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Sad to hear about the accident. :(


There was a fatal shooting in Warkworth this morning - the day my sister and her husband moved up there. :erm:


Shit was it fatal? It was the brother of a guy who works with my brother's girlfriend, she was telling us about it at dinner.


Strawberry Fare - think I will have duck there again!


My sister was telling me how they went out to have a look and that they were cutting the driver out and they thought he was dead too but then he started moving. I think it's bad enough seeing the cars after people have been cut out of them, let alone seeing it happen! Really does scare me the idea of getting stuck in a car after an accident.


Edit: Where is Warkworth anyway?


Man that's just hideous.


Yum duck!

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Shit was it fatal? It was the brother of a guy who works with my brother's girlfriend, she was telling us about it at dinner.

Yeah, sounds like she died while he was taking her to hospital. Really sad, and it sounds like it wasn't intentional, but why was a gun involved at all?

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i really don't understand guns. one of my ex flatmates wanted to keep guns in our old flat and i was quite uncomfortable about it. i was cooking steak loudly in the kitchen when the police officer came to interview him for his firearm licence and thankfully moved out not long after.


read a horrible story about a woman being raped and shot in the face by a cop and throwing her body in a ditch. she managed to crawl out and get help.

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Oh it was Brazil. Bullet went through her cheek.


Saw a report on a trial in Christchurch where a soldier stabbed his bunkmate down in Tekapo because he was curious to what it would feel like to kill someone.


I agree with Rich on this one, how the hell do they get into the army and stuff in the first place? I thought they had to pass psych tests.


Though I suppose there are a lot of scary people out there who can pass those kind of things.



It's not looking good for Carols in the garden!

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Yay for no sunburn, lame about the assignment! Good luck and keep going! And then drinks ON when you hand it in!:D


Yay! It's done and sent in! Time for a refreshing drink :D


It was my Dad's birthday today so we had the big family dinner, with a couple of family friends around as well, and my Mum did a pass the parcel.:facepalm:

It was actually really fun, because it was so unexpected, and had fun $2 shop prizes in it. Haha I got a fake finger that when you stick it on your finger the end lights up like ET's finger!! So I spent the night pointing it at everyone doing my best (bad) Et impression! It was a fun night, and then my brother's girlfriend just gave me an hour long massage.... bliss!!


Haha, that sounds so awesome! :D

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Woaaaah, that was amazing! Man I wish I could dance! They were beautiful!


I wish I could dance :LOL:


Saw a report on a trial in Christchurch where a soldier stabbed his bunkmate down in Tekapo because he was curious to what it would feel like to kill someone.




How's everyone's night going? I was meant to go to a Che Fu concert but I didn't want to. I'd rather watch Love In The Time Of Cholera :yesey:

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Yay! It's done and sent in! Time for a refreshing drink :D




Haha, that sounds so awesome! :D



Yay! Well done!




I wish I could dance :LOL:






How's everyone's night going? I was meant to go to a Che Fu concert but I didn't want to. I'd rather watch Love In The Time Of Cholera :yesey:


Same! I hate when people say "I can't dance" and then rip up the dance floor.... I can't dance, sometimes I can actually get the rythym, but most times I just fail.


I can see why you wouldn't want to go to a Che Fu concert!!

I just got back from singing carols in the garden, it was fun, I shimmied with a tambourine. There were no cabasas.

It was fun, the whole garden was full of lights and dancing santas and blow up snow men!

And fireworks!


*peeks inside*



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Same! I hate when people say "I can't dance" and then rip up the dance floor.... I can't dance, sometimes I can actually get the rythym, but most times I just fail.


I can see why you wouldn't want to go to a Che Fu concert!!

I just got back from singing carols in the garden, it was fun, I shimmied with a tambourine. There were no cabasas.

It was fun, the whole garden was full of lights and dancing santas and blow up snow men!

And fireworks!

:LOL: I knoooooow. Whereas I really, seriously can't dance.


It's not the che funess, it's the meness :chuckle:


That sounds awesome! Glad you had fun :D

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I'd call it entertainment :awesome:

Went to a party last night, slept at my sister's flat, went to a bakery wearing the clothes I slept it. Yeah, that's how I roll :cool::LOL: About to go out again! Toodleoooooo!



Hahah, hardcore!!!


Haha, pun.


I've quarantined myself in the loner room at work. How's everyone's Sunday going?


The loner room???


Mine's going ok, just chilling and trying to get motivated to actually do something!

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Sounds like the way a Sunday should be!


And yeah, it's a little windowless room not much bigger than a closet. They use it to do a typing test for job applicants and for training. I don't want to share this cold, so it's the place for me! Have to move soon to do the news though.

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