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Everything posted by frozenbanana

  1. Brilliant, brilliant gig. The crowd around me had been fairly sedate until the drums kicked in during Assassin, and then it suddenly got wild af. Just reflects how powerful a song it is... A few things I didn't expect tonight: - Prelude actually works live - Matt's falsettos all sound fine when you're actually there - Resistance - Assassin, after it looked so much like they were about to play Interlude (congrats Jobby ) - Reapers' first choruses don't quite work live - PiB to still be so good, every damn time
  2. I don't know whether this post has any legitimacy or not (it's still a bit early in the morning for me) but I wonder if the setlist picker(?!) realises how important OOS and especially Abso/BH&R are to Muse being an arena and stadium band at present. By 2006 they could easily support the sort of UK tour they are doing now (although am aware they hadn't been such a big hit in the US) on the basis of three rock albums that went down brilliantly live, including the deep cuts. BUT If The Resistance and T2L had been their 3rd and 4th albums, and they were trying to build their way into arenas with songs like UD, Resistance, Supremacy and Madness, I doubt they would have made it so quickly. As has been said on here, even the more casual fans don't really give a shit about those songs live (except maybe for "Oh Madness I know this one"). If you take them out of the gig, it doesn't really lose anything. This might be my most stupid post on here ever and I guess I don't really have a point apart from to say they should play AP, TSP, S4A and Assassin more often, but hey.
  3. Love what this guy does, even if it's not 100% perfect. Listened to this one a fair bit - not such a fan of what he's done with the solo and can't decide if I love or hate the chorus harmonies, but it's certainly interesting. CE now for the gig Munich gig?
  4. Had to laugh out loud at tonight's setlist, the difference between it and night 1 is unreal. Find it very hard to believe the band don't know what they're doing when they do stuff like this
  5. Didn't Emily Eavis say it was 3 brilliant British bands headlining this year? Has to be Radiohead. Plz plz plz.
  6. What the fuck starts to happen to the solo from 2:33 onwards? Am fairly sure it's something that has happened in previous performances with Chris on the guitar and I can't decide whether it's him or Morgan or something else... whatever it is, it sounds absolutely awful EDIT: see 2:44 on this video from Mexico 2013, what the hell [YT] [/YT]
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