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Irish stalker 'freaks out' Muse frontman

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Guest emzlilachouse
(i reckon this post migth get deleted for rude language so ill try and be discreet) murf27 you're a see you next tuesday. greater plans, purposes etc. shut eff up he's a musician who likes pasta wine, sex and riffs. Youre a knob. and dont you dare reply to this post in any way shape or form!!!



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I imagine it must be damn scary to have a stalker, famous or not. I mean I've got an obsessive personality but I would never dream of trying to follow the every move of the object of my affection or find their house or even kill them as some stalkers sadly do with their targets.


It's OK for (slight) obsessives like us coz we just joke around and make pervy threads, but those people who become really obsessive and thus become stalkers need to get a life. :noey:

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I imagine it must be damn scary to have a stalker, famous or not. I mean I've got an obsessive personality but I would never dream of trying to follow the every move of the object of my affection or find their house or even kill them as some stalkers sadly do with their targets.


It's OK for (slight) obsessives like us coz we just joke around and make pervy threads, but those people who become really obsessive and thus become stalkers need to get a life. :noey:


here here and a girlfriend (or a boyfriend:p) and a sense of common decency

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his wife ? when the hell did they get married ? (I mean Matt and Gaia, not Sting !)


This "article" was written by the same person who derived from Michael Eavis wanting Muse to play Glastonbury that they definitely 100% were going to play Glastonbury (in his words, "Muse to Play Glastonbury").


His very mind is made of fuzzy logic.

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Not all may agree with this, but I've always been one to believe that giving merit to an action allows it to flourish.


The media, especially NME, make habit of waxing hyperbole when it comes to reporting news. I think that this particular situation might dissipate, if the media will agree not to focus too much attention on it.


It's scary enough as it is without agitating someone who's clearly not all there, into doing something unpredictable.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest QueenOfNerds
and the best is that in the Hot Press interview, he said he wasn't as freaked out as everyone made him -- it was Gaia, he wasn't worried about it that much.


gotta love Matt. :LOL:


Poor Gaia, she must have been freaked out, I know I would be:(

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  • 3 weeks later...

An Irish stalker, dressed in military gear, who writes him poems about the apocalypse. WTF? Next the stalker will be covered in tinfoil and trying to pick up alien transmissions on a walkie-talkie.


Scary... Rock stars seem to have lots of stalkers. David Bowie was apparently being stalked by a guy in a bunny costume. Apparently Bowie had seen him at a few concerts, but became alarmed when he got on a plane and the bunny was also on board.

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Guest QueenOfNerds

Is Matt married now!

I need to know cos I will have to modify my sexually charged comments about him:(

Get out the black clothes girls and mourn (black is also slimming).

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