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You know what else is daft? The little notification that pops up on the computers at work when you plug in your headphones - "you just plugged a device into the audio jack!"


Why is it necessary to be notified? In what situation could someone do this without being aware that they have done so?


The exclamation mark is what I really hate. It's like it's surprised or annoyed. "What the fuck did you do that for?!"

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Makes sense. Wouldn't want to encourage students to attain high levels of qualification, or anything. That's just daft.


That's probably me. Fail.


You guys need to get me up to date on Politics, I'm eligible to vote next time :eek:

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What? :eek:


Edit: Fffffffff they want to raise fees too? And new permanent residents will have to have lived here for 2 years before being able to take out a loan? Fuck off National.

Australia does the same to us don't they? I know they did the standdown on benefits for kiwis in Australia before we did it the other way around.


And Angus, voting anyone but National or Act is the way to go. Most places the electorate vote doesn't matter because there's people who are going to either die in that seat or crash into a tree drunk, cry on the front page of the paper and be shamed out of the seat.

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Most places the electorate vote doesn't matter because there's people who are going to either die in that seat or crash into a tree drunk, cry on the front page of the paper and be shamed out of the seat.

Some of us aren't so lucky. :indiff: Jonathan Fucking Coleman.

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So the Government's going to legislate to remove the claim of right after it was used successfully by those guys who sabotaged the domes at Waihopai spy base.


Another case of the Government changing the law after a case goes against them. :noey: It's despicable. DESPICABLE!

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Australia does the same to us don't they? I know they did the standdown on benefits for kiwis in Australia before we did it the other way around.


And Angus, voting anyone but National or Act is the way to go. Most places the electorate vote doesn't matter because there's people who are going to either die in that seat or crash into a tree drunk, cry on the front page of the paper and be shamed out of the seat.


What a dick move.


Fucking National. Why did people vote them. John Key can GTFO. I want Aunty Helen back.

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How did I miss in the budget that National are limiting student loans?!


Universities are all capping their numbers now, they don't need to give out as many loans, so why on earth would they limit student loans?! There is no logic in that. If there are less people going to uni, there are going to be less loans, duh...


And new permanent residents will have to have lived here for 2 years before being able to take out a loan? Fuck off National.


Only positive I can see in that is that it might stop all the international students that abuse our system because we have relatively cheap university compared to other countries, but other than that, that's downright unfair for most people who move here from overseas to start a new life or whatever...



Oh dear :LOL:

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I'm enrolled in Wigram now, went from Gerry Brownlee to Jim Anderton.

Big improvement! Although if Jim wins the mayoral election, you won't be able to vote for him in Wigram next time. :( Some random with questionable credentials will probably take over.


Chris Comeskey sure is having a huge fall from grace isn't he?

That he is. What goes around Comesky around...best I could do.

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I just had a comical misunderstanding. I was reading an article on Cricinfo that said "live audiences are dropping like a skier being chased by RP Singh", and I assumed this meant that Indian cricketer RP Singh had become some sort of alpine predator. Instead, it was a reference to a ball hit high up into the sky. That's comparatively boring. :(

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I just had a comical misunderstanding. I was reading an article on Cricinfo that said "live audiences are dropping like a skier being chased by RP Singh", and I assumed this meant that Indian cricketer RP Singh had become some sort of alpine predator. Instead, it was a reference to a ball hit high up into the sky. That's comparatively boring. :(

Silly cricket similies.

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