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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. Has Fantano done his review yet? I disagree with him fairly frequently, but he normally has something smart to say.
  2. At the moment is give it an 8/10, but I'm not sure if that's jus because it's a lot better than I expected or because I really like it.
  3. I can't be assed to do a track by track review, but my overall impression of this is very positive. It admittedly falls apart a bit towards the end and some track took a while to warm up to, but even then I enjoy it more than I thought I would, and it's refreshing to hear such a focussed album from these guys again. Highlights are Reapers, The Handler and The Globalist.
  4. After listening to this in decent quality a few times I've warmed up to it a lot, and u actually really like the ending now. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it would still have been far better had they not short changed the middle section.
  5. It seems that most reviews are criticising the lack of focus in the final few tracks. No surprise there, I guess.
  6. Because it's made of three sections which don't blend together smoothly? What do you expect me to say?
  7. I don't think they're out of ideas, I just think they're writing stuff that might not appeal to you so much. A shame, but it happens.
  8. Prog=/=cohesive, and I wish people would stop acting like it does.
  9. Honestly if the Globalist had committed to the heavy part it would win for me. Shame. Still good, though.
  10. Getting quite an Exo-Politics vibe from this one, and not in a bad way.
  11. I'm waiting to hear it with decent speakers and quality, but my first impression is pretty favourable. Better than T2L, better than TR (there's nothing on Drones that rivals Exogenesis, but the overall quality is much greater). Probably not quite as good as BH&R but that's by no means a bad thing, and it's definitely a step in the right direction.
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