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Status Updates posted by knightofcydonia

  1. I don't get the random the loud sound and the "Fantastic" at the end though :LOL:


    You'd blow up all our hard work? :supersad:. Well I guess if we sent one upon you that's understandable :LOL:


    It really is, I never tire of watching it. Always like the song Down with the Sickness as well, so that's a plus when I'm watching the movie! Andy was great :(. Well at least he was killed eventually, so he at least got to die - everyone else has to live as zombies for the rest of their lives. If they have "lives", that is :shifty:. I knew it was a bad idea to go to that island... Aww really? That's unfortunate. I haven't seen any more trailers, sucks it has bad CGI.

    I'll make sure to watch that one :awesome:

    Mine too! Great :D. I've got a few decorations to put up, and I always carve a pumpkin. Last year I did... Spock! For not-obvious reasons, of course. Maybe this year I'll do a Star Wars character.

    I don't know who the Trickster is, but the description is certainly right.

    :awesome: Wow, you did?! I'm glad you liked it! I hope you're not just being nice in saying you did :D. Yeah the Ceti eels, pretty brutal. I cringed too. I cried the first time I saw the movie, when he died, not going to lie.

    KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! Shatner's so dramatic :LOL:. Weird how Khan and Kirk (similar names, too, yeah?) never meet face to face in the movie.

    I don't blame you :chuckle:. I think it's cool how he's in there! Random, yes, but a good easter egg :awesome:

    I guess it was more out of surprise than pain. Do you ever get that, when something happens to you and you say "Ow!" but it doesn't actually hurt? I do that all the time :$. He does! I think so too :LOL:. In the Star Trek movie, right when Quinto's Spock beams down to planet Vulcan (it's in the first trailer too, at about 1:09/1:10), I think he looks just like Leonard Nimoy too. Quinto was the perfect choice :awesome:

  2. Yeah not good... I watched the second half of the Jets game, saw that they lost :(

    :awesome: Awesome news! That's so exciting!


    :chuckle: I agree


    That's so funny :LOL:! I don't know what my dad would do... he'd probably be a bit upset but he'd definitely forget by the next day :chuckle:. Hopefully! I do too. Other than the ones we've talked about... I think The Ghost of Tom Joad (I know it was a cover, but still) and Township Rebellion... so those two, Calm Like a Bomb, Guerrilla Radio, and Killing in the Name I think are my favourites. And I love most of The Battle of Los Angeles in general. I have too many favourites, I can't decide! I think I like the drums part the most, and I really want to learn real drums. Exactly! Though I don't mean I love swearing when I say I wish they weren't blotted out... really except when I'm singing along to a song, I never swear. Well once when I was really really little :LOL: but I don't count that. I do too :happy:


    I've heard of Barnes and Noble, but only the name, didn't know it's a bookstore. That's too bad, sounds like you're out of luck for good nearby bookstores! Next time I go to Chapters I'm definitely hitting the Starbucks :yesey:


    Better yet, we were the only West Division team that won this weekend, so we're one win away from leading the West! My lucky brother gets to go to this next game

    :(. I still have lots of hope for later in the season though!

  3. It doesn't look good for the Rams :(

    Awesome for the Cardinals though! Only one game behind :awesome:

  4. I like a lot of the acoustics, especially Shine and Sing for Absolution. And I think Plug in Baby sounds Spanish :chuckle:


    Then Grant and I would send a BattleBot after you guys :phu:



    Watched the Dawn of the Dead remake again tonight :awesome:

    I'll have to look them up then! I certainly will :awesome:

    Halloween is actually coming up pretty soon :happy:

    Yes, I agree that they should be more fierce.

    :LOL: That's Q for you! He does that. He's usually in my favourite episodes :chuckle:

    Yes, I'm really happy about that! He does action really well. You should! And anyways, a comforting thought is that JJ Abrams is a Star Wars fan, so you won't completely feel like you're abandoning your love for Star Wars :chuckle:. Also, not sure if I mentioned this before, but R2-D2 is floating around amongst the debris at one point in the movie - keep your eyes open for him! I'll give you a hint as to when he appears, if you want. He's hard to find and I only know because I've seen the movie a few million times :rolleyes:

    Spock is :awesome:. Random fact: in the scene where Spock pinches Kirk (around 1:22)... that was the very first neck pinch Spock ever did. Leonard Nimoy made it up on the spot, and decided to do it to Shatner, so in that scene Shatner's not acting, it's real pain! (why do I know that :chuckle:)

  5. They are much better! Oh well, it's only first year, so I don't think it's as important. Yep, it was


    Exactly :LOL:. She was mad because she was offended by the words/language and she didn't want me listening to it. Yeah I can totally understand why she was upset. I just thought she was on a dog walk so I was alone in the house. Big oops! :awesome::happy:. I like that song a lot! Most Rage songs, really, I like them a lot. It's so fun :awesome: I think the drums are the best part to play. It's really annoying, and sounds funny with Zack de la Rocha just saying "Cut the... cord!" and "Turn that... up!" - it loses a bit of the feeling behind it. It is! I've talked to the one with the hoodie a lot since my physics class is so small, and she loves them a lot too :awesome:


    That makes it even worse, that it was one of your favourites! Me too! There really are, seems like every block that has businesses on it has a Starbucks :chuckle:. I don't either. With whipped cream on both of them :awesome:


    We played it today, and we won 42-5! Such a good game! They were really loud to start with but they got quiet pretty quickly :D. Next game is a home game, and it'll be the grand opening of the new stadium which looks sweet. That'll give us more confidence too, I think, playing there.

    I know, it's pretty random. I'll try to watch a bit of the game tomorrow. I hope so too, they have to be then!


    Great! Jeez that's tight, with four games left...

  6. It is satisfying! I don't really like using limits though, some of them just mess with my head. I like derivatives much more. Hopefully yes in future years more teachers will come out. It did help hearing them talk about some advice for studying, etc. That's good!


    I love it to look back on and laugh about it :LOL: but seriously I was in so much trouble at the time! I'd love to see that :LOL:. Although I already know you're awesome :D. It was the first RATM song I ever heard, so I think I know it better than all the others. I just downloaded Guerilla Radio onto my Rock Band game (didn't know it was available until tonight); awesome to play along to :cool:. (Although the swear words are blotted out, so... :shifty: darn...). Funny you should say that because I met two people today (separately) who like Muse too! And I was wearing my Muse shirt, and both of them were too (one also had a Muse hoodie!) :awesome:. One's in my Physics class and the other is in Biology.


    That's too bad it closed :(. That certainly is an incentive :chuckle:. The Chapters store I go to has a Starbucks in it as well (they're everywhere!), so it's really nice to sit down sipping hot chocolate or a frapuccino and reading a good book :happy:. Do you drink coffee?


    It's kinda scary because the Lions are on a 4 game win streak and the Roughriders are on a 3 game win streak, so both teams have been doing well lately. Also it's an away game, so it'll be in Saskatchewan where the fans are probably the loudest out of all the CFL. I have high hopes though, we know how important this is to win

    For some reason I have a purple football that says Baltimore Ravens on it, no idea how I got that :wtf:. I really hope they don't :noey:


    No! I'm sad to hear that :(. Crossing my fingers extra tight for these last games!

  7. Believe it or not, I really love derivatives! I think they're fun to do :LOL:. No you didn't miss anything! I think I was really vague about it! The organizers of the "Meet Your Profs" night said (if I remember correctly) that it was the first annual one, so it's a very new event. Since it's so new... I don't know, maybe they just weren't able to get a lot of teachers out. Anyways, they managed to get about 30 teachers to come to the event (where we basically ate food and talked with them about random things and school-related stuff), but of the 30 teachers none of them happened to be mine. I hope that made more sense!


    You might remember my mum-walking-in-on-me-belting-out-killing-in-the-name story :$, so yes, from first-hand experience, I know that most of them are not for blasting out when other people are around :LOL:. :awesome: I bet that does! I would do that if I had a car. I heard someone doing that with Testify the other day, actually! I'm glad it's been a good year so far :happy:. Yes! I think I'll use pictures I took at the concert, even though they're not great pictures, but they're good for nostalgia


    I think it's my favourite store, alongside one called Chapters, which (as you can probably tell from the name) is a bookstore, and it's just as huge :awesome:. Yep, we've got Wal-Mart! I see, now. I can see why you like going there!


    :happy: I hope you like watching it! They play on Saturday, against Saskatchewan. It's a really big game, because if we win we pull two games ahead for playoff spot but if we lose we'll be tied with them!

    They'll look to build and focus on those good moments! When is their next game, and who is it against?


    :( Aww! These last few games are so tense, I bet. If I'm reading the standings right, then at least their record for the last ten games is 4-6, and yours is 7-3, so that's good

  8. ... even Overdue! Not, say, Hate This And I'll Love You, though.


    You're welcome! :happy:

    :LOL: Okay, okay, I'll do one one of these days!


    Ahh, but Grant likes Star Trek. He would sooner side with me, and he wouldn't listen to you :phu:


    Star Trek certainly has been around for a long time! I haven't seen recent episodes of the Simpsons, but I'll take your word for it. I'd love more movies, but no more series. There's enough material out there already.

    They might sign on to more! *very very hopeful*

    Yes! As I said, they're really fun to read :LOL:

    I don't actually like their look with the masks... if they do choose Klingons as the enemy I hope they are done away with. It's very un-Star Trek - I've never heard of/seen them in masks. He did, over two years ago :(. Of course you can ask me! You know I love talking about Star Trek :LOL:. Don't worry about it :D.

    They wouldn't really mess up the film series, but they'd mess up Star Trek as a whole, if that makes sense.The Borg and the Federation aren't even supposed to know about each other until over a hundred years after the 2009 Star Trek movie was set (the movie was set in the 2250's or 2260's, and the Borg are supposed to appear in the 2360's). Also, the only reason they found out about the Federation was because a multidimensional entity named Q messed around with the space-time continuum, and he doesn't appear until way later as well (besides, they wouldn't bring him back into the movie because the actor looks quite a bit older, but he's the only one who could play Q. He's an awesome character). I know that yes, these new movies are based in an "alternate reality", but introducing the Borg would be a bit of stretch. Lastly, if the Federation was to find out about the Borg a hundred years earlier than they should have, then lots of the plot behind later Star Trek TV series wouldn't matter any more.

    That's good :chuckle: because you guessed correctly, another long reply from me :p

    There probably would be! I wouldn't use it though, I'd rather age naturally.

  9. I wouldn't mind if (almost) any Showbiz song came back.


    Yes, congrats to them! Good job to you though, still, I really liked it :happy:


    As you might have noticed I never got around to making one...


    I'd stop talking to you. :phu:


    It... wasn't :noey:. By then the creators had also ran out of story ideas, so the episodes had barely any uniqueness about them, and lacked feeling, and... yeah I didn't like it :rolleyes:

    You guessed right! Well as long as it still makes sense that they're making them, if that makes sense... if they have to turn to a whole new cast then that would be too much, or if they end up looking really repetitive, stuff like that, then they wouldn't be Star Trek to me.

    :awesome: I loved reading the comments, all the Trekkies arguing amongst themselves :LOL:. I think Klingons. They were a pretty big part of the original series as villains, and Romulans have already been done, so if Star Trek 2 is to channel more original series then I think Klingons are the best choice. Not Khan because that would seem too much like it's copying the first Star Trek II, and Khan has been already dealt with twice. Plus only Ricardo Monatlban could play him, and he's since passed away. Some people were mentioning the Borg, but it would awful for that to happen since it would mess up the later series too much.

    Not sure if you knew what you were getting into by asking me that, sorry I kinda rambled :facepalm:

    Oh jeez, yes we both are :eek: so weird to think!

  10. That's good to hear! Which topic are you doing right now? :happy:. Well, it was different than I expected - none of my teachers were even there! The organizers tried to get as many as they could, and they did get a lot, but it just so happened that not any of them were mine. Yes, all kinds of small things pop up! :LOL: That's so true


    :LOL: They certainly have! (Just not when other people are around :$). :awesome::chuckle: Thanks. I hope you have the time to! It really sounds like this year has been busy for you. I hope it's one concert as well. Probably :chuckle:. :awesome: That's so cool! Right now mine is a wallpaper for the United States of Eurasia, but only because it's the only picture big enough I've found on google images. But a concert picture... that's a really good idea :yesey:


    Maybe. It's the one of its kind here. We have Best Buy too, but yeah it's not quite the same kind of store. You'll have to describe what Target is to me :$ I've never heard of it


    Whenever my dad and I are out of the country can watch the game on tsn.ca (TSN is our leading sports network), so you could try that I guess if you really wanted to. The full games are uploaded when they're over, but during the actual game the website might offer them streaming live

    It'll probably be relieving once out of the next few weeks! They might surprise you, though. You're welcome! I'll really be paying attention in the newspapers!

    I thought you'd like to hear that :happy:


    They are so close! Atlanta's got to go down :fear:

  11. Don't feel bad about finding it hard! It does take a while to understand once you learn something new... you just have to do lots of questions. Yes, I'm sure it'll go better than I think it will. I can't think of a day that goes by when I haven't thought of them at some point! ... oh I guess every time I'm on here (pretty much every day) I kinda have to think about them... well, besides that, then :p I still think about them a lot. I can't say the song helped me though, I got the answer really wrong


    :awesome:. I love that part too! And then it explodes right in to "All! Hell! Can't stop us now!". Is it Sleep Now in the Fire that is your favourite? Or was; sorry if I got that wrong, I'm trying to remember :$. I just watched some of the Hullabaloo extra footage myself, and that got me more excited too! Hopefully Muse will also put out another making of or live concert dvd, something like that. Agh, we'll just have to see! Yeah, I can understand that too. And Matt has more room to move around the stage! It was fantastic :yesey:


    Oh! Oops, perhaps it's just a British/Canadian chain :$ - hmv (or HMV) is the biggest store I can think of that sells stuff like music, DVDs, video games, etc. I don't know how much money I've spent there :facepalm:


    I really like it too. :awesome: I'd love to know what you think about it! No pressure to watch one anytime soon though.

    Aww, that's unfortunate! If you do win a game though it'll be more meaningful since your opponents are so tough, which would give you more confidence. I really hope for the best for the Rams!

    It's very early in the season, anything can happen! Yes, he'll help

    I read an article the other day about a former Jets player who won the Superbowl in the sixties, but he lost his championship ring soon after, in Hawaii - it was found and just returned to him, after 40 years :happy:

  12. I wish it was more enjoyable for you, but I'm happy it's going better! You're welcome :happy:. I hope I'll be able to talk to my teachers :$... I mean my physics professor looks like an older Stephen Hawking (minus the wheelchair) - that alone is intimidating to me :eek:. I'll let you know how it goes then :chuckle:. Yes, that's true! Exactly, me too. Muse on the mind, as always :chuckle:. I took a physics quiz today and one of the questions was about a "massive black hole", and of course, which song was stuck in my head while I was trying to figure out the answer :rolleyes::chuckle:


    I really like Calm Like a Bomb and Guerrilla Radio more, for some reason. Yes, hopefully a lot of progress :awesome:. I see what you're saying! I wonder if less extravagant stage setups would mean cheaper tickets... well, that probably won't happen, but I hope it does. Maybe you liked it more because it becomes more about the music. I can't really say what I think, since I've only been to the one concert. There's so much to look forward to! Yes, I think it will be


    I hope you can find somewhere where you can buy them directly, and not have to ship them online. Do hmv stores where you have posters? In Canada they don't, but in the UK they do. That's for sure :LOL:. I don't know what triggered that either :LOL:


    One particular angle that we don't have is an overhead one, facing the back of the quarterback and looking down the field (I think usually when the centre snaps the ball), if that makes sense! I can't think of many others we don't have though. It does enhance the viewing. Ahh, right, they played the Patriots! Yes it was a good game.

    :( Aww no! That must've been frustrating to watch.

    Their start to the year sounds like the Lions'... awesome in the preseason, but really rough first games. The Lions have turned their season around, so I hope that happens to the Rams! (but that they win their first game sooner than the Lions, of course!)

  13. :LOL: That's good! How's math going, by the way? I will! There's a meet the profs night on Wednesday. I'll probably end up talking about football with her :chuckle:. That would make sense. I really hope so, because they've got such an important position now in Canadian politics and they've promised a lot. They haven't found someone yet - well, there's a temporary person right now, but elections for a proper (oh jeez, I actually almost typed pwoper :facepalm:) leader will happen next year, in March, I think.


    Me too! About LA Rising I mean - watching that made me get into RATM more too. They're certainly working in the studio right now, I think I remember hearing that they're even recording some stuff and not just writing. But overall, I really want to know how for as well! I can't wait either! Find out all their new tour dates :awesome:. I do as well, actually. I hope it isn't either. I do think they'll be getting bigger and more ambitious with their gigs. That's not a bad thing, just to have hope :happy:. I've got lots of hope too



    I'm sure there are lots online, and you could try poster stores too. :LOL:. That was a bit cheeky of him! I think the two bands are really good friends though. Yeah, that would've been interesting!


    I enjoyed watching the ones I saw! This might sound kind of funny, but one of the things I like about watching NFL games are the camera angles - there are so many more that give great views of the field than in CFL games. One of the Superbowls I saw was when Eli Manning was playing, and Peyton was watching from the stands (I cheered for the Giants). Too bad for my Chem teacher...

    I'm happy for you that they won! That's a lot of pressure :eek:. They're playing the Giants, right? I won't be cheering for the Giants for that game ;)

  14. That's so weird :LOL:, I've probably got that accent. Same with my Chem teacher too, I don't know where in the States she's from but it took me a while to realize she had an accent. He was probably happy too! :awesome:. Yes it's sad :(. No-one really know what will happen to the NDP now, because it'll be really hard to find someone to replace him as leader.


    That makes sense, and considering that you've already been to shows you'd be able to imagine being there better. Really amazing :yesey:. :happy:. Then we've got so long to wait before we find out! It's funny how it just popped up! It would also give us something to occupy our time before the album release.


    I can see how it's like Resistance too, actually. Okay!

    Yes it can :cool:

    I'm sure you'll find more Muse posters sometime, somewhere. It doesn't! I wonder too, of course I'd like to think Muse! No :eek:


    I've seen a few Super Bowls, and I remember watching them win one of them. Jeez it would be hard to lose a quarterback like Manning…

    I saw that the Jets won today! :awesome: By a lot, too!


    No problem!

  15. :awesome:. Did you think he had an accent? :LOL: That's so funny how you talked about Canada. You spelt that right! That's so cool! You're welcome :chuckle:.

    The sub might've said this, but Jack Layton, the leader of the NDP passed away from cancer a few weeks ago.


    That is strange :chuckle:. The fire was fantastic. Thanks for clearing it up for me! Hmm, you're probably right about that. It's easy to look back at an album and come up with a central theme, but we actually have to find out about this album gradually. I was just talking about puns today, for some reason :chuckle:. I really hope so, but ideally they'll come out over the summer, not during school, since I'd be so determined to solve them I wouldn't be a able to study :rolleyes:. If only!


    I don't know if you've listened to some of their new songs, but they don't sound at all like what they used to, even completely different from the last album. Just listen to a song like "The Only Hope for Me is You" or "Planetary (GO!)" - probably not what you'd expect. Not to impose on you to listen to MCR though! I'm sorry if it seems that way :$

    :LOL: That would be crazy! The keytar probably can do everything

    Two better than nothing :happy:. I would've been so annoyed too! It doesn't make sense why they'd move out Muse, if that was the case :noey:.

    Okay, I'll think of it that way :chuckle:


    Yeah, a lot of NFL games are in the newspapers here, and actually I just read about Peyton Manning again. No wonder he'll be out for a while :(


    To wikipedia! Apparently it was very destructive but only caused two casualties.

  16. It's an old/no longer in use kind, which is why he hasn't gone out and bought one yet. Apparently. I wouldn't mind at all! Won't happen though.


    Not yet :$. Yep, it's over on Sunday, and then the winner will be announced within the three days after. Looks like you're right about that too. No, I doubt that :chuckle:


    I know, I know :$. Okay! :awesome: Hope you enjoy them! (you better)

    Just kidding :p

    Yeah it was a prequel show, but messed up a lot of what the original series was about. It's quite confusing :LOL:. I wonder how many ST movies there'll be... there will be 12 relatively soon :eek:. It's like they'll never stop

    According to Star Trek: First Contact, Earth will have it's first contact with alien life in April 2063 :shifty:

  17. Exactly, same for me and a lot of Origin of Symmetry, thanks to Reading! Yep, Megalomania especially for me - I recorded it while I was there and I just watched the video back for the first time, and I love the song even more now. Live version of Bliss is :awesome:. Oh! I see now. I do too! I think we'll get a better idea when we know what the idea is behind the album. :chuckle:. You're probably right about that! I really really want to know. Also, considering they did cryptograms before BHaR and more cryptograms/a treasure hunt for United States of Eurasia USB sticks for TR, I really hope it means that they will do more for this next album. Imagine if they did another treasure hunt and one of the meeting places (for some reason) was where we are!


    Yes, a lot in my opinion. I wonder what the next of Matt's guitars will be like, because the designs keep getting more complex.

    Me too :happy:. I want more too! Aww, that's too bad you couldn't find a good one! :stunned: That doesn't make sense at all :noey:

    I still can't really believe it :LOL:. I think I'm biting my lip, or maybe I'm starting to smile :chuckle:. I'll never know


    Yeah, Peyton Manning is a name mentioned a lot here north of the border as well. What kind of injury does he have? I know he got surgery but I can't remember for what.


    Whoa! I think the last pretty big one that was felt here (as in, not offshore) was in the '40's

  18. I just want to say THANK YOU for all you do! Muse concerts, movies, spoofs, randoms, everything, it's all great :yesey:. Thanks :happy:

  19. :awesome:. You're welcome! Thank you as well :happy:


    :awesome: Of course! And those ones! I'd love to hear Uno, too. It's nice when you rediscover some of their songs. They didn't give a reason for cancelling the show? Yes, at least you saw them :happy:. It's so cool! Exactly, the speculation is a big part of it right now too. It really means a lot to me too. You're probably right! That's a big possibility :LOL:


    I think so too, in terms of where they stand in their respective genres (or lack thereof, as they don't really fit in to just a couple), their theatricality in shows, stuff like that. I was so excited when I read that :chuckle:. Oh yes, I can see that happening :LOL:. Hugh Manson would probably put together a special guitar for him too, for use as a secret weapon :shifty:

    Nice, a tour poster! I've got The Resistance album artwork poster as well :awesome:, and one that's also got big Muse letters on top but with a picture of them on the bottom (Resistance era). The third is the black and white one (BHaR era, I think) where they're all leaning against a wall outside; Chris is in a kind of black suit, Dom has a white jacket, and Matt has his arms crossed...

    :LOL: Here you go: http://arabella37.buzznet.com/user/journal/12975031/tour-blogger-report-vancouver-8/

    It's the second picture - I'm on the very very right (from your view). I've got my Reading wristband on my right arm. I think it was taken when we were waiting for the band to get on because no one looks excited and we're just staring at... something... we all look kinda spaced out :chuckle:. Not the best picture :facepalm:

    If the link doesn't work for some reason go to MCR's website and scroll down until you find the tour blogger's entry for the Vancouver concert, and click "read the rest of the entry here"... you'll find it!


    You are punny too! :LOL:


    I'm glad it was an option! The teacher said she's a Colts fan. :happy: Football...

    It was only the first game, they've got a lot of time left


    I hadn't realized that, I see. Glad it's usually inactive, of course!

  20. That makes sense! Yeah Canadian history isn't all that interesting :rolleyes:. I'm glad you find your country's' interesting!

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