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Well yeah, there's the whole getting fired thing :chuckle: I haven't watched the show, because I missed the first episode and then didn't watch anything else. I could go through them all on TVNZ on Demand, but that'd take up a lot of bandwith that's not mine to waste.


How early do you caption a program? Just the week before it's aired?

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How early do you caption a program? Just the week before it's aired?

We normally get them a couple of days in advance, but This Is Your Life arrived less than two hours before it went to air. PRESSURE! It's scary when you're still working on something that's already started.


Just reading today's paper, and I saw possibly my favourite defence of Paul Henry so far. Apparently his comments about Sir Anand were not racist, because his use of the word 'New Zealander' implies the inclusion of Maori.


a) That seems a big step. I wouldn't be so sure that he had considered that at all.

b) So because he's not prejudiced against Maori, that somehow means he's also not prejudiced against people of Indian descent? Because all dark-skinned people are the same? :unsure:


I don't know where they get some of these columnists.

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We normally get them a couple of days in advance, but This Is Your Life arrived less than two hours before it went to air. PRESSURE! It's scary when you're still working on something that's already started.


Just reading today's paper, and I saw possibly my favourite defence of Paul Henry so far. Apparently his comments about Sir Anand were not racist, because his use of the word 'New Zealander' implies the inclusion of Maori.


a) That seems a big step. I wouldn't be so sure that he had considered that at all.

b) So because he's not prejudiced against Maori, that somehow means he's also not prejudiced against people of Indian descent? Because all dark-skinned people are the same? :unsure:


I don't know where they get some of these columnists.

:eek: Two hours of insanely fast typing it would seem. Did they get a few of you to work on it, or was it just you?


I want to strangle whoever first said "He just says what we're all thinking".

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I want to strangle whoever first said "He just says what we're all thinking".
Wasn't it the TVNZ spokesperson? She should have been. And then fired. Ftw.


I hope Paul Henry's career never recovers. Like Paul Holmes, except Paul Henry was daytime tv to begin with, and I don't know how much lower you can go after that...


Anyway. How're things with you guys?

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I laughed at how it's somehow a news story that "95%" of comments TVNZ are receiving are complaining that Paul Henry's gone.


Who goes to the trouble of commenting when a company does something you agree with? I'm happy he's gone, but there's no need for me to say, "Hey, great job, TVNZ!"

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To be fair, I'm not fussed on this whole Paul Henry thing. :p people are going on faaaaaar too much about it. Well, the ones who are all, "WHY IS HE GETTING FIRED OMG END OF WORLD" kind of thing. I bet 90% of the people complaining he's gone never even watched the morning show :LOL: I don't even know the name of the morning show!

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Yeah, that was disgraceful. She offered her resignation, but for some reason it wasn't accepted. Definitely should have been.


I'm pretty good thanks. :) How are you?

Yeah, I saw in the paper. Pfft.


I'm pretty good :) feeling a bit under the weather, but only fractionally. It's just a random seasonal thing I think.


One of the guys on The Rock breakfast show has a theory that Paul Henry did this to get out of his contract. If he gets another job, the theory would seem to be a possibility.
That really does sound really sadly plausible.


I don't even know the name of the morning show!
BREAKFAST! I think. Possibly Good Morning, but I think that's the one that comes on at 9am.





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I care most that he's possibly too egotistical not to be pleased at "having caused a diplomatic incident". All by his racist dwarf self.

Everyone at school today was saying "How could you not laugh at Dikshit?" and I said "well, noone else on the show was, it's called professionalism and consideration of others".

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