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About muse2503

  • Birthday 03/25/1994

Personal Information

  • Location
    Birmingham UK
  • Interests
    Muse, Harry Potter, playing piano and clarinet
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  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, Origin of Symmetry, Absolution, Black Holes and Revelations, The Resistance, Hullabaloo

muse2503's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



  1. I was considering booking seats for next time I see Muse because the things that annoy me with standing is how people are always jumping up infront of you/on you (I swear everytime I go I attract the one person in the surrounding area who likes to barge into people and shout to their friends for the whole concert, feel like I missed the whole intro + Reapers because of this as did others around me) and I ended out watching half the show through people's phones despite being very close to the stage. I'm not sure I would find the seats much better from what people have been saying! I guess I'm just too fussy for this world
  2. 2 standing, much smoother presale than I'm used to!
  3. I'm having a lot of Muse dreams now that things are starting to happen. Last night I dreamed I was at a very small intimate Muse concert and not many people even turned up to watch so we were all sitting on the floor nice and relaxed, then I remembered I had a tub of Ben and Jerry's in the freezer that I need to eat (I do in real life) and I was sitting on the floor eating it (I could taste it in my dream) while Matt was on stage smiling at me, it was lovely
  4. I had a weird dream last night... Matt was a wildlife guy a bit like David Attenborough and I think I was probably filming it, he was walking through a jungle and there were human sized lemurs everywhere and he got into a tree, picked a baby lemur up and said, 'This is my son, I'm actually a lemur'. Then he dangled upside down from a branch with another lemur and started saying things like, 'That's where I killed a lion and ate it, that's where I killed a deer and ate it etc...' and he picked up a branch and started trying to eat it but it was too hard to eat, and then my alarm went off and I woke up. I think that's one of the strangest dreams I've ever had, it freaked me out a bit so I had to share it.
  5. I dreamt that the gig I saw came with another gig a week later, so I went to it and for some reason there was hardly anyone there. I got right up to the barrier and there were only a couple of lines behind me. Then Muse started playing and one woman behind me started singing so loudly I couldn't hear Matt (probably dreamt this cus the guy I went with in real life did this) so I shouted at her to shut up, then Matt stopped playing and he looked at me and said, what did you say? So I told him and he laughed and told the woman to be quiet and carried on playing The dream cut to me trying to walk home but I was too giddy from Matt talking to me so I felt drunk and had forgotten the whole gig, then I woke up and thought it was real but it wasn't
  6. Yes I thought it was too, but my boyfriend was talking over it so I couldn't really hear, definitely heard parts of it though. I'm disappointed that I haven't heard it on the olympics yet, I just watched a medal ceremony and they were playing chariots of fire
  7. I had another dream that I met Muse (this happened last Saturday night too, I see a pattern forming here) I was walking along in town and in the square there was a massive crowd and Muse were playing in the middle, so I got all excited. They finished playing not long after I arrived, but everyone left really quickly and Muse were just standing there so I went over to them and had a lovely conversation with them They remembered my name from the last time I met them (in my last dream) but then they had to go, so I watched their tour coach go. They put a sign on the back saying 'We miss you!' which was very nice of them Then I realised Dom was left behind and I don't really know why that was, but I think I was about to go back to his house with him and then I woke up
  8. I met Matt last night, I'd been at a Muse concert and I'd won a competition where the prize was to meet them. I hugged Chris and Dom but had a whole conversation with Matt. We ended up at a restaurant and he was giving me his phone number so we could meet up next time he was near, then a couple of my friends came along and I was like, 'Look, it's Matt Bellamy!' and they sat down with us and we had a lovely conversation. Then I woke up and realised it didn't happen It was such a vivid dream, I still feel like I've met him.
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