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Status Updates posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. Hi I just got back, it was pretty crap all the info we were given was for year 11's :noey: me and my friends were just going round collecting freebies :chuckle:

    I know she's insane!! We've told her how bloody stupid she's being various times!! She won't listen to anyone but her mum :noey:

  2. That is kind of normal! I find it embarrassing to cough in public too! But if I don't cough I end up choking :LOL: I used to have msn but my account got deactivated because I hadn't used it for AGES!!!! :chuckle:

  3. I have no idea :LOL: my mum's going with me instead now, so there should be no awkward questions :chuckle: awwwh! I'm sure he'll come back inside eventually!! :happy: I'd stay inside too! I stand next to radiators :chuckle:


    How stupid and idiotic do you think these following sentences are? There are 100% true:

    My friend came to me the other day (shes only just turned 14 btw) and she told me she's taking Contraception Pills! Her mother is letting her do this! She's talking them because her "17 year old boyfriend" (who she met over Facebook. He looks about 30!!!) is coming over to visit and she doesn't want to get pregnant.


    ....... How stupid do you think that is?! The worst part is HER MOTHER is letting ber do this!!!! :stunned::stunned:

    Sorry I just had to get that off my chest :chuckle:

  4. :LOL: my dad would ask him lots of awkward questions like "what are you intentions with my daughter?" or "what are your plans for the future?" then he'd give me the boyfriend talk AGAIN!! :LOL::LOL:


    Awwwwh! Was he even at school? :supersad:

  5. We all have our options evenings at the same time :happy:

    Im pretty scared tbh :chuckle: my dad'll think there's something going on between us :chuckle:

    Thanks :) what have you done today? :happy:

  6. I think Swedish sounds cool :cool:

    :LOL: :LOL:

    I'm kind of shy too :$

  7. :LOL::awesome:

    We had art together, he helped me draw The Resistance artwork :happy:

    I think he's gonna meet my dad tonight :stunned: it's one of our options evenings and we're all gonna walk round together :happy:

    How was your day?

  8. :LOL:

    I can't even make pizza :noey:


    I only have one lesson when I'm sat with Liam tomorrow :indiff: it's art though so that'll be fun :eyebrows:. I have double PE first thing tomorrow morning :'( outside playing netball in the freezing cold!!! :noey:

  9. My fave is probably confuzzled, I use it all the time :yesey::LOL:


    I have 2 pairs of them, in hoping to buy some silver like Dom's :happy: that's a cool idea, I'm gonna draw on my converse :yesey:

    :awesome: I need new avatar ideas :)


    Any interesting plans this week? :happy:

  10. Adorabubble that's an awesome word!! :chuckle: ikr it'll probably be my wedding song :happy::LOL: he was silent then he smiled and looked at me out of the corner of his eye :happy: than sang :chuckle:

    :happy: 'the look' :D:yesey: Converse are :awesome: Hollie has 7 pairs! :chuckle:

    I had about 3 billie Joe avatars picked out, my favourite one was too small (:'(), another was too big, so Im using this one :D

    I always forget to change my avatar, I remembered when I changed my undertitle :happy:


  11. :D thanks :happy: CONVERSE!!! <3 :chuckle:

    I'm great! Thankyou! My friend Lea embarrassed me and Liam today :$ I was sat with Liam in History, Lea gets our teacher to come over then she said "Sir, do you think those two *points at us* should go out?" :stunned: he replied "awwwh, no comment :chuckle:"

    Then Liam did the sweetest thing, he started to sing one of my favourite songs to me :happy: it was Aerosmith 'I don't wanna miss a thing' :happy: have you heard it? I <3 the chorus "I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep, cause I'd miss you baby, And I don't wanna miss a thing. And ever when I dream of you, the sweetest dream will never do, cause I miss you baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing." <3 <3 <3 He sings Starlight too :happy:


    How was your day? :happy:

  12. :happy:. British isn't that awesome :chuckle::eek: I don't think Swedish sounds strange!


    What have you been up to today? :)

  13. Hey :happy: thanks for the add :D

  14. :awesome: I want to go skiing!!! I wanna go for my birthday!!! :awesome:

    Aww! Hope your knee feels better :chuckle::D

    I'm from England :D the home of Muse :awesome: where are you from?


    EDIT: just read your profile again, :awesome: you're from Sweden!! :cool:

  15. :chuckle: that sounds fun :LOL:

    Just school :indiff: we found out today that with our new uniform we get clip on tie's :indiff: normal tie's are apparently "not safe for kids" :rolleyes: I hate my school :indiff:

  16. :LOL: it was quite strange :chuckle:


    I have 2 muse posters by my bed then maybe 20 pics. My other 3 muse posters are spread around :happy: my room is full of other band pics and posters :rolleyes: you can't see my wall's at all! :chuckle:

    That sounds like my kind of night :awesome: how are you today? :happy:

  17. I'm okay thanks :happy: yourself? Have you been fuzzing today? :awesome:

  18. No pwoblem ;) I'm great thanks! How are you? :happy:

  19. Gooooood and I'm fine thank you :happy: What have you been up to? Let me guess... Fuzzing around on the Fuzz :LOL:

  20. :)


    Haha :LOL: three of my friends were born on the same day, almost at the same time and at the same hospital :awesome:

    Been okay thanks :happy: went shopping, bought a Green Day poster then rearranged all my posters and pics (all my Muse pics and posters are next to my bed :awesome:) and when my dad gets back from his friends house we're gonna watch The Grayham Norton show and then Friends :awesome:

    How's your day been? :happy:

  21. Haha :chuckle:


    My fave film is probably Zombieland or Hot Fuzz :awesome: I'm guessing yours is a Johnny Depp film :happy:


    :eek: in watching MCR's video for Sing and Gerard just got shot ! :'( :'(



  22. Hey :happy: how are you today?

  23. :LOL: ! No I haven't seen it yet, I wanna see it though :happy:
  24. Yeah! I love that film!!! I saw it with Hollie, that was the second most embarrassing day ever (The day with Liam was my first!) :chuckle:

  25. :LOL: agreed!! That's probably why I mess up too!


    So what should we talk about now?? :happy:

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