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Everything posted by PlugInFuckingBaby

  1. Every music/entertainment store that has any good stuff, It's always mens' sizes...And sometimes I end up buying a small men's and then cutting it to look more stylish? Where I live we don't have many record stores, either. Best Buy and Walmart of course sell CDs but it's not the same as an actual record store...I've only seen one, now that I think about it. --they sell Family Guys shirts just about anywhere here!
  2. They don't have Hot Topic in Canada? how peculiar... you started an era!! The part i bolded right there..... I feel in place when I'm at a concert. the end.
  3. everytime I think of the purple shirt I laugh... I think that Hot Topic was once "emo" but now it's just "everyone's welcome" and I hate all the stereotypes in the first place...Cuz if you shop at Hot Topic you're not emo all of a sudden. And then I hate how everyone is welcome, It's like if Hollister started selling band shirts and all of us started going in there, then the Hollister people would be all pissed off. or soemthing... sorry...
  4. hi! My name is Sofia... :LOL: so ya..

  5. ahhh, the purple shirt.... i don't know how many times I've posted either, but apparently i've posted too much, and had too many Muse dreams; and that's considered a problem? I used to love Hot Topic but they started selling stupid shit, like JB clothes and Lady Gaga, and that's great, they're just trying to make money, but it didn't used to be like that and it's bringing in the wrong crowd...If i wanted to talk to those kinds of people I would go to Hollister, dammit.
  6. I had a dream that I went to the mall and for some reason Starbucks had this table out front of it where you pay and it had a fuck ton of Muse merch that was free with anything you bought. It was all Absolution stuff...It seemed so weird. They just handed me Absolution when I bought my coffee....It kind of makes me wish it was real.
  7. Hey, sorry this is kind of random but I didn't know who to ask! My brother's a painter and I've convinced him to paint Matt for me, and I want BHaR Matt (I think everyone can agree BHaR Matt is the best)...I was wondering if you guys could give me some pictures of him in the BHaR era cuz I only have about 5 of him around that time ^^ THANK YOU PMT
  8. hey thank you for the invite:) I recognize you, am I friend with you on Facebook? :p

  9. sorry for the late reply :/ thank you for the birthday wish!:)

  10. It's the simplest thing, right? Grocery shopping with a band. Yet it just seems so awesome. XD When I saw Muse, my real camera died right before Uprising, so I didn't get some of my faves like Hysteria and TiRo and so I just stopped recording it and enjoyed the music, but when the EYEBALLS CAME OUT, during PLUG IN FUCKING BABY!, I had no camera and I had to use my phone but it looks crappy and i can't ever put it on my computer. And recording videos the zoom wasn't good enough and just UGH! stupid camera. I should have charged it before but i didn't! It was the left over battery from the Paramore concert. :/ you saw 30STM. awesome.
  11. YOU NEVER SAW MUSE IN CONCERT!??!?!? .........., just kidding, i'm sure you're not the only person on this board who hasn't. I just saw them for the first time about a year ago! dreaming about Muse in a gwocery store...
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