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Is everything I own ugly?


I would expect so.




Nice, how does it play?


I'd love one of those, but most of the ones I've found are pretty much impossible to play (unless you want to play slide)


It isnt the easiest guitar to play at all, and for a while I did only play slide on it because it has quite a small neck and rather high action, but it doesnt actually play half as badly as you would think looking at it. I mean I wouldnt want to play classical music on it, but because I only really use it for a specific type of sound, it does the job perfectly. Having said that, this is actually the very first guitar I owned, and I actually learned to play on this thing :LOL:


I might put up a sound clip later on if youre interested?

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I would expect so.




It isnt the easiest guitar to play at all, and for a while I did only play slide on it because it has quite a small neck and rather high action, but it doesnt actually play half as badly as you would think looking at it. I mean I wouldnt want to play classical music on it, but because I only really use it for a specific type of sound, it does the job perfectly. Having said that, this is actually the very first guitar I owned, and I actually learned to play on this thing :LOL:


I might put up a sound clip later on if youre interested?


Definitely would be interested in hearing that :awesome: Got any fuzz pedals or anything like that to run it through?


I'm sure there are some nice ones out there. the main problem with the ones I've played (not that many) is that the action is way too high (I think this is usually because of several things).


I need to check craigslist a bit more often now...

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Definitely would be interested in hearing that :awesome: Got any fuzz pedals or anything like that to run it through?


I'm sure there are some nice ones out there. the main problem with the ones I've played (not that many) is that the action is way too high (I think this is usually because of several things).


I need to check craigslist a bit more often now...


Yeah I actually recorded a little bit earlier on today through my Little Big Muff that I can upload for you in a bit. It was only a quick recording for the purpose of me remembering bits and pieces for a song I'm writing at the moment, but it gives you an idea, even if it does make me sound bad :LOL:


There are definitely nice ones to be found, but a few of them do need work, particularly on the height of the strings. I always prefer higher action anyway, even when I'm playing in standard tuning and not using a slide, so it doesnt bother me too much.

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Right, heres a few sound clips of the Audition. Both were just done earlier today as a means of me remembering things that will hopefully become songs one day, so they arent the best sound clips you'll ever hear, but they'll do for now. If I get a chance, I'll do a few better ones soon.


This first one is fairly clean, but just on the edge of breaking up.




Ermmm, I'll probably regret posting this second one because it gets really messy, so forgive me. But I use the Big Muff in this one, so I'll post it anyway.




Yes, messy. Can you tell I love early Black Keys stuff? :chuckle:

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Lots of Black Keys. I've actually started using this guitar to write with, because having it in open A makes it really easy to play in the style I'm going for, which is early Black Keys.


Got your eye on any in particular?


Looked at gretsch or italia...




Looked on ebay as well just for generally cheap japanese guitars too

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Cheers, is it vintage enough for you?




Try Teisco, they can be picked up on ebay pretty cheap these days.


I have a feeling thats the one I keep seeing one ebay, seem to be a fair few knocking around every time I look.

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I have a feeling thats the one I keep seeing one ebay, seem to be a fair few knocking around every time I look.


Yeah theyre very very common. Watch out for a few that will need a lot of work, but if you find a nice one then its definitely worth getting hold of.


Since when have The Black Keys been "dirty" Blues?


I'm not going to get into an argument with you, but The Black Keys are dirty blues. The Swamp Rats may well be dirty blues too, I dont know, I've never really listened to them. but yeah, The Black Keys are dirty blues.


And no, I'm not talking about Brothers or El Camino, I'm talking about:



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I've listened to The Sonics, I got quite into that sort of stuff in college but these days I go for stuff more like The Black Keys. Ever so slightly closer to your usual delta blues, but fuzzy and feedbacky enough to give me an erection.


Also check out the Mojomatics.

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