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Everything posted by knightofcydonia

  1. Thank you! Happy early New Year to you too! :D:happy: Any plans?



    I could see it being Gary. He's from the pilot episode of Star Trek and was one of Kirk's friends. Then by an accident he was gifted with special powers that corrupted him. It would make sense since it seems that the villain and Kirk are around the same age, as Gary and Kirk were...



    I liked it too. I agree it was a bit slow in some parts, and some scenes could've been shorter. Martin was great!


    Are you caught up with Supernatural? And how was your Christmas? :happy:

  2. Glad he's fine! :LOL: I see



    Some people in the comments were pointing out that it looks mirrored, as in Kirk is in Spock's position instead of the other way around as in the movie. Of course they wouldn't kill him off but I think if they were to use that moment in a scene it would have to be a very intense scene nonetheless.

    I don't think it's Khan. I think it's either an entirely new character, or it's Garth of Izar, a character from an episode of the Original Series. But that might be a stretch and I don't know what he'd want "revenge" for :rolleyes:


    Saw the Hobbit a couple days ago, have you seen it?


    Merry Christmas to you too! :awesome:

  3. That must feel so good to be home :happy:. Glad finals went well! Good job :awesome:. My last two were okay... I've got the marks back for all my classes except for one and there were some I could've done better on but I still got in the A range for all of them, so that's satisfying. Ahh the Lions :chuckle:. They had the best record going into the playoffs, so we got to host the Western Conference Final. My brother went to that. I don't know what happened, but we were totally, completely outplayed. The other team (Calgary) played almost flawlessly against us and we made so many mistakes and bad plays. It was a real shock considering how well all our other games had gone! Well, the fact that our quarterback was coming off injury and hadn't played for a few weeks contributed to how we played... yeah. The Grey Cup was cool though! It was the 100th Grey Cup, held in Toronto this year, and Toronto won it! They were one of the original CFL teams, and I was cheering for them because they were the underdogs and owned by the same guy who owns the Lions :D. Ahh! Enough talk about CFL football :LOL:. I'm glad the Rams are doing better!


    I hope they do come!


    Yeah, I will! Well, it'll make my studying a bit harder but I'll start studying early then :chuckle:. And I missed them the last time they were here; I can't miss them again. I'm so excited for it! I'm going with two of my friends, and we've got floor tickets. We're going to try to aim for the very front :D. You're welcome! :happy:

  4. Yeah I know what you mean by boring teachers for sure. Ahh well I'm finally done my exams and I've been relaxing a lot :awesome:. How's your puppy doing?



    It looks really good. Though there was a possibly huge spoiler in the Japanese version of it that my brother showed me. It's got some additional clips and one of them appears to be


    the same scene as Spock's death scene in Star Trek II, with Kirk and Spock doing the palm-to-live-long-and-prosper-sign through the glass... not sure what that's about!


  5. Thanks! Have you liked your classes? Aww well best wishes to him!


    I've never seen it. So you like it so far?


    Yeah I know, I should do something weirder :p. I do love bacon...

  6. I see.

    Hey then you're almost done! Best of luck on your finals! :happy:. I've got finals going right now. Two down and two to go; I'll be done by Thursday. They've gone okay so far, but these last two are for my hardest courses. Man I'm so looking forward to winter break xD


    :D Yeah I just thought it was a small world indeed.

    Ahh that's too bad then. I hope you can make it work! I'm crossing my fingers :yesey:


    They're going to be here on February 6. Unfortunately it's a wednesday right around midterm period, but oh well :chuckle:. Congratulations! :awesome: I'm happy for you! :dance:

  7. Two final exams left now.

    That would've been awesome :D. Haha I don't like shopping either. Awesome deals though :awesome: that's great!

    I've been well but really busy studying for exams. I'll be all free for winter break by Thursday!


    Yeah :yesey:. I'm going to watch a lot of movies and tv shows during the break, take advantage of it :chuckle:


    :LOL: That does sound interesting! Weirdest waffle meal I've had would be with ice cream. It was good :chuckle:.

  8. So much homework nearing the end of term :noey:

    How've you been doing?


    American Horror Story is good! Very dark and twisted though :shifty:. I'm even more behind than ever.

  9. Cool! I hope you like it! :awesome:


    That's what a lot of people have been saying.

    :chuckle:. I need to catch up on Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, Walking Dead, and American Horror Story.


    OH I misread sorry :LOL: I thought you meant that over the next two weeks they'll be playing the movies, not "starting" in two weeks :rolleyes:

  10. YES. You should see the whole movie; it's just as funny and random :LOL:


    I'm slacking on The Walking Dead :$

    You do watch a lot of TV shows!


    NICE :awesome:. What have you seen so far?

  11. Monty Python is pretty random :LOL:. Ever watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail?



    I'm finding Sam and Amelia's storyline is getting really boring...

    I'm on Dean's side of it all. Sam shouldn't have left Dean just like that; I'll be really disappointed if there's no alternative explanation for why Sam did that. Dean's right to be angry, though eventually he'll have to just let Sam go.


    Overall a good episode, but I'm pretty sure I'll like next week's episode the most out of all so far xD SO looking forward to having Cas back!


  12. No worries! I KNOW! EVERYONE I KNOW IS REALLY HAPPY ABOUT IT! :chuckle: We're so much more interested in the American elections than the Canadian ones it seems :chuckle:. I read somewhere that the ratio of Canadians that would vote for Obama over Romney is 7 to 1! It's awesome that Obama was reelected :happy:. I bet that would've been so cool to go, I can't imagine! :awesome:. My midterms are going okay! Some I'm really happy about (... I got 100% in one math one xD) and others... well, they got scaled up so overall I'm feeling fine about them. I've just got one more, on Friday. Ahh right! I forgot that Thanksgiving for you is later. That'll be a nice break from school :happy:


    Good to hear your exams are going well! Yeah it's a lot of work :chuckle:. Great :happy:

    Really random question: do you know of a Namiko Kunimoto who's a professor at American? I think in the Arts department. I just found out that she works there, and if I worked it out right she's a second cousin. I just thought it was cool she works at American and you might know of her :chuckle:. I've never met her but she knows my grandpa


    Yeah :awesome:. I'm still listening to the album over and over again. Are Muse going to be going by where you are next year?


    I've been good, thanks! School's been really busy but my last final exam is pretty early so I'll have a nice early start at winter break, and I'm really looking forward to that. I'm already really psyched for next year since I've got tickets to Muse and to a Supernatural Convention here :D

    How've you been?

  13. Nice!

    Mine was fun! We ran out pretty quickly too. And I went out for a late dinner in my Castiel costume and got 20% off xD


    Yeah that's from an ad for winter tires or something :LOL: it's very clever!


    Ever seen Monty Python?



    It's not everyone's humour... but speaking of Canada :chuckle:

  14. How was yours? :awesome:


    It was my favourite of the season!


    Yay Felicia Day's back! :awesome::dance: I'm pretty sure it's episode 11... xD



    :LOL: Exactly!

  15. Happy Hallowe'en! :awesome::dance:


    Ahhh okay, well the pictures themselves tell a lot too. I'm really looking forward to that episode :awesome:


    Wha - Hey, but you like them too, don't you? Or...


  16. Here's a link, in case you don't mind spoilers or you've already read the episode summary :shifty:



    Rorschach and Castiel are both very cool characters! :phu:


  17. Yeah. There's a new show called Primeval that's even set in Vancouver, so it'll be really weird to hear them mention familiar place names all the time :chuckle:


    Glad you liked it! It was a nice change in pace I guess.

    Did you see pictures for episode 7 yet?


    Cas is back with Dean and Sam!



    OHH I get it! Did you mean Rorschach? I'm going as a different trench coat-wearer. Castiel :LOL:.

  18. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them are Canadian actors, especially those from Vancouver :D.


    I liked it but I'm kinda impatient to get more Purgatory; it's barely been mentioned since the second episode. The last episode was okay. I know this is a common complaint about it... but yeah, I wish there was more Winchester in it. My favourite parts were when they were on screen. It was a decent episode but not on my repeat list anytime soon and would've been better placed later in the season.

    Next episode looks good though.


    :awesome: Cool!

    I found a trench coat XD and got it fitted a bit. I'll probably wear the costume to university, though I do have a midterm exam that day :rolleyes:. Maybe it'll give me good luck...

  19. I hope so!


    For one, Ty Olsson who plays Benny was a vampire in a season 2 episode :awesome:. The girl who played Dean's daughter in the Amazon episode was the same girl as who played the crazy person in that family of humans that were killers (season 1 or 2 I think?) if that makes sense XD. The guy who was the selectively-mute kid in one of the first episodes of season 1 (Dead in the Water was it?) was in a season 7 episode too, I think. There are others I'm pretty sure I recognize but I can't place them


    And yes! The episode that Jensen directed :D


    Has the Hallowe'en store started to get busier? :awesome:

  20. I'll try to watch that first episode then. Also glad it gave Supernatural a boost in viewers ;). I'm thinking of starting Nikita now :chuckle:



    I think he's the same guy! I'm rewatching all the episodes with my friend and we're a few episodes past that one. And they have reused actors in the past.

    I am really, really wondering too... but Dean was so adamant at their reunion about getting both of them out of there.

    I'm not that excited either. Purgatory scenes are definitely the most interesting for me. Ahh well, it'll be cool to see Jensen's dad in the episode and Jensen directed it


  21. I wasn't able to catch Arrow! How was it?



    Hmm I enjoyed the episode but I don't know, the script and camerawork didn't seem up to standards tonight.

    It was funny recognizing that the angel in the hot-dog seller's outfit was the same actor as the kid from Bugs in season 1!

    Interesting that Crowley's colour is red. I guess it's confirmed now that he is actually a demon :rolleyes:



    well I'm doubtful that all of the rest of Cas' episodes will be through flashbacks, so therefore he still got out and is reunited with the brothers RIGHT?

    Misha said episodes 7 and 8 will be big for Cas.




  22. Matt's censoring in Panic Station was funny :chuckle:. Anyways, I liked the performance



    Yay we're going to find out more about how Dean got out of Purgatory next! Yeah I don't care about them at all either.



    Definitely! I'm surprised there aren't more American dates yet; maybe they'll be announced later. Are you going to be able to go for now?

  23. It was a good concert! It's still cool to see all the new songs live. I'm thinking they'll play Madness since it was a single, and Supremacy, since Daniel Craig will be hosting and it sounds so Bond.



    Yeah me too. And I'd like to see how he got that new weapon. Right now I'm much more interested in Dean's year... but who knows, Sam might have some interesting stories. I wonder if all the Leviathans are gone (I hope so) and how the laced food problem was solved. Yeah I noticed that too about Thor's hammer :LOL:. You're probably right!


  24. We all have different opinions :p. Did you watch the iTunes festival stream? I haven't watched it yet, looking forward to that. And that they're going to be on Saturday Night Live? :chuckle: Hopefully that'll be cool


    It premiered tonight!



    I really, really liked the episode! I love how it started with classic rock, they've got the Impala, and all the little throwbacks to earlier seasons like the bowl of blood thing that rarely came up in more recent seasons. Could be that I'm biased but I really like this start so far :awesome:.

    Dean is sure different. It sounds like he almost liked Purgatory in a strange way, as Benny said, Dean thought it was the "purest" place he'd been. I don't know, "liked" isn't the right word. Post-Purgatory Dean is way different than post-Hell Dean. I can't really explain it...

    I know the dog will have to do with Amelia later but I wonder if the dog represented something for Sam.


    What did Dean do to get out of Purgatory :eek:





    Ahh yeah that's right, it's Walking Dead you can't watch. Darn. I won't spoil anything, don't worry :p

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