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Everything posted by Johi36

  1. Update: I just got an e-Mail with my 4 codes for the Vienna tickets, which I received on Tuesday. I think I have all now. 5 for me, 3 for my friends, one spare one with the ticket I'll probably sell.
  2. I don't know why, but I always pictured him as a bit of a perfectionist (yes, my weird probably-not-reality-based-assumptions again ), so that would surprise me. I just hope that I get to enjoy all my 5 gigs next year. At least they spread out over almost 4 months.
  3. God no, I really was only wondering why you would say you don't really care - it seemed to me you *do* care, that's all. And then I got a little too defensive, yes. I also thought you meant they sound dull in general, not only live. Hey, can I use the fact that English is not my first language as an excuse for misunderstanding things a bit too often here? I never said you should leave the board. I was only wondering. Tbh, I guess all this "Matt is losing his voice" talk makes be a bit anxious. I'd hate to see that that's true, so... But I also am a happy and optimistic person, and negativity does do weird things to me - I guess *I* should be the one leaving, really. Or not. See. Misunderstanding. Good. It wasn't meant like that.
  4. Like I said, maybe it's just my perception. And that post about how dull they sound and that the live videos are sleeping pills - I guess that made me think he really doesn't like them much these days. And with that thought in mind, those posts just feel very negative to me. WHERE did I do that? Seriously, I don't remember. If I did, I probably only made a joke. And anyway, if I don't care about something, I don't post about it. But that's obviously just me.
  5. Really? Where else? I meant, for someone who doesn't care, it seems strange to me that you keep posting about how shit they are. And dull. And so on. If you don't care, why do you love telling us how crap you think they are?
  6. Exactly. I told myself I won't stress too much. Besides, I want to see some places in Paris too, I've never been there before. So queuing up all day would be a shame. I'm there for two gigs - 26. and 27., maybe I'll queue more for the first one, especially cause that seems to be the first Europe gig next year.
  7. Mein Lieblingsnachbar (da er immer Pakete für mich annimmt ) hat anscheinend meine Paris Tickets heute übernommen. D.h. sie sind da und in Sicherheit! Ich glaub ich tu mir da eh mehr an als nötig. Andere Kollegen gehen 3 Wochen am Stück auf Urlaub, da sollte ich mir wegen 3 mal 2-3 Tagen echt keine Sorgen machen.
  8. His answer tweet sounded rather funny to me, of course it was only one word... but seeing how many times it was favourited, he must know people are not trying to be mean about it. And yes, I worry way too much about those things. Mother hen syndrome or something.
  9. I'm wondering the same thing - but I won't queue that long in winter. I'll probably be there one hour before entrance (is it 7:30 pm?).
  10. That thought crossed my mind too. Then again, he knows himself that he keeps messing it up, and he can't seriously believe that no one notices? So he should just rehearse a bit more and bloody play it again.
  11. My tickets for Paris have been shipped yesterday, and I just received a mail with both album codes.
  12. Glad I could help! That's not necessarily true. Some people like to give those codes away... I should have 4 codes just for me that I don't need. I'll probably get one physical copy (I have a digital one since day 1) and the other 3 codes I'll just pass on.
  13. Ich glaub, ich hab mir das weniger wegen des Bildes gedacht, sondern eher, weil in diesem Thread mehr Frauen zu sein scheinen. Wobei ich mir grad nicht sicher bin, wen ich da noch alles falsch einordne. Ja, so ähnlich mache ich es auch, aber bei mir ist das Problem eher, dass ich echt nicht so oft von der Arbeit weg kann - zumindest rede ich mir das ein. Ich habe ja auch mit einem Gig gestartet, jetzt sind es 5, und wenn ich nicht aufpasse, werden es noch mehr...
  14. Oh, tausendmal sorry, ich dachte die ganze Zeit du wärst eine Sie und nicht ein Er, keine Ahnung wieso! Ja, ich dachte schon, dass du gegen meine lausigen 5 Gigs nicht tauschen willst. Ich hab mich nur echt gewundert, wie du das finanziell und zeitlich schaffst.
  15. It depends. For Munich (Ticketmaster.de), I got the code via mail one day after I received the ticket. For Prague (Ticketportal.cz), the code is printed ON the e-ticket. Vienna (Ticketmaster.at) - not received them yet, I guess it's the same as Munich. Oh, I bought one Ticket via PsiMusic for Vienna too, the code was in the confirmation mail. France (fnactickets.com) - not received them yet. So you see, there's not just one answer. EDIT: the link itself is this one: http://chilli.mobi/muse/
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