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Status Updates posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. :LOL: yep :chuckle:

    Yeah I mean lunch :chuckle:

    :dance: WEEKEND!!! I have nothing to do though, I don't even have any homework! Which is very odd. :chuckle:


    :supersad: don't give up hope!! Does she like someone else then?


  2. Hey hubby :happy: my day was pretty good actually, we didn't have to do p.e because the teacher lost one of his shoes (:chuckle:) and I had a right good laugh with Liam at dinner :) we were talking about year 7, year 8 and all the embarrassing things he's done :LOL: was very entertaining :LOL:

    your wifey is great thanks :)


    Hows your day been? Anything happen with Sarah? :happy:


  3. I'm greaaaat thanks :)

    Nothing really happened today though :(




  4. :D:happy:

    :supersad: awww are you gonna go to the next one? See if you can get Connor's mate to convince Connor to go to the next one! :happy: things like that happen to me, I can be very unlucky sometimes :chuckle:

    What have you been up to??


  5. I'm unlucky then :'( :LOL:


    Okey dokey :chuckle: cya in a bit xx

    Love youuu xx

  6. :noey: my school is pathetic!! It's a wierd school, it's turning into an "academy" in September :rolleyes:

    :happy: thank you!

    So what are you up to now? :D




  7. :D


    We can get detentions for forgetting pens :'( my school is still very stupid :indiff:



    It's 24days I think :happy: I actually am looking forward to it this year :) I don't know what I'm gonna do though :happy:

    :yesey: :'(


    Love you my lovely museboard hubby :awesome::kiss:



  8. :happy: yes I do :yesey:

    It's okay, rants are good :happy::chuckle: people do that with the light switch at our school, we have a remote to turn on the lights (it was a stupid idea to have remotes :rolleyes:) so when people steal the remote we all get a detention :indiff:


    It's April 2nd :happy: when's yours? :happy:

    Nothing much, just school :supersad: and homework :supersad:

    Been a boring day :'(


    Love youuuuu tooooo!


  9. Awww thank you! You are cute too :happy::D

    Yeeeep :D


    Pancakes are the best :D :D

    What have you been up to today? :happy:


    Liam told me today that he might buy me a Muse autograph for my birthday :awesome::happy:


  10. Thanks :D

    :indiff: she gets everything she wants :indiff:

    :eek: ouch! Awww that's so cute! :happy::awesome::chuckle: I'm fine thanks :) Liam said the sweetest thing today, me and my friend Lea were talking about what I'm doing for my birthday and what I want so I said "I wanna buy myself a muse autograph from eBay :awesome:" Liam came over to listen and he told me he might buy me one for my birthday :awesome::dance::happy:


    Aww thanks :happy: bought it from Grindstore.com the other week :D

  11. :happy: aww! I'm seriously not though :chuckle:

    :awesome: I loooove it it's fluffy and warm :yesey:

    :awesome: did you have fun?

    Nothing much, Hollie came round earlier :awesome: had pancakes yummy! :)

  12. Hey :happy: I got a new profile pic :happy:



    I'm wearing my Avenged Sevenfold jacket :awesome:

    What do ya think? :happy:


    What have you been up to today? :)


  13. :awesome: it's this backpack :happy:34459.jpg

    :happy: yeah quite a bit :D:LOL: we were both really fed up of our friend Heather. She fake faints to get whatever she wants :indiff: so we were ranting about her and shouting to make ourselves feel better :D

    :supersad: same with our school, 5 weeks till we break up again though :D

  14. :LOL::LOL:



    :eek: Thats kinda creepy! :chuckle: I wouldve been scared to death!!

    Homework sucks :indiff: I have 3 more exams tomorrow! :eek: science first thing, Maths straight after, them another Spanish one straight after that!! :'(

    :D In music today I was playing the piano, Liam came up and said "wow! I didn't know you were so good!" then he sang along to some of the songs :awesome: that made my day :happy:


  15. :supersad:. Our next topic is going to be modern rock :awesome: you'll never guess what band I'm gonna do :rolleyes:

    :awesome: happy birthday to him! :party:

    Have fun!!


    What was that story then? :happy:

    How was your day? :)



  16. :'(! :awesome: I went to a shop called Blue Banana (you should check it out it's an amazing shop!) and I bought a new backpack and a MCR t-shirt :happy:

    :D:D:happy::awesome: awwww!

    Going pretty well :happy: in music thismorning I was playing the piano (:awesome:) and he said "wow! I didn't know you were do good!" then he sang along to a few of the songs I played :) We were both getting our anger out earlier :chuckle: it was entertaining :chuckle:


    What have you been up to? :happy:

  17. :happy: I'm looking forward to hearing your story ;):happy:

    Nope just school :indiff: but I don't mind I have music first tomorrow :happy: do you have any plans? :)

    Jade x

  18. :awesome:

    I'm tied between Absolution and BH&R atm :happy:

    Naaaah not really just playing my keyboard (learning the end of USoE :awesome: it's hard :indiff:)

    Was yours busy?


    wifey xx

  19. Hiiiii! My day was okkkaaaaayyyy thanks, not been up to much, :happy: youu?


    :awesome: hmm its too hard fir me to pick their best album ;) just like it's too hard for me to pick my favourite Muse album :awesome:



    wifey xx

  20. :happy:

    :happy: luv you Jack ;)


    :awesome: I've actually never listened to Radiohead :$

    :yesey: yes, yes they are :awesome:


  21. :supersad: where do all the cute goth kids go?! Why do they never come to us? :chuckle:



    :supersad:, my day was cool :) I went shopping :happy:

  22. No I'm not an emo :chuckle: I'd never get loads of piercings :vomit: I'm fine with just ear studs :)

    aww thanks :kiss:

    :supersad: you never know she might like you sooner or later ;)


    It was cool :) I bought a new backpack and a MCR tshirt :awesome:


    I'm fine today thankyou! How's you? Done anything fun? :happy:



  23. :happy:

    It's going okay at the moment, I got his number the other day (:awesome:) we've been texing quite a bit :) so I don't know whats gonna happen next :eyebrows: anything happened with you and Sarah? :eyebrows:


    :chuckle: it is a cool name :yesey: I will :)



  24. They didn't go well :noey: I kept getting distracted by the piano (there's a large piano in the exam hall at the front, I was sat right at the front :rolleyes:) and when I though about music, random funny muse moment kept popping into my head :noey:

    Good :happy:


    Im going to a cool shop called Blue Banana to buy a new bag :awesome:

    You??? :happy:



  25. :happy::happy:

    lucky! what time does your school start?

    :LOL: did any new cute goth kids come? :eyebrows:

    No I haven't, is if really goooooood? :D


    How was your day?? :awesome:

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