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Maybe they refer to them by their surnames like in detective movies.


Like... like "O'Malley" and... "O'Brien"


All good policemen have Oirish surnames. Obviously.


Some pics from Them Crooked Vultures last night
Awesome pics! I'm most impressed with the quality.


hai guise


i have stopped visiting the australian thread completely lately as it feels a bit like banging ones head against a brick wall.

Ooh dear :s


That sucks! I got rained on on Thursday out of a clear sky. So not fair.
I got rained on today!


But I was on the roof of the garage on an overcast day, so it wasn't so shocking...





My day was as bland yet nasty as charlie bucket's cabbage soup, unfortunately.

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I just misheard something on TV, and it was really quite fucking disgusting!


The ad said "with United Travel, explore your love of Europe". Of course, that's more likely than what I thought it said. But in my defence, it really bloody sounded like urine.

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Wow, Salient actually did something right.


I was reading the page on 'Butt Monkey' just the other day! :LOL:


I just misheard something on TV, and it was really quite fucking disgusting!


The ad said "with United Travel, explore your love of Europe". Of course, that's more likely than what I thought it said. But in my defence, it really bloody sounded like urine.



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Wow, Salient actually did something right.


I was reading the page on 'Butt Monkey' just the other day! :LOL:

That would be because Uther wrote it :chuckle:


I haven't read that one yet... I undoubtedly will.




My day's soooooo boring. Just housework which is fail and which I intend to put off til about 5pm :awesome:

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Sweet, my bag of Muse goodies arrived today :D



I was hoping for a quiet shift at work, but that didn't happen. We were doing a Close Up interview, and two people do those, but my workmate's computer crashed. :facepalm: I needed to be superhuman for the rest of the interview...and wasn't.

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