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Everything posted by -Bex-

  1. This relates to Dom more than Muse as the awesome band they are but hey, still a Musey dream... I was a builder for some reason and I was constructing and building an extension onto a warehouse which would later become like a clothing retailer or something... So anyway after I'd built it, I went to visit the store and it turns out that my brother works in there and he's selling silver leopard print cowboy hats and loads of silver leopard print coat-thingys like the one Dom wore at the grammys this year. I wanted to buy the whole store!
  2. You're very welcome! Hope you had an awesome day. :) x

  3. Happy Birthday! x

  4. That would be awesome, go ahead! :) xx

  5. I had an awesome Musey dream last night! There was this important meeting in my neighbour's house and there were loads of bodyguards escorting people in and two of them were with Matt! So I waited for him to come back out and when he did he drove across our drive way in a black Mercedes so he didn't have to walk to get to his own car Anyway, once he had got out, I called out of my window for him and asked if I could come down and have a chat - he said yes and so I met him in our drive way, I was trying to control myself but ended up huggung him anyway. I asked him about Kate and the baby and he said that they were both strong and healthy and said that he was really happy, then we just kinda went for a long walk and then it ended.
  6. Yeah me too! I kinda think it's gonna be a girl but... could be wrong, could be wrong *but it should've been right* Yeah, I wouldn't be too happy if I didn't get my change!
  7. Finally had another musey dream: This one is a sign - So I dreamt that I was looking through a mag and Kate had had her baby... And it's a girl! Then it went on to me going to Sainsbury's and buying a 'coffee to go' and the woman at the counter forgot to give me change... Ok, not that musey...
  8. I've just got back from spending the week away so you can imagine the excitement of no muse for a week to a bedroom full of muse. Anyways had a musey dream: I was running through a massive town centre/shopping mall and Matt was running behind me. I think we were running from the press but I'm not quite sure, who knows? Maybe we were running from zetas! So we run into a clothing shop that looks a bit like TK Max and there's Dom's leopard print jackets everywhere and his stadium sneakers but in orange and black leopard print and sequin-ised. I didn't have time to buy anything because we were still running but then my Mum comes out of nowhere and says 'I think you're safe', then Matt dissapears and the dream ends.
  9. Hi, I'm good thank you, how are you? xx

  10. Awesome! xx

  11. Map Of The Problematique on Top Gear (One of the older versions) Clarkson was testing a Lambo at the time. It's my fav top gear, surprisingly not because of the Muse song, but because Steve Coughan was on it and he does this amazing impression of Arnold Schwartznigger (Not sure how you spell that one! ) 13:08:14 That's 5:1 now... Not sure this race is going anywhere...
  12. My real name is Rebekah but I love it when people call me Bex, it just feels like I know them more, kinda feels like I'm closer to them and it's really sweet too ;) Is there anything I can call you by? Jack? Or is there a nickname? xx

  13. Thank you, I'll remember that for next time :)

    I was looking through your 'about me' and noticed you liked 1984, is it good? I've thought about buying it online but I don't know whether I'd enjoy it more if I was a bit older? xx

  14. I'm fine thank you! The Devil thing... I got that quote off of a film called 'The Italian Job' I use it a lot cos I seem to remember it when I most need it! :LOL:

    And how are you?


    + This race for finding muse songs that we started a couple of weeks back... Is it still on?

    + Your last post on 'Where have you head Muse?' ... How can I tell next time who's a bot? (I deleted my post by the way, so thanks so much, you totally saved me from looking like an idiot! :$:kiss: xx

  15. It's awesome! It's my fav interview and once I read it I just had to keep it somewhere that I could easily ('Easily' haha! ) find it again.
  16. That's awesome! Did you read the article about Matt, Dom and Chris (and this other band?? - think!) who went on a bouncy castle with costumes in the middle of the mojave desert at night? They were on mushrooms at the time and there's some awesome quotes from it in my sig, you can get to the article by clicking on the link in my sig too. Your dream just sounded similar to it, that's all!
  17. All I can tell you is that I'm near London, it's not that I don't trust you, because I trust everyone, it's just the devil inside of them I don't trust. :) xx

  18. SuperWolstenbeast! -------------- Last night I had a dream and I was at school in the hall with my two friends watching this random talent/music show. Muse were due to play next so I got up and went to the loos and on my way back I thought I'd grab some lunch because I didn't think they'd be on yet. My friend comes to find me and turns out I missed the WHOLE concert! As you can imagine, I was beyond gutted!
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