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Status Updates posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. I usually get my mum or dad to make my toast. My dad can make toast perfectly :awesome:

    I remember when I was in cooking and Liam was my partner, the only thing he let me do was give him equipment and put stuff in the microwave, and I still managed to do that wrong!! :LOL:

  2. I can't last a day without my iPod :noey: I always use the boards on it :) I never use the board in a computer :chuckle: I got it working again! In gonna buy a new one when I go to Florida :happy:

    We chose one Tech subject so we don't have to change, im in product design with my 2 of my friends: Juliet and Rachel :happy: we're the only 3 girls in that tech group :unsure: there's 14 boys, one of them is really cute (he's a right moron though!) so I don't mind! :LOL:

    I can't cook either :rolleyes: The only thing I can make is toast!! :awesome:

  3. :happy: it's a Muse CD display :happy: it's for The Resistance :awesome: awwwwh!! We had an inset day today :dance: so I've been doing nothing :happy: but my iPod died AGAIN :indiff: so I've been stressing over that :LOL:
  4. Same here! :chuckle:

    Pretty boring again :chuckle: I made my Muse tech project though :awesome::happy:

    How was your day??? :happy:

  5. :happy: we need to know what's on their minds!!! :chuckle:
  6. I totally agree with you :yesey:


    You never know :eyebrows: he might have a secret crush on you :eyebrows:

  7. Two of Escape The Fate's albums, they're called "Escape The Fate" and "This War Is Ours" :rolleyes:

    :happy:, I honestly don't know :unsure: if I do go out with him and it ends badly then that'd be awful :noey: I wouldnt want to lose him as one of my best friends too, :unsure::noey:

    Would you just stay friends with connor? Or would you go out? :happy:

  8. Awwwwwwhhh!!!! :happy: I agree with you too! Me and my friends call them plastic bitches :chuckle:

    Well nothing much tbh. Me and my friend had a stupid argument, (I can't remember what it was about :chuckle:) and she said to make her feel better I'd have to ask Liam out :stunned::stunned::eek::eek:!!!!!! I was terrified!!! I didn't do it :$ then she told me if I put 2 of her fave albums on my iPod then she'll forgive me :rolleyes: i put the albums on :chuckle:

    What else happened to you today? :happy:

  9. :D :D :D you just made my day :kiss::happy: I don't know how to explain what he looks like :chuckle: well he's so cute! :happy:

    Awwwh!! I'm thinking he has a crush on you too :happy: :happy:

  10. :yesey: I want Matt to confirm it too! That's what I was thinking, she's been divorced hasn't she?


    :awesome: yay :happy: well he's very chatty around me, he's always trying to be funny, he hugs me (he's my school husband btw :chuckle: I dont even know how all the husband and wife thing happened I wasn't really paying attention :chuckle:), he's with me and my friends a lot of the time and today I had no lessons with him and he told my friend he missed me :supersad:

    :awesome: what happened in your lesson with him? :D! Oh right :chuckle: I'm one of the youngest out of all my friends :rolleyes:

  11. Good :)


    Me and some friends were helping my other History teacher sort out the music on his laptop, he had 2 muse albums :D

    I attempted to make Matt on guitar hero warriors of rock at my friends house and I found out that she has more Muse songs on her iPod than her favourite band :eek::awesome:


    What have you been up to? :happy:

  12. :happy: thanks. :D:LOL:

    :awesome: is she the same age as you? :happy:


    :D today in English Liam stole my notebook and wrote really big "To Jade.... I Love You! From Liam S.W.A.L.K" with hearts :D I think it was a joke :chuckle: I'm gonna keep the notebook forever now :dance: And I was talking to my friend about valentines day and she said what if Liam gets me a card :$.

    Do you think Connor will give you anything? :D


    How was your day?

  13. :wtf: that sucks! Have your parents complained about it yet??

    ikr I'd be quite scared to be a teacher :chuckle:


    :$ sorry that I didn't reply before I forgot :chuckle:

  14. Hi! Everythings good thanks, had kind of a musey day :awesome: how about you? :happy:

  15. Aww good luck! I have my Options Presentation Evening the day before :erm:


    (: What's your favourite Lady G song? I love Speechless and Bad Romance :awesome:


    :D I've gotten my best friend into Slipknot (: Slipknot are awesome because they managed to stay together :yesey:




    :awesome: Whats that about?

    I love horror comedies :) Have you seen Zombieland? That's an :awesome: movie :happy:


    Good and no I can't retake it :indiff: the money was suppost to be in last Wednsday and they only told us about the retake last Tuesday :erm: so my school is stupid. They obly give you one day's notice! :mad:. Haha lol yeah Paramore's awesomeness :happy:


    Naah nothing much, friends houses, school, board, piano, more board :D

    Have you been up to anything else? :happy:

  16. Oh :LOL::chuckle:

    I've been to Florida 6 times :happy:, LA twice, Las Vegas twice, San Fransisco twice, San Diego once and lots of other places :)

    Lucky :indiff:

    I meant fuzzing :chuckle:

  17. ;)


    When did you go to New York? :happy: I went last March/April and I'm going again in April for a couple of days :awesome:

    :awesome:, I've been doing homework for 3 hours today, and I still have loads more to do :mad:

    Fizzing :chuckle:

  18. No no :chuckle: I call lunch, dinner :chuckle: so after lunch it's 45mins ;)

    :yesey: I agree

    :D when I went to New York my fave pizza was Sbarro's :) they sell awesome Stromboli's :chuckle:

    No plans today :noey: except: homework, board, piano, homework, board.... :LOL:

    How about you?

  19. All my lessons are 50mins except for the lesson after dinner, that's 45mins, on wednsdays I have 1 hour and 40 mins of pe (:indiff:) and Thursdays 1 hour and 40 mins of tech. :eek: how many free lessons do you get? :D

    Joey is my fave too, he's so funny :chuckle: my fave episode is either the 'One with the cop' (when they try to get the sofa upstairs) or the 'One with all the cheesecakes' :chuckle:

    Our days are so :awesome:

    Pizza = :awesome:ness, especially Dominos pizza :happy:

  20. Yeah it's 50 mins every lesson :'(



    It's the episode where Joey's auditioning for the play, Chandler gets an internship as an advertiser and Ross gets mugged by Phoebe's friend :chuckle:

    :LOL: fuzzing :chuckle:

    Nothing much, played on my piano, homework, board, homework, board, piano more homework and more board :D and now my mums ordering a pizza :happy:

  21. Triple science is four 50 minute lessons every week; we have to do Biology, Chemistry and Physics we can't just pick one :indiff:


    I'll give them a listen later :happy:

    Homework sucks :indiff:

    :awesome:! I'm watching Friends now :awesome:

  22. :chuckle:

    :indiff: teachers suck! I do triple science :'(

    Yeah inspectors.

    You manage a band :cool::cool:. Would I have heard of this band? What's the long story then? If you don't wanna type it all it's okay ;)

    Nope nothing planned, except piles of homework and walking my dog. Have you got any plans?


    Thanks for the sub btw :happy:

  23. :LOL:

    I'd like to hear you sing ;):happy:

    My weeks been pretty crap tbh :( got my science exam results back :indiff: got a D :'( I blame my science teacher, cause he's never in the lessons! And offstead have been at our school this week, they were annoying :mad:


    How was your week? :)

  24. :D :D I've been attempting the B&H solo too! But I need bigger hands, stupid small girl hands :indiff:. Naaah I can't sing to save my life :LOL: can you sing?

    :happy: yey !!

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