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Status Updates posted by sventington

  1. Anyway, I better go now. Thanks for the chat guys and remember to count the days to the new single!




    Don't worry kitty, I will.

  2. Dag nabbit. Oh well, at least you gave it a go. I don't think they even prescribe it to people up in Labrador. It will be many moons before I track it down once more.


    When I didn't hear from you for awhile I feared you took the sleeping pill with it and thing ended poorly.

  3. Dear Tegan,


    Do you want your feminism to be self defining, or incidental? What I mean by that is, do you want to be known as Tegan the feminist, or Tegan who among other things sees the issues feminism highlights as being important. The reason that I ask this is that I see you writing the word feminism a lot lately, and it reminds me of when I say I am into history, and then I worry people will think of me as "Kyle, the guy who likes history". Then I get quizzed sometimes and am clueless as I have only really started to read up on these things.


    This isn't me urging you not to be vocal and proud, but it's me wondering how exactly you want to be seen in the end. Now that I am an old and crippled man, I find that a lot of the act of believing something lies in contemplation as opposed to declaration. I guess I am writing to you mainly because I see a lot of people making the usual canned jokes at you in response to the word feminism that always come up, and it seems like an annoying series of back and forths to have.


    This is Sven, over and out.

  4. did you finish your project on time? Did the redosing help?


    We are birthday brothas!

  5. gifs to save for later:



  6. Happy Birthday. You will be old before you know it.


    Very old.

  7. Here is Bowie playing "Stay" with...ADRIAN FUCKING BELEW. And Carlos Alomar, who I think is the most underrated of all people he played with:



  8. hey happy birthday! Your time zone may have fucked this up, but my soul runs on MUSEBOARD CENTRAL TIME, MOTHERFUCKER.






    no. No it doesn't. That time zone occupies a hazy zone between hope and disappointment, and we have passed the event horizon of the latter end.


    well that is too much text, good day

  9. Hey sven, it is I, Kyle. We like this, you child

  10. I am glad you approve. However, as I promised Gil I would not post on days Dusty didn't post, I had to delete my message in Banter. All I can do now is sit and lurk and leave messages in profiles:



  11. I don't often think of Musers, but upon watching this I couldn't help but think it would be right up your alley

  12. I ended up watching the video because there is noone in the library. I must say...I approve of the moustache. Also you put videos together quite well for someone with no real training. Have you ever considered pursuing a form of work that would allow you to explore that further?


    I think when it comes down to it, most people are equity feminists. I think things get murky for some when dealing with gender feminism, which deals more with gender roles and the like, and whether they are purely the result of social constructs, or if there are general strengths the respective genders naturally play to.


    I am afraid one thing in the video detracts heavily from your message though. In fact, it undermines any attempt to listen to your words and try to take them to heart.


    I believe you know what it is I speak of.




    Burn it. Burn it now. Like the mythical bras, set it AFLAME!

  13. I haven't started it yet. I likely won't start it for a few more years, I have so much on my plate!


    I hope you enjoy Til We Have Faces. I found the last bit of the book strange and a bit overwhelming, but in a good way.


    Come back to my profile. Look at the bottom post. Guess what is there? A POST WHERE YOU ALREADY LINKED ME TO YOUR GOODREADS. Get with it, woman.

  14. I humbly submit the following, in my opinion the finest performance of The Mercy Seat:



  15. I will settle for a Kyle.


    I am glad, they are tasty sandwiches!


    I will post again one day, when Dusty returns...

  16. It is far more historically accurate, all of the names are written as they would have been spoken, there are many more troops and buildings and local wonders, the rebels are set up differently...it just...


    I loved Rome. Don't get me wrong. But this modification...I have no words. It's as if the Rome I have been playing for over a year was just an early, early demo. They did a remarkable job. Plus: the mod is free as long as you have the game! Right now I believe you can get all the Total War games minus shogan for a combined price of less than $20. It's worth it just for Europa Barborarum in my opinion.

  17. Maybe it is a sign of anti-Aussie sentiment. RACISTS.


    I have never used a Mac! Their old commercials annoyed me and as a result I swore off their products forever. They're meant to be super intuitive though, so I'm sure you'll figure it all out soon enough.

  18. Nope! I actually only recently got my laptop back. I broke it for the FOURTH TIME in early January, and ASUS fixed it for free again because they are the best.

    This message has been brought to you by ASUS. The friendly computer making company people.


    I am on my work computer now, but I will attempt to take a look when I go home!...after the Montreal Canadiens game. My team has been kind of awful as of late, but they owe me a win today because it is Valentine's Day and they are my true love.

  19. Now now, I can't start the year off with a broken promise. That kind of false start would be reminiscent of this:



  20. Oh no, my bringing up equity vs. gender feminism has nothing to do with the effectiveness of your video, it all flows very well and you shouldn't change a thing. It was just a distinction I only heard of when I was in college, which resolved some of my feelings towards the word. It kind of separated what irked me about some feminist messages from what I fully supported in others. But in any event there are exceptions to rules, and even when there are general trends, we both are on the same page that either gender should have access to the possibility of a position in a field traditionally assigned to one's opposite gender. I mean otherwise I wouldn't be allowed to work in a library, as it is a heavily female dominated field (90 percent of library technicians are women, and 80% of librarians are women).


    :mad: metaphorical burning will not be enough. But I will settle for it for now.


    Thanks for putting up with all of my text!

  21. oi,


    if you get the chance, check out the Dear Hunter's The Color Spectrum. That is, if you still dig them. It is pretty fantastic.

  22. ok, but my list has over 200 items on it so it may take me 10 years or so to get around to it.


    Here is said list, and proof your book is on it: http://www.amazon.ca/gp/wishlist/IPJ3RBHPLDPF/ref=reg_hu-rd_add_wl

  23. Should the world be radiated so, I fear it would blind both the guilty and the innocent. What right have we to pursue our fullfilment when its arrival would would be felt by the uninitiated as a kind of divine wrath?


    No, we must resist these base urges, and in our suffering know that our pain is just. Love sometimes can only safely crystallize as the perpetual wound of unending seperation.

  24. that would be the best Christmas present everrr


    Well as I was telling you it was ok to take a higher dose I would have felt responsible had anything happened. Glad that you're alive and well though!

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