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Everything posted by knightofcydonia

  1. Yeah! It was an amazing weekend :happy: I still miss being in Seattle! I got to meet one of my idols, Misha Collins :LOL: when I took a photo-op with him. And I asked him a question at his panel and it's on youtube :chuckle: I sound really nervous and very unlike me, but anyways!



    No problem :LOL: I love sharing a bit of Supernatural with people! Yeah, characters are crucial even if you have the best storyline idea ever created. Yeah, with Psych! I've been catching up with that, almost in the third season. I love Shawn and Gus :LOL:


    That's interesting about you guys and the rivalry between your teams :chuckle:! OH :eek: oh dear! I feel your pain! D:


    IT'S TOMORROW RIGHT?! HAVE FUN! :awesome::dance:. You never know! I hope for the best setlist for you :awesome:


    The trailer for the next episode is freaking me out... Cas is really losing it. I hope that when he hits Dean he starts to snap out of it. And YES MORE CROWLEY AND CAS AND MEG! It looks like a great episode. Not a happy one though, of course :rolleyes:.

    Yeah I hope so too, about Meg.


    Also: I've got a HUGE spoiler on a particular someone who's going to be back in episode 19 :awesome: hehehehe!


    Did you see the Supernatural Shake? :LOL:

    Also, a side note on the Shake video:


    It was filmed during episode 19 filming. They're in a demon's trap, in the middle of a crossroads, and the ground is dug up in the centre... maybe they tried to trap Crowley. Or someone made a deal...



    Aww that does sound tiring. And at least you're making money ;)


    Thanks! Comicon was ridiculously awesome :awesome:. I met Misha! I got a photo-op with him :chuckle:. And I did get to ask my question! Somebody uploaded it:



    I sound REALLY nervous and it doesn't sound like me :chuckle: but haha, that's my question.

  3. Thanks! :happy: Yeah it's going to be so much fun! Ahh, Supernatural... my favourite show of all time :love: - I just love it so much :LOL:. It's really, really hard to describe. I mean, on paper it's about two brothers Sam and Dean Winchester (and later an angel Castiel too) who drive across America and hunt monsters - demons, ghosts, etc. and, you know, save the world a few times. It can somehow easily go from being completely comedic and hilarious one episode/scene and then really serious and angsty the next. But it's really about SO much more than that because... the characters. You come for the horror story, but you stay for the characters (you even can't help but love the car the boys drive around in, the Impala - it's pretty much its own character.). Especially Dean, my favourite fictional character of all time. I can't go on enough about it all :$. Last thing I'll say - it doesn't have a huge fanbase (it's on a really small network) but it has the most loyal and passionate fanbase I've ever been a part of! I'll stop talking now :LOL:


    Cool! Do you know any other Cardinals fans at univeristy? :awesome:


    :awesome: Okay! :awesome: Yeah! :LOL: Oh Matt. To be in that crowd... gosh, that would've been crazy. SWEET :awesome:


    I'm sure it will be! :yesey:. It was pretty full, not sure about completely full though.

  4. I did too. I really, really want some more Crowley/Cas though! And 3 weeks to wait...


    Yeah! :LOL:. Hmm, well he was a series regular in seasons 5 and 6 and he wasn't stuck on Earth. They may do something similar - him popping up often between Heaven and Earth. Either that or he will actually be stuck on Earth as you said. :LOL: I HOPE HE DOES! I'm going to ask him anyways :p. Hehe. I'm going to make sure I'm there very early to line up for a good spot.

    Well I was wrong, so Meg is coming back huh! I wonder how long she'll be here for. She looked in awful shape.



    Guild Wars 2 is very addicting :chuckle:. Haven't played the original yet. :awesome: AWESOME!


    Nice! I hope you have! :happy:. Aww, yeah I haven't gone recently... I think the last movie I saw in theatre was the Hobbit?


    I've been good! Really excited about the comicon this week, I'm leaving tomorrow. Other than that I haven't been up to much/have anything planned, just school work.

  5. So we are going to be going! We've got everything planned and payed for :happy:. There's going to be a huge range of people there, from all kinds of franchises (movies, tv shows, comic books, gaming, etc.). Lots of people from Star Wars and Star Trek (like Patrick Stewart :awesome:), for example. Though the person that got us interested in it in the first place is Misha Collins, who plays our favourite character on Supernatural, Castiel! (Well, tied for my favourite xD haha anyways). Pretty much there are just going to be a lot of panels to go to, comic books to get signed, other fans to talk to, that kind of stuff.

    It's definitely mostly Canadians at my school but I've met a few people from the States too, mainly from Seattle.


    I hope you do! :yesey:


    :awesome: Okay! :LOL: Sounds good! Yeah unfortunately Muse didn't have that kind of shirt at this particular concert. If they did, they sold out before I got there.

    YEAH. THAT WAS AWESOME! :LOL: Yep! That's what Muse does to us :LOL:


    Oh really! That's cool, I didn't see any of that at the concert this time. I don't think the Muse fan presence in Canada is that big though. Wonder if you will see it again when you see them!

  6. I really disliked the last one :$



    My theory is that since Sam is doing the demon tablet/closing of Hell, Dean is going to end up doing the angel table/possible closing of Heaven forever! Which leads me to wonder - what will happen to Cas if that happens? Would he stay on Earth or Heaven? I'm going to ask Misha that at the Emerald City Comicon this weekend :awesome:. Also, I'm insanely happy about him being announced as a season regular again :LOL:

    I wonder about Meg. I guess she's still available and not out of the story altogether, but I think Crowley would've done something nasty to her and she's already been written back into the story in the past.



    I just did absolutely nothing :chuckle:. Except play Guild Wars and League of Legends... :facepalm:


    :eek: I don't remember any of that stuff! That's weird.. really weird...


    How have you been?

  7. I'm sure it will! Yay! I hope so too; Vancouver doesn't get very big comicons here and the Seattle one has a LOT of great people. Cool! Yeah I know some people from Seattle that are in my classes.


    Yeah he was. Nice! That's a good channel for you :awesome:.


    :LOL: I don't think you can have too much merch for something you love. I guess it depends on what you see! I didn't see any bumper stickers. I got the 2nd Law tour poster (now I've got 4 Muse posters ;)) and a shirt as well. They had keychains, a pin set, and a drink container as well, from what I remember.

    I was really lucky to be there. I didn't know they were streaming today! Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully I haven't missed it! They're doing the Twitter feed today too I believe?


    We only talked a little bit, since I saw her at the very, very beginning of the day when I started lining up, and my friend and I decided we'd line up at the other floor ticket entrance. I recognized her because she was wearing a pin that was the same as her icon! She was very nice!

  8. I would imagine it would take a very long time before you're completely comfortable. Nice :happy:. It's one weekend! March 1-3, so we'd leave right after school and come back on Sunday. Unfortunately she's not sure she can go anymore since it's turning out to be expensive, so we'll see.



    Yeah, I really can't believe it. The year hasn't started yet - next season starts in June.


    I see! Seated tickets are great too! Do you think you'll get any merchandise?

    I can't wait for you :LOL:! My brother and I are STILL talking about it XD


    I'm sure you'll get the chance to do so! It's so much fun and it's really nice talking to everyone in the line-up. I even recognized one person from this Muse messageboard, which was kinda funny.Yep! It was UD!


  9. What did you think of the episode?



    It wasn't my favourite.

    I LOVED the early scene where Dean was in his room and setting it all up and talking about it :happy:. I loved when he said "Hey Mom" to his photo, that was touching. And I quite like how good at cooking Dean is, and his "nesting" - it reminded me of how much of a guardian and caretaker he was for Sam throughout their childhood.

    I'm glad the tablet storyline has finally advanced. Also the speeches the brothers gave each other were memorable. Here I was thinking Dean had gotten over some of his depression but no, he's still got his zero self-esteem and self-worth going :(. And Sam's speech (a bit cheesy but oh well XD) was what Dean needed to hear and it was good for Sam to call him out on it and tell him that Dean IS important.

    But I couldn't stop laughing every time that chick flirted with Dean, it was so bad XD. And I really, really, REALLY wished that it had been Dean that did the trials - he's once again, as always, in the supporting role for Sam... I want Dean to have a main storyline sometime soon.



    FREEDOM! Next week off :p


    Oh they did? I even forgot that the World Series was on! Not really watching any sports right now. Well that's good then, that they won!


    Maybe you're right. :shifty:

  10. Great to hear! :happy: I'm glad you've made some new friends and most classes are going well :D. Glad it's getting better for you being away from home, I know you were worried about that before. Things are going pretty well for me too! Most of my classes are fine as well. I've made a new friend too, about three weeks ago and she's one of those people who I feel like I've known forever. We're actually planning on bussing to Seattle for a comic convention in early March! It'll be a lot of money XD but I'm looking forward to it! :happy:


    That sounds great :awesome:. That's how you start though! It sounds like it's still a great experience! :happy:

    Yeah. Yes, you remember correctly! He's the guy who broke the all-time CFL record for receiving yards last year. Aww that's too bad :( I'm sorry to hear that.

    I felt so sorry for them at the end!


    :eek: TWO TIMES! Wow you're going to have so much fun!!! :awesome: Are you getting floor tickets or are you in the stands? That's awesome you're going with your best friend too :awesome:

    Small venues are cool - they feel a lot more intimate I think. :LOL: I see! Yeah if only they played a longer set, but when they come back I'm sure you'll get more time!


    Yeah it was absolutely unbelievable! We were there at... 9 AM :chuckle:. There was only one other person there at the gate that we lined up at, who had been there since 6. There were some people from Seattle who came soon after too, who had just seen them in Seattle - they were really nice! I was surprised though that people really started to flood in around 3, 4 PM... although I guess it makes sense since it was a very rainy day, and a Wednesday.

    Yeah :LOL: and he shook my friend's hand too, we were really lucky! He has a really firm grip :chuckle:. You are REALLY set for two amazing shows!!! I'm so happy you've got them in front of you to look forward to!

    Oh gosh, my favourite song they played... I think it's impossible to say, to be honest! They were all special in their own way, from how the crowd responded to how much I love the song compared to others. I can't choose one! They didn't play any rarities, but I was (very pleasantly!) surprised that they played Plug in Baby. They hadn't played it at any of their most recent concerts so I wasn't expecting it at all.

    Again, you've got so much to look forward to :LOL:

  11. It was! Finally got around to watch it (actually I've seen it twice now :chuckle:). Edlund's episodes are always good! Yeah :LOL: though in the Canadian channel's CHCH promo for it looks like Sam is wearing them too at some point. Maybe it's for


    Seeing the hellhound they have to kill?



    Thanks! After this week I've finally got reading break too...


    I see! Yeah I was feeling so sorry for them! To come that close at the Super Bowl... must've been really painful!


    :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Yep I fangirled a lot there. My friend got her hand shaken too and afterwards we turned to each other and said "we're never going to wash these hands, are we?" :chuckle:. Just kidding of course. :p

  12. Hiiii! How've you been? :happy:


    I'm glad you're liking the internship :happy:. Thanks! Congrats to you too on your classes! Good luck!

    Yeah, they went out a bit disappointedly but it was a rookie head coach so I can't get too mad I guess. BUT I'm really mad and disappointed that... they traded my favourite player I've mentioned, the receiver Geroy Simon :( he's in his late 30's and was injured a lot last season so he didn't bring much to the team, so they released him and he's signed with Saskatchewan now. I mean, sure from a logical coaching standpoint they got some good players for someone who they weren't able to use as much. But from an emotional standpoint, this is THE guy of that's been the pinnacle of the Lions for almost his entire career. I can't even explain how much he means to the Lions and to the fans. And one of the greatest receivers in CFL history too. And he's going to retire in probably his last year as a Saskatchewan Roughrider? It doesn't make sense! :mad:

    The Super Bowl was an awesome game! I was cheering for the 49ers. I'm impressed at how hard they rallied back despite their bad early/mid game. And they got so close at the end :(


    Darn, I hope they schedule some more concerts then! I have heard of them, cool you got to see them! :happy: Tell me about it!






    :LOL: I can't believe it. Well I got a front-row floor spot at the barrier and it was my first full Muse concert so my senses were on overdrive :chuckle:. But wow. It was so good.


    From the moment they started Unsustainable and the crowd went NUTS, and all the lights and effects were going before they even got on :eek:. All the songs sounded absolutely amazing. And during Undisclosed Desires, Matt walked RIGHT through that space between the floor audience and the stage while he was singing, so he was an arm's length away, and everyone was putting out their hands and he kept walking. BUT THEN. He turned back around and on his way back, he shook hands with as many people as he could INCLUDING MINE! I'm never going to wash that hand! LOL just kidding. BUT STILL. He looked right at me, smiled, nodded, and shook my hand XD. Even though it was only for a split second it felt like a long time.


    And OHH after their first encore, they were taking a long time to come back on. And everyone in the crowd was chanting MUSE and put up their cellphones and lit them up and waved them around, it was so beautiful! The people around me were saying "oh my god, guys look behind you" - It looked like stars against the night sky. And when Dom came on, he looked out at the crowd and just stood there and was speechless. And then Matt came back on he looked so happy looking out at all crowd spectacle and it looked like he thought that gesture by the crowd was really special! I don't know, maybe it actually happens a lot and I'm thinking too much of it. But I really though it was a wonderful moment XD and then they went to Starlight, Matt told us Vancouver is the best city in Canada, and Survival, and it was over :')


    I could keep going on :$ XD


  13. There have been a lot of solid episodes this season for sure! I haven't watched tonights yet but apparently it was also good.




    I know :p. Two down, one to go this week and so far they've gone well at least.


    I was surprised it wasn't THAT bad XD. Yeah I liked Jared's character (though he was WAY too curious) and it was awful what happened.


    I'm guessing you were cheering for them? It was a good game I thought. I was cheering for the 49ers - they were SO CLOSE at the end!


    SO THE MUSE CONCERT WAS TONIGHT. It was unbelievable. I'm soo going to pay for it tomorrow on my midterm but IT WAS SO GOOD. I got there extra early to get front row floor tickets. I couldn't be happier about tonight :awesome:. And there was one moment during Undisclosed Desires when Matt walked in the area between the barrier and the stage and he looked straight at me, smiled, nodded and shook my hand :LOL:.

  14. Yeah :chuckle:. Apparently Felica Day will be back for another episode this season!

    Last episode was good too, very emotional. There's a lot of new storyline introduced though I hope all the storylines will merge together in the end.


    I see :chuckle:. Must've been nice to spend time with family anyways!


    I'm good too, just studying for midterms next week! They should be okay, I think.


    Watched House of Wax (the latest one) last night. Wasn't as bas as I thought it would be but there were a lot of WTF WHY DID YOU DO THAT moments of course :p. It was weird seeing Jared in it though.


    Yeah I was sad about Benny and Dean. Hoping Amelia doesn't get back in the storyline...


    The last episode was hilarious XD I LOVED the Braveheart scene at the end! And the episode was so lighthearted. Loved Dean geeking out over the whole episode - he really is a nerd at heart :LOL:



    Edit: oops, must've sent you two of the same message somehow :chuckle:


    How've you been?


    Yeah I was sad about Benny and Dean. Hoping Amelia doesn't get back in the storyline...


    The last episode was hilarious XD I LOVED the Braveheart scene at the end! And the episode was so lighthearted. Loved Dean geeking out over the whole episode - he really is nerd at heart :LOL:


  17. Ah :p

    You've got to see the episode! :eek:

    Plus you know who's coming next week...




  18. Dude you have to watch tonight's episode :eek: and I don't think you'll be disappointed!

  19. Yeah I really hope I can! :noey: No wonder Jared and Jensen have a bodyguard.

    I'm really looking forward to the rest of it based on what we've seen so far. It was :awesome:. LOL ohh lucky, lucky you :p. Every time they come on I cringe...


    I'm sure you won't! :chuckle:

  20. We got really excited :chuckle:. Yeah I think they film until the end of April so I've got several chances. I call it taking an opportunity :LOL:.

    I know there are a lot of fans who have done things that are pretty possessive/disrespectful to the actors :noey:. I mean come on, the actors are people too.


    :chuckle:. I almost never tweet - I only got it to follow things like VancityFilming and YVRShoots (which tweet about filming locations :rolleyes:) oh and people like Misha Collins just because, but I do check it a lot.

  21. Yeah :chuckle: it's really bad timing.

    Yeah it was pretty lucky! We went back today and they were filming inside again the whole time. We did see some stunt doubles having a break though, and seeing them from behind made us really confused :chuckle:.

    They're all wrapped up filming this particular episode and I have no idea where they're filming next. Everyone only just got off the filming hiatus though so I'm sure they'll be in Vancouver for another while. We'll catch them filming outdoors one of these days :D

    This is not even remotely stalkerish, is it :shifty:

    No really, we are respectful fans! ;)

  22. Yeah they did! I wish Jensen or Jared won for best TV dramatic actor but anyways :p. I've already been in school since Jan. 2nd. And the Muse concert here in Vancouver is going be in the middle of midterms :rolleyes:

    My friend and I heard that Supernatural might be filming downtown around now so we went searching... luckily we found the crew/trailer park (only saw two people from a distance and talked to one person) and after 3 hours of walking we found the set :LOL:. But we didn't see any filming directly - they were filming inside the whole time, and we left since it was getting late. Still, it was quite exciting :chuckle:

  23. :awesome:. Yeah! I had seen it two times before actually but my family hadn't, and they loved it.


    Cool! Yeah episode 7 and 8 are probably my favourites so far. I'm actually really looking forward to this year's People's Choice Awards since there'll be a lot of Supernatural there ;) I hope they win!

  24. :happy:

    Nice! That's what I did too. We watched The Dark Knight Rises, ate sukiyaki and drank sake. :chuckle:


    Yeah, me too.


    :p Okay. The one after the break looks really good, and I think the last few episodes have been better than the first ones. Glad to hear your Christmas went well! Mine was good too; I got some gift certificates, lots of chocolate (which didn't last long enough to see 2013 :chuckle:) and speaking of Supernatural, I also got some companion books for some of the seasons.

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