a dull insurance job and was doing a postgrad thing at Victoria part time in Public Policy last semester hoping to get into a graduate analyst job eventually. Done half the certificate but its quite expensive and all the fees at increasing at Vic next year. Ideally, would be nice to do the Masters (easiest Masters ever apparently!) but I'd rather find an employer who'd pay for it (ie. my economics paper, there were a bunch of ministry of economic development staff who were made to do it and were incredibly annoying).

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Yeah my friend who did a politics-economics conjoint likes the political economy stuff. It makes sense if you're good at both of those, but it goes over my head.


I like international relations and foreign policy, but I get annoyed at the focus on theoretical perspectives in that stuff - constructivism, realism, neorealism, liberalism, neoliberalism...ugh.

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Yeah my friend who did a politics-economics conjoint likes the political economy stuff. It makes sense if you're good at both of those, but it goes over my head.


I like international relations and foreign policy, but I get annoyed at the focus on theoretical perspectives in that stuff - constructivism, realism, neorealism, liberalism, neoliberalism...ugh.

Even though I passed my Economic public policy paper...I still don't get any of it. I don't know how anyone can enjoy Economics.


Political philosophy is one thing I avoided like the plague at University.

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Awesome! Good luck with that! So you are now in Wellington?

Nope, still in Christchurch. It's a post experience course taught in modules, so I would go to Wellington every six weeks for a 8 hour lecture for each paper. It was a good way to do it. I had class Wednesday and Friday so I'd have 5 days up there normally and stay with Oren's dad. My work wouldn't let me have leave for my law paper this semester so I dropped it...looked hardcore from the course reader anyway but would've been interesting as it was taken by Geoffery Palmer's son. Was quite awkward on Tuesdays as well, would've been flying up the Monday, back the Tuesday night if I had taken it.

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I hear there was chaos at TVNZ tonight. They were going to show a movie tonight about a kid that gets abducted. They had an ad for it during the news, people complained that it was a tad inappropriate, and they decided to change the movie to Marie Antoinette.

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Oh dear.


Winston Peters called Asian immigration a tsunami in his speech this week. Not a good choice of words there.

Although you wouldn't expect any more of him. Half the people in the room he spoke to will probably be dead by the next election.

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You've done well.


Did you attire yourself suitably for the expedition, like John has here?



Oh my.......:eek:


Howdy all! How are we?

I was meant to go horse riding with the girls but the weather was poo so went climbing and watched three movies instead.


And two were just brilliant!

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What movies were they?


I'm exhausted - I did more than 4000 words of one of my essays at uni this afternoon. I was going flat out all afternoon in case that girl came online, so I would have done enough to justify stopping and inviting her for a drink. :LOL: Lame.

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Woah, I hadn't yet heard about the smashing part :LOL:


They want the water for potentially turning it into fuel and stuff so the spaceships might be able to go further. I want to see the movie Moon, where the guy living on the moon starts going crazy or weird stuff starts happening. It was only played in the cinemas for a couple days during the film festival and not at good times.


Anyway, what a storm last night. The wind shook the house more than the earthquake. My flatmate stayed home so we ended up watching movies and having some drinks.


It's going to be released in the normal cinemas soon though I think :happy: It looks really good.


I've been playing that all day too! Even though I should have been essaying.. I got stuck with nine inch nails and gave up after 4 or 5 goes..


Its so much fun! I failed at drums though, vocals was my weapon of choice. Did Creep by Radiohead, lol.


What movies were they?


I'm exhausted - I did more than 4000 words of one of my essays at uni this afternoon. I was going flat out all afternoon in case that girl came online, so I would have done enough to justify stopping and inviting her for a drink. :LOL: Lame.


:LOL: aw that's nice. I like that you're taking a chance!


I watched Mamma Mia earlier :LOL: I really like musicals, but fuck me sideways was this one hard out :stunned: Everyone overacts to the point of being painful. It's like too many big personalities and wide eyes at once. But the music was great :happy:


My computer just completely froze up before for no reason and I had to turn it off and then on again :stunned: Hope that doesn't happen again, it's probably not a sign of good things.

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What movies were they?


I'm exhausted - I did more than 4000 words of one of my essays at uni this afternoon. I was going flat out all afternoon in case that girl came online, so I would have done enough to justify stopping and inviting her for a drink. :LOL: Lame.


Woah that IS hardcore! Good on you though! Did she come online? You have to ask her out since you gave me the same advice! :p


We watched,' Nick and Norahs infinite playlist' which was really cute and witty and fun, and gross and I really enjoyed it. I love Michael Cera, he is the man! I want a guy like him, awesome awkward geek type :)


Second was 'Let the Right One In' a subtitled (unexpected) Swedish vampiresque-horror-romance.

I don't usually do very well with subtitles, but this was outstanding. The dialogue was minimal and the storyline very compelling, it really got me and I would totally recommend it!


The other was 'Solstice' a stereotypical college thriller type thing that was good for some mindless entertainment after the heavy thinking one we watched before!

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Its so much fun! I failed at drums though, vocals was my weapon of choice. Did Creep by Radiohead, lol.




:LOL: aw that's nice. I like that you're taking a chance!


I watched Mamma Mia earlier :LOL: I really like musicals, but fuck me sideways was this one hard out :stunned: Everyone overacts to the point of being painful. It's like too many big personalities and wide eyes at once. But the music was great :happy:


My computer just completely froze up before for no reason and I had to turn it off and then on again :stunned: Hope that doesn't happen again, it's probably not a sign of good things.



Hahha I can get 100% expert vocals on that song, not sure why, can't sing to save myself but can somehow trick the rock band.

Drums are too hard! Bass is where I rock out!


Gulp, hope the comp is ok!

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Woah that IS hardcore! Good on you though! Did she come online? You have to ask her out since you gave me the same advice! :p

I set myself up for that. And nah, she didn't. But at least I'm way ahead of where I thought I'd be on my essays. :happy:


Second was 'Let the Right One In' a subtitled (unexpected) Swedish vampiresque-horror-romance.

I don't usually do very well with subtitles, but this was outstanding. The dialogue was minimal and the storyline very compelling, it really got me and I would totally recommend it!

That's the only one of those three I'd heard anything about, and I'd heard it was really good. Have to see it now.

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I set myself up for that. And nah, she didn't. But at least I'm way ahead of where I thought I'd be on my essays. :happy:



That's the only one of those three I'd heard anything about, and I'd heard it was really good. Have to see it now.


It really was that good! And I normally switch off with subtitles. It's one of those ones I will think about for a while.


Yes, yes you did set yourself up for that, but that's GOOD! You can dooo itttt! :)



And awesome about the essay!

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