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Three dead in a shooting in Auckland?! :stunned:


Edit: Still nothing about it on any reliable news sources, so... I should have learnt by now not to believe everything I see on Facebook/Twitter.

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Had a weird surprise tonight - turns out an old primary school friend of mine is the guitarist/banjoist in a band I really like! I had no idea. I was quite taken aback when he strolled on to the stage.

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Had a weird surprise tonight - turns out an old primary school friend of mine is the guitarist/banjoist in a band I really like! I had no idea. I was quite taken aback when he strolled on to the stage.


Is that Avalanche City then?

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Belated happy birthday to Lenny!


It was a bit nasty. I'll spare you the gory details! I'll leave it up to you to decide whether I'm talking about the bladder injury or the nose-picking incident.


Anyway, how are you, Michelle?


Ooh, I don't mind a bit of gory details. I don't have much involvement with physiology these days :p


I've been in a bit of a bad mood the last 3 weeks from a ghastly pain around my lower calf muscle. It was really bad for the first 2 weeks and I spent several hours at the emergency clinic only to find out what it's not, as I went because there was no obvious cause so thought it could be a blood clot or something. Got as far as the ultrasound but it was clean. It's not so bad now though. Can't drive much though because that makes it sore again :mad:


The Food Show in the weekend cheered me up though. So much yummy food!! :D


Also this:




Woah, that is cool.


I finally asked! So how did it go, you ask? Well, I don't actually know.


I asked "next week or something", which messed things up a bit. Turns out she's going away next week. So I backed way off and said "maybe some other time", and she said "yeah maybe".


So not a resounding success.


If she said the "yeah maybe" in a high-ish girly voice, that's definately a yes.




:stunned: That child is going to be nicknamed either bing or ham. Is there a poll on that yet?


Thread renamed! :eek: The horror! The injustice!




Quiet in here!


I got the full-time position I applied for here at work. :happy:



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Sorry to hear about the calf pain! Sounds awful. I hope it clears up completely soon.


I saw something so weird today - a car park dispute that got way out of hand and the police ended up getting involved! It was all because some woman was trying to save the park for someone. You can't bloody save a park.

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I had to log in to message the mod to change the title. Can't believe how much it fucking irritates me that it's "New Zealander". Doesn't even make sense. Do we say New Zealander lollies? No. :mad:


Nice to see you all briefly! Thanks for the ho card Richard!

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Sorry to hear about the calf pain! Sounds awful. I hope it clears up completely soon.


Thanks! Hope it heals quick too, I'm doing light walking and it seems to help. Don't know how long I should wait though before going hiking again.


I saw something so weird today - a car park dispute that got way out of hand and the police ended up getting involved! It was all because some woman was trying to save the park for someone. You can't bloody save a park.


Haha, some people huh :rolleyes:


Happy birthday, Michelle! :D


Thanks! I made yummy strawberry cup cakes instead of a big cake.


I had to log in to message the mod to change the title. Can't believe how much it fucking irritates me that it's "New Zealander". Doesn't even make sense. Do we say New Zealander lollies? No. :mad:


Yeah and we are more likely to say kiwi lollies (or moa here).

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Our new landlord is already being annoying. He kept changing the initial tenancy agreement, and txting me to put bins out, move my car, etc. We're at the back of a show home so he can do that, but its annoying. Now he says he wants rent even though we paid 2 weeks advance- he's saying we didn't. We have a tenancy agreement but he of course neglected to write the initial amount on it. We don't want to be cheated out of 250 bucks!

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"It is the second time he has crashed the F1, after damaging the front in a minor collision in Forton, Lancs, in 1999."


Ha, from this statement I thought he might need some advanced driving lessons for such high power cars but after this..




He can drive pretty well! :LOL: at his expressions while driving.

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One of the best parts about editing other people's captions at work is when they mishear things and have written something hilarious.


One of the best ones ever happened tonight. The actual line was "how objects are attracted to each other", and she'd put "how, um, chicks are attracted to each other". :LOL: It did sound a bit like that, to be fair.

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I made a legendary mistake at work today. I had copied and pasted the full script for a story from the database on to our file a few minutes before having to caption a live interview.


Somehow, in the course of typing those live captions, I managed to hit both Ctrl and V at the same time - paste. So 70 captions' worth of a completely different story suddenly appeared in the middle of this live discussion about the weather.


What made this truly awesome was the first caption of the story:


"Do you wanna see some rats?!"



I'm still cracking up about it three hours later.

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