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Status Updates posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. Not so good :'( had 3 exams today :'(


    How was your day hubby? Hopefully better than mine ;)



  2. Hi hubby :happy:


    I'm good thanks :)

    :'( still not working :'(

    Nothing much, school :supersad: got my 2 exams on Friday :(

    What have you been up to?


    Did you listen to Avenged Sevenfold? :D

  3. :dance::dance: we texted for about half an hour last night :happy: i don't have any messages this morning.

    We had to go back yesterday:'(


    :LOL: that's what Hollie says "why can't a new cute goth kid come into our tutor?" :chuckle::happy:

  4. :dance::dance: SUCCESS!!! I got his number :dance: today he hugged my waist for no reason at all and was sat next to me in 3 lessons (sat very close as well :happy:)


    How was your day? :happy:

  5. I replied to your other email. Still says "rejected by the server" :'(


    How are you today? :D


  6. I dont know why :'(


    Just tried again, still says rejected by the server :confused:

  7. I got your email but when I tried to reply it said my message was rejected by the server :'(

  8. It's cool :happy:

    :'( try jademusejade@yahoo.com I think I it might be .com not .co.uk sorry!



  9. :happy: yeah, but we drive to other places, we went to New York too last year :awesome:

    I agree! Cinema = :awesome:


    Okey Dokey :happy::chuckle:



  10. :D :D "Fuck of you cunt! Yeah you! Fuck you!"


    :happy: my brother was teaching me, but then he gave up because he has no patience :rolleyes: so I've taught myself :happy: good luck learning ;)

    :LOL: the good thing about it being to big is that its nice and warm :awesome:

    I'm good thanks just bored stiff :rolleyes: you? :happy:

  11. :happy: I love Florida! We go every year :D

    :happy: They're kind of Hard Rock ;) they're older albums are more metal


    It is quite boring tbh, there's just nothing to do where I am :rolleyes: they were suppose to build a cinema but no, they built a youth club that no one goes to :indiff:

    Yeah I do it's jademusejade@yahoo.co.uk :happy:


  12. Aww! Hopefully there'll be an Internet connection in the villa we're staying at :happy:

    Florida :happy: and spending a couple of days in Washington :awesome:

    They're awesome (imo :chuckle:) I recommend listening to: Afterlife (my fave), Seize The Day, Nightmare, Beast & the Harlot, Dear God :happy:

    This is the Death Bat ;)



    :yesey: you should :)

    Have fun fuzzing :) we go back to school on Monday :'(

    Nope just sitting in my house all day :yesey::chuckle:



  13. :happy:. :indiff: 6 weeks is ages! The good thing is I don't have to wear it all day when I go on Holiday in April, 2 weeks without the board, I won't survive! :'( :LOL:


    It stands for Avenged Sevenfold :) an awesome band that I like (going to see them in June at Download :dance:)

    I might take a profile pic of me wearing it but I'm not sure :unsure: yes it's cool :) it has the Death Bat on it :awesome:


    :awesome: is your hair really short now? :happy:

    My day's been okay thanks :) went to McDonalds for dinner! Yummy :happy: what else have you been up to today? :)

  14. :happy::yesey: "is this the nme?" "who do you think you are?!" :chuckle: yeah lol, I haven't seen a video of Dom doing a drunk interview yet :rolleyes:

    Same, it has been boring, I've just been playing my keyboard :awesome: learning B&H :happy:

    My a7x jacket came today :awesome::dance: it's so fluffy, but it's a bit big because it's a small mens :rolleyes:

  15. :happy:

    :eek: you only had to wear your 2 weeks?! I have to have mine for 6! :'( :'( stupid piece of plastic!

    I've been great so far thanks :) my A7X jacket came in the post! :happy::dance::happy:


    How've you been today? :happy:


  16. :happy:

    :awesome: good luck with the play :)

    I hate the retainer already, and I've only had it for 2 days! :happy: :happy:


    Yeah I saw it! I love drunk Matt!!! :LOL:


    What have you been up to? :happy:

  17. :'( awww *hugs*. You'll find someone else soon! :happy:


    :awesome: are you a main character in it? :happy:


    After 6 weeks then you only have to wear it while you sleep. :'( for 6 weeks I'll be talking funny and spitting everywhere infront of Liam :'( :noey:




    What have you been up to today? :happy:

  18. Aww do you think you did well on it? :happy:

    I'm okayish. I went to the dentist to fetch my retainer today. I was disappointed when I got there. I though that you only had to wear the retainer while you sleep. Turns out that you have to wear it all the time :'( :'( :'( :'(



  19. :happy:


    Good luck!!!





    How's my hubby today? :D



  20. :D I'll try too!

    Agreed :happy: Has Jack said anything to Connor yet :D

    :awesome: what play is it? :happy:

    :eek: if my mum found out about Liam she'd be like "aww is that that sweet lad that was following us round at options evening?" she'd never drop it either :rolleyes:

    I had to get my retainer today :'( I found out I have to wear it all day for 6 weeks! :'( :'(


    Thanks :happy:

    <3 Billie Joe! And I love the quote on the Matt pic :happy: "I'm the sunshine of your life." :chuckle:

  21. :happy:

    I was going to pick GCSE art too, but I went to talk to my teacher about it. I'm not picking it now! There's soooo much work! I wouldn't be able to do a 10 hour exam! And 3 hours of coursework every night )': do you have to do that much in art?

    I chose GCSE Music and GCSE History, with GCSE Spanish and BTEC Art for reserves :happy:


    :happy::awesome: it's 10-12 June :dance:


    :) looks like a good film :yesey: I saw Gullibers Travels on Saturday with Hollie, our original plan was to see Paul, but Hollie messed up when they asked her when she was born :rolleyes:



    :happy: no likey, no lighty! :chuckle:

    Good :happy:


    Don't worry about it ;)


    I've been great thanks, it's half term now :dance: what have you been up to? :happy:

  22. :chuckle:

    No not yet? :noey: he forgot and didn't ask me again :supersad:

    :happy: half term rules!! :dance:

    :supersad: same. A week without Liam and Connor :supersad:


    Any plans for today? :happy:

  23. :chuckle:

    :happy: it was better than I expected :happy: Jack Black is awesome :yesey:


    :supersad: what subjects are they? Good luck on them both! I have a very important GCSE Science exam and a Spanish exam after the holidays :'(

    :LOL: I think it was a silly face :happy:

    :happy: aww thanks :)



  24. :happy:

    When they asked me my dob i said it fine, when they asked hollie she said "uuuh, uuh..." so they kinda knew we were lying :rolleyes: The age rating was 15 :indiff:

    Yeah we saw Gullibers Travels! :awesome::LOL:

    :happy: nothing much, just dropping Hollie's iPod off, 'cause she left it in my bag yesterday :rolleyes: (muse bag :awesome:) what are you up to today? :)


    We were on a train when I took it so I couldn't keep my phone still :chuckle:

    :happy: thank you! Hollie is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay prettier than me though, even when she's pulling weird faces :rolleyes:



  25. Very good thankyou! Hows my hubby? :happy:


    Yeah I had a pretty good day thanks :) went to the cinema with Hollie to see Paul, but they wouldnt let us in :indiff: Hollie messed up when they asked her when she was born :rolleyes: other than that it was great!

    How's your day been? :happy:


    EDIT: I changed my pic :happy: I'm on the right, Hollie's on the left ;) it's not one of my best pictures but it's one I took today :happy:

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