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Status Updates posted by RayFan9876

  1. I see that you and your bumps have a strong bond; your resonant connection is inspiring. I may, after all these years, have finally grown to accept you as one of my own. You are a brave, brave potato, and you have my rezpekt.

  2. Hey, that's pretty good, it's extremely clean. I like what you did with the panning, something I've not been able to do right.

  3. If you think it was good yesterday, you should how it is now. Just a simple EQ made it better by a tenfold. :awesome:


    Do you have yours around anyway? I'm interested to hear it.

  4. Ah, that's good to know. I haven't made a cover in a while (aside from Ruled by Secrecy), so I hope the weaker performances stay to a minimum from now on. There's more incentive to perfect the sound now that I actually have a goal.

  5. I'm not bad either, but do take note that bumps are a very particular thing. One does not simply possess them and call it classy, you have to absorb them, understand them, manipulate them. Only then are the bumps to be truly respected.

  6. How's my favourite little malformed tater doing today?

  7. Thanks. Are my vocals actually the best part? I honestly thought that was the part I was lacking the most in. :p

  8. Hahah, I will eventually. I've sort of restrained myself from making random covers now, since like I said, I'm trying to do covers of every song in chronological order. Maybe if I happen to discontinue that though (which I hope I won't), then I'll jump right into some The 2nd Law stuff.

  9. I thought it was great, my third favourite album after Absolution and Black Holes & Revelations. For what I didn't like about it, I posted that here.

  10. Why thank you, that's good to know actually.

  11. Where would you like me to dump the body, out of respectful curiosity? It feels odd asking the very person I'm about to brutally murder this, but it just is.

  12. Hey, are you trying to steal Hannah away from me? You bastard, I'll love you, stalk you, fuck you, and then kill you.

  13. Perhaps! I'm not sure I know you too well either, friend. I'm merely issuing a hello to you, as you seem like the kind of fellow whom deserves one.

  14. I didn't get a warning, that is, until I decided to make one more post....

  15. Ah, of course. Said flood of posts couldn't have been caused by any other idiot than yours truly.

  16. I'm surprised as well, you seem like a pretty steady poster. I guess it's only douche bags that get the visitor messages.

  17. What isn't for you?

  18. More or less, I've had more interesting days in my life. What have you been up to recently?

  19. Yeah, I successfully created singularity with my particle accelerator and temporarily got stuck in the fourth dimension, so my own spacetime axis is a little fucked.

  20. Ah, brilliant, Vancouver, Canada is a fine place to be. What mall is your choice of mall when you wish to go to one? Oakridge? Metrotown? Lougheed? I ask this for two reasons: 1) I like to get to know my fellow Canadian, 2) A mall defines exactly one quarter of a person's soul, but it does not for mine. I have no soul.


    I was born in nineteen-ninety-five, but a wonderful person told me I was born in two-thousand-and-six, insulting my maturity. I have since then lived by their word.

  21. Hello, I see you live in Vancouver, Canada. I also live in Vancouver, Canada. What part of Vancouver, Canada do you live in? If you say Burnaby, that would be pleasant, because I also live in Burnaby, Vancouver, Canada. On which side of the Lion's Gate are you located?

  22. I'm sorry, but you are not gonna like this:


    Since the last time I'd spoken to you on Skype, my computer obtained an extremely epic virus, and I mean epic to the proportions that no man on Earth has ever seen, it was like totally tubular. This is terribly unfortunate timing, as it's the first time I've had any sort of malware in two and a half years.


    So basically, I spent the last three days manually removing all the infected crap. and there was a lot of it, and tonight I've reinstalled Windows 7. This also means that I was unable to record any guitar for your project either. If you're able to get an extension somehow, I can probably have it in to you by Tuesday evening.

  23. Do you enjoy it even though it's compulsory? I wish my school had a required music program. :p


    Tips, tips, tips.... I can't really think of tips on not being nervous. I guess my best advice would be to immerse yourself in the music and not care what anybody around you thinks while you're playing. You are the performer, noone else even exists.

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