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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Hehe :p

    Aww, that sucks!! Urrgh, Justin Bieber :rolleyes: he is so shite and annoying!!


    That's nice! :D I didn't get any clothes but one T-shirt :chuckle:

    Ohh, yes!! Oo, ummm, what is your cell like now? :)

  2. Yes!! Exactly :LOL: I can't, ahh, will be nice this year I hope! Well, especially if Leeds is as good as last year!

    Wooo, well, tbh they must do, it's been highly rumoured, and they have done everywhere else recently, so they haave to :chuckle:

  3. Aha, no problemoo! :cool:

    Niiiice, sounds fun :D I have been designing a DVD cover for the film I shall begin to film soon! Looking forward to it! :happy: Called it, "The Walking Line" and it's about a kind of romantic/horrory kind of thing :) Good fun designing on the computer :yesey:

    My day was pretty good, covered in paint as per usual, what about youu? :D

  4. And you also!! :happy:

    Hugs for you, my dear!! :)


    How was your weekend?

  5. Ahahah, maybe :eyebrows: I still think it was a good idea :awesome:


    Niice! :)

  6. Haha, I have forgotten most and I studied it for 5 years :LOL: I didn't really want to do it in the first place :erm:

    It is good fun :D I love it! Awww, awesome :happy:

    Well, my art exam finishes in late March! And we have to hand out books before our exam in at the end of this week!! :( I'll miss it!!!

  7. I think I'd get the start of Undisclosed Desires with the strings as an Alarm, to chill me out when I wake up :awesome: then hope not to fall asleep straight after :chuckle:

    Doorbell... possibly Bliss? :erm: Maybe, ooo... Citizen Erased beginning I would have :D:cool: Woo!! What about youuu?


    Awww, suckks! :(

  8. Good :)

    Fine, but atm, I'm shattered!!! Too many late nights! :p and now in school doing work, falling asleep! :LOL:

    How about youu?

  9. No Problem! I do quite like them :) known for songs like Sun Goes Down and Brianstorm. What would you like to know?

    Not much, just a lazy weekend, got no work done at all!! :erm: whoops! Much to do now I'm at school though, how about youu?

  10. Yes!! Bring on Summer!! :D Or Easter, for chocolate!! :chuckle: yumm!


    Good! :happy: Yes, mine was nice, just sat round with the family :)

  11. :D awesome!! Haha! Maybe even a doorbell? Or is that too far? :chuckle:


    Yeah, been alright :) lots of work to do now though for my studies!! Lots to keep me busy, how about you, dear? :happy:

  12. Not anymore :( my old boyfriend used to teach me! I know german, it isn't like german all that much! Ahhh, ofc :D My friend is teaching me Russian though, that's kinda cool. I will just know random bits of many different languages! :LOL:

    Well then go for it! :happy: I would love to be able to travel!

    Things over here are going fine, I just have much work to do for the end of the year!! I hope it works well!!

  13. Woo! That will be good! :D

    Sweeetts!! :happy: Nom!! It is! Well... when you have a laptop to do it on! :supersad:


    Yeah, isn't i awesome just getting to sit round and not really do anything, but eat Christmas Day :D wooo!! Pretty much the same for me :) I like the handing the gifts out too!! As much as it robs me of money!! :( But yus, still love it :D


    Huddersfield :) It definitely is!! :awesome:

    Wow, sounds interesting :) makes me think of dancing! :p hehe.

  14. Yes, exactly! :chuckle:


    Yeah, yeah, going fine thanks.. I hope :p In the middle of organising my Feeling Good Recording, can't find a singer, so I have to try and sing it myself :p

    Starting planning for my media filming too, ahh, I hope it goes well. How about you, dude? :cool:

  15. I know the feeling :( it's awesome you are on :D

    Ahhhh, aww, cuuute!! :happy: I need to go to America!!! :(


    Much needed, and niice :D was needed, aha!

    What have you been up to recently? :happy:

  16. What did you do over Christmas and New Year then? Have a good time? :D

  17. Woooo!!! :dance:

    :D hehe, I am so happy with it all!!! :awesome:

    Ahahah, that is truely amazing!!! :chuckle: Stick a sink in there for you too! :p

  18. Don't worry at all dude!! I know the feeling!! :noey:

    Aww, what have you been doing for your work?

    Sleeppyyy! :p:chuckle: I think I could fall asleep on the spot!! But apart from that, been great thank youu! :happy:

  19. Awesome!!! :D Woo!! No Problem :)


    My day is just beginiing!! :happy: But so far it is good!! I am very well thank youu!! I hope you have a good day too!! :happy:

  20. Hahah, aww, good!! :happy:

    Oh yeah, I know of them! :D Woo!!

    Awww, haha :p I just try to avoid lamposts and walk in the general direction! :chuckle:

    You too!!! :happy:

  21. Ahahha :chuckle:

    I know what my brothers are going to get me, usually because they want to watch or have a go of it themselves! :LOL: How lovely they are!! :p

  22. Woo!! :D

    Hope it doesn't come back, getting all icy in the mornings, it's like, noooo!!! :supersad: Much prefer warm to cold! :chuckle:

    Ummm, I'll have to check but the likes of Muse, Foo Fighters were on it. I'll see if I can find out again! :)

  23. Ahhh :erm: hmm. Oooo, I want to carry on learning Norwegian! I love that language, it is awesome! :)

    You can be a translator, or a language teacher, or something? :happy:

    I want to be a Music Producer :D or travels with festivals with radio or something :)

  24. Oooo, can't be done with cold water, me. Eee :chuckle: haha! Ahh, I see!!


    Thankyouu! :) Hahah, I know the feeling!! :p Did you have a nice time at Christmas and New Year? :happy:

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