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Everything posted by -Bex-

  1. I'm sorry, but I've officially banned myself from reading Wicked untill I'm 18, I may have a look at Like Foam on The Ocean though.
  2. So what number is it that the torture stuff stops? + No I haven't read Like Foam On The Ocean, whats it like/about?
  3. Maybe I should try running into the wall, I've been reading the 'Wicked' fanfic lately and I'm sooo scarred for life! No joke seriously, It's an amazing fanfic but I'm not gonna read on untill I'm actually 18...
  4. That's funny, I did exactly the same. My Mum always listens to Heart (Yawn, no offence to anyone, but I think it's oldies music:LOL:) And Micheal Buble was on so I left it cos I know she likes his stuff, then it finished and I turned over the station, heard the 'No ones gonna take me alive' bit and started screaming OMG! over and over!
  5. I found out this last week sometime when the whole world found out, or was it 2 weeks back? - dunno - but I really can't believe that songs like CE, PIB, Bliss, you know what I'm on about, won't be played live again after Reading and Leeds! I thought it was about time to post something on the subject, this thread's off topic anyway, I really honestly hope that Matt's just talking Shite again, I haven't seen them live yet and my parents have only just agreed I can see them when they next tour in the UK.... I need to experiance a heart attack during CE live... Thoughts?
  6. I think this was a dream because it wouldn't happen to me in real life, there was more but can't remember much of it. - I was downstairs playing my brothers piano like a pro - YEAH! - and then solider's poem came on and for some random reason, I only sang the very last line! (I usually sing it the whole way through and I usually do Chris' part when it comes to the bit that goes 'I'd still lay down my life for you') - I DUNNO, WEIRD!
  7. Over in England it finished early last year. I think anyway, or wait... might have been 2 years ago! Time flys... but where to? ( I've never quite got that saying - I'm one of those people that have to have an answer for everything... ) Sorry, random rant over. DEGRADING! - I'm sorry, but I have this obsession with that word, I love it! It always leaves me with this face: ''
  8. That's exactly what I was thinking - a mini Matt Bellamy running round! Awesome! Well I'll remember that you said that, - How funny + weird it would be if it turned out Matt and Kate called their child Isabel, you'd be known as the messageboard's physic - awesome! Wonder if it'll have a musical interest like Matt... EDIT: + I hate calling things (especially children) it, but unless you know the sex you kinda have to...
  9. So you hope/think it's definatley going to be a girl? - I have a feeling it might be a boy, but hey what do I know? - What does eveyone else think? Boy or Girl? And Names? - Just for fun?
  10. You didn't watch Lost when it was out by any chance did you? Cos, the glowing stones and water was kinda on Lost and stuff...
  11. Same. Same. SAME! ... Everyone here is beyond the awesomeness ever known to normal earthlings - I love the messageboards! I love you all! :LOL::chuckle: INCREDABLE summary! :LOL: KHud! That's epic!
  12. In my opinion, I think he's never at interviews because he's got children. Touring with the band must take up a lot of time, so he probably just likes to spend some time with his family - I'm sure he loves us really, would be nice to see him around a bit more though.
  13. Especially in history lessons! Oh what troublesome conversations we get into in history - our lips must always sealed!!
  14. Same here! I love those random out-bursts! They remind me of one of my friends, she's slightly cooko in the head, she's lovely though!
  15. Me too! Bieber also gets on my nerves, I keep saying that Muse did it the pwoper way, started from scratch - (you know, got together at College, went on to win Battle of the bands in 1994, worked on some stuff, released Showbiz and Uno and then became -mainstream?- ( I know some people are against calling them mainstream)) And, yeah, I so much when Bieber got shot on CSI, one of my friends posted the clip on Facebook a while back, awesome!
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