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Türkiye Musers Thread


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..marginal...yani ghettolarda yasayan ve hic "weiterentwickeln" yapmayan türkler?

Biraz...ama yasanabilir..ama bunun Muse ile alakasi ne olabilir? :rolleyes:

ya senin orada?


Hey Musetr...lütfen agzimizi bozmayalim..yani...

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ahh...simdi anladim..bazen aklim hemen tank etmiyor..evet alternative var, ama cok degil..daha cok türkler bildigin gibi R&B ve Arabeski tercih ediyorlar..

Benim arkadaslardan bir tanesi mesela electronic music den hoshlaniyor ve shimdi bir label de calishiyor adi sweet`n`low...ama halt eher alternative...

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my excuses for interrupting your discussion with my english remark,

but could anyone of you translate/explain the meanings of following words from your language:




than the one that would look in English like bashka , which i suspect to equal to the one with s with kinda tail = sh (excuse me for my clumsy description)


and then another one which is spelled in English


or something like that




off scoffer you are right. sorry to talk turkhish. yok means sometimes no ,sometimes we don't have ,or there isn't.

you said bashka it's a wrong word; spelling wrong in fact that's başka and it means an other or other.

and lastly amajak ı dont't know any word like this in turkhish maybe it can be a spelling wrong too. :)


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chicago'dan selamlar genclik...


yeni album burada 4 gozle beklenior efenm


/// en son absolution ciktiginda, genctik / guzeldik / mutluyduk / temizdik /// artikin yeni album gurbet ellerde, amma yine nice muabbetlere $arho$luklara meze... //// hoooppaaaaa


ayh siki $acmaladm ayak ustu



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