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2015.12.01 - Toyota Center, Houston, TX, USA

halo eighteen

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Will call tickets were not ready on 9.30 am, I just wasted time driving there and back. Called them later, they put me on hold for an hour with no response. Called back again and 've been waiting for 35 minutes already.... still on hold.


They are absolute idiots. Took me 30 minutes to pick mine up.


However, you can pick them up from the box office now. Mine are with me. ;)

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Will post some thoughts in a bit. It was the best Muse show I've seen, solely based off the set list and visuals. But I love the visual shows.


Bellamy's vocals weren't too hot, didn't even bother with the Bliss falsetto. Tons of technical difficulties. But show still rocked.

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6th Muse show. Honestly don't listen much anymore at all (this is my first time logging in in i dont know how long) but I found a cheap ticket earlier today and had a rude so I said screw it and went.


Best Muse show I've seen. It was killer. Holy shit. Great setlist (finally got to hear bliss ahhhhhhh) and the visuals and stage setup was freaking awesome. This band has nailed the arena rock show down


Oh man so good.

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6th Muse show. Honestly don't listen much anymore at all (this is my first time logging in in i dont know how long) but I found a cheap ticket earlier today and had a rude so I said screw it and went.


Best Muse show I've seen. It was killer. Holy shit. Great setlist (finally got to hear bliss ahhhhhhh) and the visuals and stage setup was freaking awesome. This band has nailed the arena rock show down


Oh man so good.


Exactly how I felt. They've got the arena rock thing absolutely down. The set rocked, visuals were top notch, the band sounded good.

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Queue was far more people than I expected. Funny to see some of the same people I saw back in 2010 still in line. Overall, I like how the Toyota Center handles GA and the lines. It was great to see them respect the number system and only open one door. However, the VIP thing is absolute bullshit. They let them in at 5:30 so they all ended up getting around the circle...especially when on the website it says that it guarantees you seats. But, whatever; I ended up about 2 people over from the circle when I got inside.


The stage is kinda shit, even though the overall show is the best Muse has put on. With the arms, it's just super uncomfortable to be on the wings. You have to crane your neck or just turn towards the stage to see and then it's like being 5 rows back. Really was not a fan of the stage in that regard. Also, I heard that Bellamy goes into the crowd by a ladder, so I kind of positioned there, but he never went down. So that kind of sucked. The GA floor is incredibly small (the Toyota Center is kind of a shitty small arena anyway) and most of the people pile to one side of the stage...which leaves it pretty easy to get barrier on the other side. However, you end up with a bunch of people who showed up late at the front who are super chill and don't move at all. Will discuss later.


Phantogram was really good, I like them. The stage doesn't rotate for them though, so I kind of ended up staring at the drummer's back the entire set. In addition, the crowd was super empty during their performance because everything is so spread out. Really ruined the vibe. Last time I saw Muse in Houston they were super late coming on, so it was nice to see Muse go on right at 8:40. When Muse came on, they had guys who looked like peacekeepers from Hunger Games come into the barrier and shine lights at people; kinda cheesy but cool nonetheless, with Take the Power Back playing over house. Lights dropped, Drones started, and the drones flew around. I don't know if the Mexico ones were completely free floating, but these were. They were transparent and had lights that shined on the audience. Drones with the flying coordinated drones was actually really eerie and freaking cool.


Crowd was great actually, I was expecting to be disappointed but the floor filled up to the barrier and the lower bowl mostly filled up, with the five upper deck sections open also filled. However...it looks bad because the top five rows in the ends of the stadium will probably be empty in every arena that isn't NY or LA. It's not because ticket sales were bad, I don't think the crowd is any different than T2L or TR. I think it's because in the past the stage took up about 1/3rd of the seats. Now that the entire arena is exposed, there are more seats. But when Matt goes to the wing and plays, it is super weird to see him playing to empty rows. The crowd was fine though. Continuing off of that, people were incredibly chill. I HATE CELL PHONES AT CONCERTS. It was just a bunch of 20-30 year olds standing around blankly. I had SO MUCH space. There was never any stage push or anything. It was stupidly chill. It's the damn stage, it kills the vibe of the crowd with the diehards at the front. The crowd really only got going for Bliss and Knights.


Maybe this is beating a dead horse, but holy hell, we need more Origin tracks. When Muse busted out Bliss, it was easily the highlight of the show and people were into it the most. They can't even use the excuse "Oh, USA only likes the pop songs" because the two that people dug most were Bliss and Knights. However, the set was fine. Hysteria was sweet, Reapers rocks, Defector...it was great. I finally heard Bliss live. However, no falsetto...and his voice seemed off. When Muse does the riffs and stuff, once again, nobody headbanged or moved, it was super weak. Never even saw the devil horns. The guy behind me and I kind of moshed during Knights, but that was it. Also, Revolt is terrible live. Sounds super slow. UD/Madness/Revolt is miserable. There isn't really any playback besides Drones though, mostly everything is played live. So it's not really fair to call IS or whatever not actual songs. The show was about 1 hour and 50 minutes which is what I expect for an arena show. Lack of a real encore sucks, they went right into The Globalist and kind of did an encore for Mercy, but not really. Mercy kicks ass live, the streamers were insane; I had drone confetti everywhere. Mercy live is what Starlight needs to be. Starlight is one of my favorite Muse songs but is TERRIBLE live. Matt lets everyone sing it and there's pretty much no guitar anymore...just sucks. Needs to go.


As far as the show aspect, the drones were incredible. The show really does kind of tell a tale, and I dig that. The lights were cool, but the lack of lasers sucked. The screens are super cool, reminded me of NIN. The visuals for The Handler were especially awesome. And The Globalist. They had a bunch of technical difficulties, they ended up holding the screens off of the band members, guitars and bass kept malfunctioning, two drones stopped working, and then only one came out during Uprising so they quit. The Globalist is easily the highlight of the show. Overall, the show just comes off as theatrical and eerie. Muse really nails the arena show nowadays, and I don't really care about the people bitching it's too theatrical, because I could spend $20 to see Muse play just 17 songs in a theater; but for $75 I want a pure show...and Muse is simply the BEST in this category.


Despite the numerous audio issues, the performance was tight and spot on. Matt sounded OK, skipped the Bliss falsetto...overall though the band sounded great. He was super energetic...I just wish he would show some rowdiness, I would've loved to see him show some anger when the guitar didn't work. I didn't even have a problem with the no guitar, exception of Starlight; since he played (or tried) the solo. Guitar stand was stupid though.


Easily the best Muse show I've seen.

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ninsp: don't like quoting such a large block of text; otherwise i would've.


more mishaps, some already mentioned previously, others not:


we basically got a mid-show sound check before - well, ahem, during uprising -- with matt stopping the song twice a few bars in due to lack of bass. i think it was a mixture of the bass level not being stable (which matt mentioned)...in addition to the fact that everyone's in-ear monitors were fucking up all night. it seemed like matt was suffering from "no bass" in his ear, as well.


dom's in-ears were so bad during IS such that he just gave up drumming. he tried and tried and tried...and then just said fuck it, complete with a look of total resignation on his face.


on bliss, they were not on the same page for a few bars. it's like they forgot how to play bliss extended...


to address another issue already mentioned, with a twist: having dead inside, UD, and madness -- coupled with revolt and starlight...all in the same set...meh. that needs to be re-evaluated promptly.


i am also not buying the drones (reprise) bit...at all. it's never good when you hear people all around you say, to the effect, 'we've already heard this shit before!' i agree -- one issuance of drones is enough.


look, after attending an ungodly number of shows over here in States, the fact of the matter is that the crowd a.) simply is never "as into it" as they are across the pond, and b.) for whatever reason, even the level of engagement of the floor crowd has diminished over the years with each successive album release / tour.

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b.) for whatever reason, even the level of engagement of the floor crowd has diminished over the years with each successive album release / tour.


Agreed, but I thought there was a decent floor for T2L. I think the stage had something to do with this one, honest.

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Can you post a pic of the poster?


i haven't opened it yet. once i get around to it...:)


also, keep in mind that there will be a number of different posters issued throughout the tour. so, it will be potluck as to which poster is issued at any given city.


...much like the way the artwork was parceled out in the deluxe "box" sets for drones.

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i haven't opened it yet. once i get around to it...:)


also, keep in mind that there will be a number of different posters issued throughout the tour. so, it will be potluck as to which poster is issued at any given city.


...much like the way the artwork was parceled out in the deluxe "box" sets for drones.


Oh I know, just like to see :)

That and most of the artists sell their own copies so I can still get one if its an awesome poster.

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I posted the link to my Tumblr post in this as well...

My ONLY BUMMER is that I was so sore from jumping/moshing and headbanging, dizzy from not eating well, and tired that I knew I couldn't last if I tried to stand in line to buy a shirt, I wanted this one:



Anyway... I'm a bit bummed about it, it does have the date on it, so I'm hoping I can score one elsewhere. I love the design!

If you have one and are willing to trade with me some custom chainmaille or something, PM me and I'll get with you. We're on a super tight budget and barely have money for Christmas for our daughter...


Anyway. This is only my second Muse concert, and my 3rd "big" concert in my life. I know, it's pretty lame. I got free lawn seats to Kiss as a kid, and then chose to go to Muse and my parents wouldn't let me. I know for sure I had the money as a teen to go to the two concerts that happened, and they wouldn't let me.


In terms of the music.. yes, there were technical difficulties. And apparently Dallas got the even worse end of the stick due to issues transporting the stage and such. I hope everyone involved is all right, that stage set up looks intense!


They did a good job honoring the number system (That was my first time in GA queue!! JD bought VIP tix for us for T2L and they were ok, but I thought they were really costly for what we got).

Despite the things that went wrong, there were a JILLION things that went right.


In reference to those talking about the cell phones.. I was trying to use mine, and then realized that in doing so, I wasn't in the "moment" that I had been dying to be in. So I handed it to my husband, and told him to do as he wished, but I was going to focus on the show. He did record some video (filled up my tiny memory) and some photos. Which I'm super grateful for!

I am debating spending the time uploading the videos.. there was a REALLY ANNOYING girl on the other side of my husband singing at the top of her lungs and she was off-key, loud, and sounds HORRID on the video and recordings he took. I didn't hear her at all during the show, but he got a front row seat to her annoying voice. Poor husband! :LOL:


I got a drumstick. The rude singing girl tried to snatch it from Larry, the security guard from Toyota center, when he picked it up for me. My husband and Larry kept a death grip on it until I got my hand on it. It literally brushed my middle finger on my left hand and fell to the floor. Dom SMILED right at me when he tossed the two sticks at the same time, and then turned to toss the others on the other side. I have to admit, I kinda melted. Even though I'm a "Wolstenbeast" fan.


That said, those complaining about the stage weren't where I was!!



Chris spent several songs in front of me. I nearly passed out from excitement when they brought the setlist, taped it down DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ME, and then brought out a Mic. I was so excited!!!

I have to admit, when Bliss played, I instantly started crying. Happy tears, of course! I have been waiting to hear that song live for 11 years, and even if Matt skipped singing falsetto, it was still beautiful and still heartwrenching for me. I am so, so, so blown away by this concert. I could barely walk out after it, seeing as I moshed with an old leg injury (muscle/tendon damage and a torn meniscus in my knee.. non weight bearing, calm down! ;)) and I had not eaten very well because the little bit of money I had was SUPPOSED to go to a shirt, but we couldn't stand in line any longer, as I barely could get up the steps to exit the floor. I'm not even sure how I did not fall, other than the barrier.


My post on tumblr outlines some of the stuff that we saw and has a few more photos. Realized my husband got two excellent photos of Dom with my phone.. yay! And a great video of The Handler with Chris right in front of us *melts*


anyway.. there is my two cents. Amazing show!

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