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Everything posted by -Bex-

  1. Aw bless, I do geography too... Today was a good day for me, I had double Resistant Materials, (Woodwork all morning! Yay! Dos Lesson) Science, Maths, English (In English we're preparing for another exam so we don't do anything - That's a dos too! I think Mondays and Thursdays are the worst because I've got ICT - GRRR! :D What about you?

  2. Aw bless, I bet it was good fun though? Win would probably be the same! Haha!

  3. No I haven't tried swimming with a horse... I've never had the chance to go riding on the beach so... Have you? :)

  4. Yes, riding in the heat is a pain especially when you have to wear a body protector as well. I think the worst problem for me is sleeping in the heat because I'm such a bad sleeper anyway and going to school in it... It gets too much! Ah, that must be so nice, the only place I can swim is at the leisure centres dotted around and the pools are always so dirty... I hate swimming for that reason, plus you can pick up warts on your feet and things! Yuck!... The last time I went swimming was 4 years ago when we went to Spain on holiday... The pool was soo clean and soooo cold... That was the only part I enjoyed about the holiday - racing my dad at laps (I won every time!) otherwise it was waaaay too hot for me and the mosquitoes freaked me out! The blood sucking monsters!! Ahh! And yes, my last message I posted to myself - I had to delete it twice before I posted it into your wall!

  5. Do you suffer a lot of discomfort with your back then? And yes, I always say that 'Twin' is a song for my brother and I but he's not into Muse at all so I just call it 'My' song really! Haha! I can't really remember going to the chiropractor because I was so young but otherwise yeah my head does hurt when I go upside down - All the blood rushes to it. :D Wow! It's never that cold in England! I wish we did have have lower temperatures though because I hate summer - It's weird I know, but I really can't stand anything above 15c to be honest! I'm hoping that because we've had such a mild winter, summer will be mild too, but it never goes my way - I bet it'll be really hot! :(

  6. Ouch! Does it affect you much? Is't like a curve in the spine isn't it? Were you born with it? That's funny, because when I was born I had to see a Chiropractor because I came out in a funny position due to being a twin... He basically hung me upside down to sort it out. I was fine until I got thrown off a couple of years ago, now my back aches all of the time too! And yes, you'd definitely be better with a backpack because the weight is spread evenly... It's surprising what weight distribution can do to your spine without even knowing it... Just sitting hunched for an hour or so on the science stools make my back ache. :D And no, still no snow... How about you?

  7. Haha! I love the ninja! drink some vitamin c and hope that you don't get ill! As for me, my shoulders ache soo much from pulling Win back yesterday - Defo worth it though! :D

  8. Haha! I only get to ride on Saturdays through the winter 'cos it's dark after school and I don't loan on Sundays so.... I hope you had a fun lesson... Was it jumping or flat work? :)

  9. Aw Bless, Win had a fast day today. We went hacking with two girls from the stables and they kept cantering off and by the end of it I was struggling to pull him up - Had to tell him off a couple of times! It was nice not having to kick as hard as usual but yes, when they don't listen, it can be dangerous! :D

  10. I hate it when they buck - The last time Win did it, I fell of! Haha! Aw it's annoying when they don't listen isn't it? I do like when Win has a fast day though - I ride as much as possible at the moment so he never does but after his op last simmer it was nice not kicking so much!

  11. Haha! Yesterday we were watching a documentary following gay and trans people to see how hard they had things and one of the guys friends on the was wearing a Resistance shirt! Mum says I over reacted but I was hyper! He's spreading the Musey love on TV! Yay! :D Aw bless, do you like riding her when she's crazy or does it freak you out sometimes?

  12. Ah, no the field is still super muddy, I've only ridden him on hacks since I last spoke about jumping and stuff... What about you? Have you had any lessons or anything lately?

  13. Ahaha! That's brilliant... I don't usually listen to the entire interview but if you type Muse floccinaucinihillipilifications into youtube the floccinaucinihillipilifications bit'll come up. :D

  14. Haha! I know what you mean... Non of my friends are into Muse and so even if I try, they look at me like :wtf: ... :LOL: Apart from floccinaucinihillipilifications - Did I spell that right? - They get that 'cos I made my friend watch the interview when she came over! :p

  15. Haha! I wish anyone in England other than Musers could be proud to be British... This might sound awfully racist (Believe me I'm not though!) but we've let so many asylum seekers in and people who come into our county and don't work that Great Britain is no longer Great Britain... And I have nothing against people from other countries or anything, it's just annoying that we have to pay their benefits in taxes just because they don't want to work... People who do are fine and people who can't work is fine and asylum seekers who work are fine but yeah, you get my argument. And I'll say it again, I'm not racist, I'm just no longer proud of what we've become - [iT'S CONTRARY TO WHAT WE WANT - TAKE A BOW...] Had to fit that in - MUSE FTW! :D

  16. Ahh bless her! Just wondering... Do you order horsey stuff online or do you just buy it the shops? Sort of tack, rugs, riding wear, all of that. Just wanted to ask if you knew of a certain 'Robinsons'? For some reason my Mum wants to know if they just distribute in England or whether it's elsewhere too. :D

  17. You've read too much about the 'Origin...' era. It's good stuff though and wow what an awesome dream... I want one like that! Less of a dream really but it was the first day back to school after the xmas break today and I woke up a 6.30 - I usually get up at 7.00 so I tried to get back to sleep... Of course it didn't work (I hate school so much) but I got into a half-awake-half-asleep mode and I could hear 'Take A Bow' playing faintly in the background. It wasn't actually on though - Just in my head.
  18. Haha! A half shoe-d horse! Win doesn't wear shoes and it's funny what a difference it makes... My Mum doesn't ride Win much but borrows a horse called Lenny (he wears shoes) from an old bloke up the stables - He's tied up with breaking in his other horse and Lenny's even younger than Win who's almost 5 so he needs lots of riding. We took them down the lanes a couple of weeks back and it was a bit icy - Win was fine and Lenny was sliding all over the place! Haha! :D

  19. No, I don't have lessons, I think because I'd lost a lot of my confidence when I first started loaning, I just wanted to 'go easy' and I haven't had a lesson since. My Mum's a pretty good teacher though - Win started napping really badly and in the end I couldn't stop him until he reached the gate and then I couldn't get him to come back! So she taught me how to deal with it, he's still naughty when I ride in the field but if a keep a short inside rein, he usually knows that he won't get away with it. Glad to hear you had a good lesson... How did Tantta's shoe come off? :)

  20. Ah, yes I saw that one when I got the other one on Amazon... Is it good? I guess it's more about the Showbiz era isn't it? Looks about that time? How was your jumping lesson by the way? :D

  21. I had a dream that Dom admitted in an interview that he was most definatley gay! Lo Siento Dominic! Oh and VOTE FOR MUSE PLEASE! > http://www.the-top-tens.com/lists/singers-perform-london-olympics-opening-ceremonies.asp
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