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Status Updates posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. :chuckle:

    Nothing much, school and the orthodontist :indiff:. I'm getting my brace off next Wednsday :D :D :dance:

  2. :LOL: I can't play it because I'm useless :chuckle:

    Naaah nothing planned :)

    What have you been up to today?

    Fuzzing?? :happy:

  3. :)

    Not going well :chuckle: i got the tabs for SMBH and I can only play the top string :chuckle: when i try the other strings it all goes wrong! :LOL:

    No im not learning for someone special :chuckle::happy: do you have any plans for valentines day? :happy::eyebrows:

  4. :awesome:! :eek: whaaa?! Why do they not want to cover the awesomeness of Muse?!

    :chuckle: actually no! :eek: I had NO musings today :supersad::'(

  5. Hello!

    I'm good today! Thank ya! Picking my options this week :indiff:

    How are you ?

  6. I hope so :happy:

    :LOL: ive never had a selotape fight before!

    So do you babble about randomness when you're with him sometimes? I've done that a few times :chuckle:

    I'm sure you'll be able to speak pwoperly with him some time soon! And I'm sure you'll end up very close friends too (if not more than friends :eyebrows:) :chuckle:

  7. :chuckle:

    I'll do my best to get it :happy::LOL:

    I've know him since to beginning of year 7, but we've really only been friends since the end of year 8 :supersad: I should've had his number by now! :chuckle:

    How long have you known Connor?

  8. Aah ok lol that is getting complicated! :chuckle:, :LOL: at what Ellie said, I though they were friends :chuckle::happy: happiness is the most important thing :yesey:

    :unsure: I don't know :chuckle: I was talking to one of his friends today after English (her name is Bryony and they're family friends), then Liam walked past he smiled and waved, so I did the same, when he was out of sight Bryony leaned over and she said "Liam likes you, did you know that?" I was stood like :stunned: (in my head I was going :dance::dance:) :chuckle: but Im not sure, she might have made it up :rolleyes:

    He just laughed like me :happy:

  9. Good :happy: friends are :awesome:

    I'm great thanks! Have you been up to anything interesting lately?? :happy:

  10. :yesey::LOL:

    Why is it getting complicated? :happy:

    My day was okay thanks, I decided what options I'm taking and Liam drew on my hand :chuckle: he took my hand, started drawing a smiley face then my friend looked over and shouted "LOOK! they're holding hands!!!!" so everyone in the class looked over and started asking "do we go out?" :$ embarrassing :chuckle:

  11. :supersad: I was :'( :chuckle:

    :LOL: ! :happy: smiles are :awesome:. :awesome: smilies are :awesome: too!


    How was your day today? :awesome:

  12. Hey :happy: thanks for the add


    How are you?



  13. :happy: it was okay I guess, everything is just so complicated though :erm: I didn't see Liam at all this evening :supersad:

    :LOL::LOL: I think so yes :chuckle:

  14. Haha yeah it was :LOL:


    Yeah :LOL:

    Awwwh! :supersad:

    You never know, he might be holding secret meetings outside to tell his friends how much he likes you :yesey:

    Uuggg! I've got my pwoper Options Evening in an hour :noey:. My dad's going this time :unsure:

  15. :LOL: im not sure! :chuckle: my day was pretty good thanks :) I had music :) No not really :supersad: he was humming starlight for me when I was walking down the stairs though :happy: that's about it :)


    How was your day? Was Conner outside again? :rolleyes:

  16. :'( R.I.P


    Half of the time he sits with us, but sometimes he goes out into the freezing cold like Connor does :chuckle:

  17. :happy:.

    No we don't have each others numbers :'( yet....... :LOL:

    Im scared to ask for it :chuckle:


    Did you hear? Gary Moore died :'(

  18. :LOL: a converse obsession is a good obsession :yesey:

    :vomit::vomit: it is so so so so gross :chuckle:


    I don't know actually, we're both quite skinny :chuckle::LOL: I ended up on his chair because we all went to watch the schools talent show (:rolleyes:) and there was only one seat left so my friend got that one (:indiff:) so I was stood like :supersad::chuckle: so Liam said "oh come on Jade, you can sit on my chair with me!" :chuckle:


    How are you? :happy:

  19. :happy: I only get picked on by my friends :chuckle: they complain that I only wear band stuff :chuckle:

    Agreed! I think her parents have mental problems!! :LOL::LOL: her mum (she's about 45+) wears clothes that 20 year olds would wear! She wears tight leather outfits :vomit: it's gross :chuckle:

    My day was pretty good thanks :D I had to share Liams chair yesterday :LOL::eyebrows:

    How was your day? :happy:

  20. (: thanks (: I've got no idea!! :chuckle::chuckle:




    :yesey: lol

    I'm not seeing Slipknot anymore :'(,I'm going to Download instead :dance: I'm going to see A7X, BFMV, Linkin Park and Pendulum (Pendulum again!!:chuckle:)


    That sounds like a cool film! :cool:

    :yesey: yeah like those films :happy:

    When you find time, you should deffinately watch it! :awesome:


    They don't do that at our school :'(



    I'm gooooood thank you! Im watching Take Me Out now :chuckle:

    How are you?


    Dont worry about it! ;)

  21. Hey :happy: thanks for the add :)

  22. Good and aww!

    I just wanted to change it, i had the Matt one since I joined the boards about 8 months ago! :chuckle: and I think Billie Joe is gorgeous :yesey:

    Naaah not really, just loads of options and stuff like that. You?

    Here's a question: I'm gonna try to learn guitar again (God help me :chuckle:) so what's the easiest Muse song to play? :happy:

  23. Hey! :happy: I'm great thank ya! you?

    I know! What should we talk about?

    All is good :happy:

  24. Converse :yesey:


    She gets picked on by the older more popular plastic girls, and by the much shorter than her boys. She complains about people bullying her because of how she looks :noey:

  25. Well she's kind of a "punk person" she dyes her hair bright colours (it's been blonde, pink, purple, blue, now it's black), she hangs around with people 4x her age, she goes to biker bars with her dad (who is now in prison, again), she dresses in chains, wears boots that have chains and all sorts of crap in them, that's the type of stuff her parents allow her to do :noey:

    I think the option evening specially for us is Monday, but I'm not sure. My dad's going to that one so hopefully we'll keep out of Liams way :chuckle: my mum met him and said he was very nice and polite :happy: his mum's very sweet too :awesome:

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