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Status Updates posted by JacksSmirkingR3venge

  1. Ugh I do that too :L. I hate kicking horses endlessly (no pun intended :chuckle:) to make them move. I'm glad you that you could keep in touch with the horse you sold. It's a shame you lost touch with one of the owners. Oh dear, what was he like? Some ponies can be so evil...

    Hm, Will Ferrel is really good, Crispin Glover (even though most of the movies he's in are terrible, he is a fantastic actor), Robert Downy Jr., Edward Norton, and of course Johnny Depp ;) lol

  2. Ahaha! I always slump when I ride. It looks awful! :$ My instructors would always nag at me to sit up tall :chuckle:. Aw that's a shame they had to sell her :(. I honestly don't think I could ever sell a horse. It would absolutely kill me. I watched it last Halloween/Christmas. I forgot how much I enjoyed that film :).

    You know I have never seen Edward Scissorhands all the way through. I'll have to try and watch that. Of course Johnny Depp is in it and he is an amazing actor :). What are some of your favorite actors?

  3. No worries! I know how ruthless school can be! I just wish I could say I was as busy as you :LOL:.


    Aw that sucks! :(. We have no movie stores around here anymore. We have to use either Redbox or Netflix. (Which sucks because my dad doesn't have a job so we don't have Netflix anymore :rolleyes:)

    I was absolutely exhausted yesterday! I actually fell asleep while doing school :facepalm:. Haha thanks x) . I'm still struggling with my left hand. Although not as badly as I thought I would be..... I think I'm slightly ambidextrous. I am right-handed, but I open things with me left hand and when I ride horses I always ride better on my left side. Maybe I'm just weird :chuckle:. All of exo-3 is giving me trouble. My fingers just don't seem to want to move slow and steady. Kings Dominion is amazing! (I'm such a roller coaster freak!)

    This ride at KD made everyone in our group black out around the first turn!


    This is my favorite ride though ;)


    Ooh the lake sounds nice! :) Is it really far from your home?

  4. That's good :). An arena with mirrors are very helpful. Ahaha yeah I know what you mean x) I sometimes go back and watch videos of me riding and refuse to show them to anyone :$. Clydesdale's are gorgeous! I've never seen one up close though. I would love to ride one and see what the feel like :ninja:. I actually have seen Tim Burton's movies. I have to say that A Nightmare Before Christmas always stands as my favorite :). Corpse Bride was well done, too. :happy:

  5. My mom almost always films me when I ride. But I can't take lessons that often so I always look back on the tapes to critique myself :p. I would love to see you riding Misty :). Strawberry Roan's are so pretty! My pony was a Blue Roan :happy:. Ohhhh Leonardo DiCaprio, now I know who he is! I just watched Inception a couple of nights ago (most amazing movie ever :awesome:). He's a very good actor :). What are some of your other favorite films?

  6. Gypsy's are soooo pretty! :D

    Mustangs are such a brilliant breed! They're so full of character and so hardy. What more could you ask from a horse :)? Welsh ponies are great! My pony was a Welsh Mountain Pony :). He loved to go fast :chuckle:! I've never heard of new forest ponies. They sounds cute though :happy:.

    I've never heard of that actor before. What else has he been in? Hey, there's nothing wrong with being a film geek! It's the best kind of geek ;) haha. Do you have a youtube account or something? I would love to see a video of you riding sometime. If you go in my contacts you can go to my youtube channel and I have a few videos posted :)

  7. What breed is the mare you're riding? Or a better question, what's your favorite breed? I love Haflingers, Irish Draughts, and Cobs :D. The ending was amazing! It's amazing how much you pick up from that movie every time you watch it :). Oooh I just looked that film up. It sounds lovely :happy:. I'll have to watch that really soon. Oh dear you must be tired by the end of that movie! Crying always makes me exhausted :$. Did you see Inception? My cousin and family are going to watch that tonight. TV isn't that great anyways ;). I usually just watch USA or discovery. I only watch FX for Malcolm in the Middle :p

  8. It is amazing! I wish I could have a career with horses but there just isn't any money in it..

    Me too! Give me a gelding over a mare any day! I've only met one really sweet mare in the entire time I've been riding :). I really think Fight Club is my favorite. I always go back and forth between movies but Fight Club is so different from everything else (IMO). I just wish it wasn't so crude :L. What is your favorite movie? Be warned, it you ever watch Psych, expect it to be incredibly cheesy and over-the-top ;). My brothers make fun of the show when I watch it but I can't help but love it lol.

  9. Haha you do get quite the adrenaline rush with some horses :). I've been told I'm a very quiet rider as well. I love to ride the really sensitive ones! There's just something about them :happy:.

    Simpsons, great show! :)

    I'm actually more into films myself :). But my favorite tv shows are Psych and Malcolm in the Middle.

  10. Haha seeing as you ride the "mental" ones I'd say that 8 times is pretty dang good for the amount of time you've been riding. I was always stuck on top of the bomb proof slow ones :rolleyes: . I'm willing to work with any horse but I wouldn't mind a change every once in a while. I just started riding the badly behaved high energy horses recently and I've been enjoying it :). Twin Peaks is a bit weird. But I've seen weirder. I'm only into the second episode so I'll give it some time to see if it grows on me. What are some of your favorite tv shows?


    Happy Friday! :awesome:

  11. As long as technology makes life easier I think I'll always use it x) lol. Aw that sucks. :/ Who would've thought it would be so hard to get a full nights sleep. At least today is Friday :awesome: .Nice! Did you learn the whole song or just the opening? I can only do the opening since I'm brand new at this. I'm finding out that I'm not musically able :LOL:. Exo-3 is giving me sooo much trouble! I would've thought I could learn that fairly quickly lol. Nothing planned for summer. I imagine that me and some cousins might try to go to Kings Dominion when school is back in. What about you? You got anything special planned? :)

  12. Wow! That's a nasty fall. Glad you're okay now :). I've only fallen off once. (my pony got stung by a bee :chuckle:) I simple fell off and rolled about 4 or 5 feet. It really knocked my confidence and I didn't even get hurt! You are quite the trooper! lol

    I'm good today! I just discovered this show called Twin Peaks. Ever heard of it?

    How are you doing? :)

  13. Very nice! :awesome: I used to do eventing but since we moved to Virginia I have been doing dressage mostly. I would continue eventing if I could but hunter jumper is huuuge down here. That's practically the only jumping they teach. Aw I'm sorry to hear that. What happened? (if you don't mind me asking)

    Better position without stirrups? That's talent lol. I still have trouble with my position with stirrups! :chuckle:

  14. Haha it is weird when you loose power. I find myself still flicking on light switches when I walk into a room. You'd think that carrying my ipod for light would be enough for me to remember that, "Hey, the lights don't work!" :rolleyes::LOL:

    Ugh that sucks. I don't know what's been wrong with me. My grades have dropped and I'm having trouble getting school done at a regular hour.

    My piano is going good thanks for asking! :) I'm still working on Newborn and trying to get used to using my second hand. Not going too well lol. Am I the only person thinking that time is really flying by? Oh- and sorry for the late reply, the weekend was kinda crazy and I didn't have a chance to get on my computer. How was your weekend? :)

  15. MotP! Another great song :D . Aha I thought the same thing when I listened to Micro Cuts. Oddly enough I absolutely loved it despite the fact that it was so weird x).

    Aww I hope you can get tickets to see them! You should start saving for their next tour. That way you'll be prepared ;). Oh, I almost forgot, what discipline do you ride? Western, dressage, jumping?

    And sorry for the late reply. A lot of things happened the past couple of days and I couldn't get on my computer :/

  16. Thanks so much! It definitely was hard.

    Haha really? I don't think I've ever named anything I've owned. Aside from my laptop and Ipod. But that's just because it was required :p

    I LOVE Exo-Politics! I honestly don't care what other people say, that song is awesome! :awesome:

    The first time I heard Muse was when my brother played KoC in the car. (that was about 5 maybe 4 years ago). I liked the song well enough but I didn't think anything of it. Then in 2010 I kinda rediscovered them when The Resistance came out. I bought the CD with 'the making of' DVD and thought they were pretty funny. When they started touring again they were doing a show fairly close so me, my mom, and my little sister went together. My mind was blown that night and I've been a die-hard ever since. Sure I came in a bit late but all that matters is that I love the band lol (sorry for the insanely long messages :$:LOL:)

  17. Aw I'm sorry you had to sell your pony. Losing Spike (twas his name :happy:) was unbelievably hard. I owned him for around 9 years when we put him down. I was incredibly blessed to have him and I'm very thankful I had the opportunity to do so. Thanks! Haha you bet! I will be aching for days! :LOL:

    My legs always feel like rubber after I ride for the first time in a while lol

    You named your piano? I've never heard of that before lol. I like the name though haha :chuckle:

    ooh! I wanted to ask you, how did you find Muse?

  18. The last barn I was going to closed down unfortunately. We tried lessons at another barn but the instructor there seemed to enjoy yelling at me as apposed to teaching. We didn't stay there :LOL:

    Then my dad lost his job in November last year and we can't afford lessons. Hopefully something will turn up and I can get back in the saddle soon. What discipline do you ride? :)


    I used to own a pony but he passed away back in 2008. But my dad and mom would love to own a horse again. So there's still a chance :happy:.


    Nice! I would love to learn drums but my hand-foot coordination is absolutely awful! :LOL:

    My aunt didn't want her piano anymore so she gave it to me :). I figured I would just take what I can get. But I'm really enjoying it now :)

  19. We got about a foot of snow. Then we lost power. Which I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda fun lol. I usually enjoy it when the power goes out. I'm just weird like that x)


    Same. I had a really long day of school on Friday. I was working up until dinner time which was about 5 or 6. Other than that I've just been doing the usual. Watching my favorite tv shows, listening to music, piano, movies, etc.

    I'm kinda hoping for something exciting to happen soon but so far I've been very disappointed lol

  20. Not bad! I'm absolutely loving the snow right now! It's a pain but nothing beats riding a shovel down the driveway ;) lol. So what's up with you? Anything new and exciting happening? :)

  21. Hey, it doesn't matter how or when you saw that film! Just so long as you saw it ;) lol

    I've been riding 11 years now :). (Well, technically it's really been 10 years because I haven't been able to ride for about 6 months now :$)

    Nice!! I also just started learning the piano :awesome:

    Looks like we have a bit in common lol

  22. You're welcome :). Haha thanks! I thought I was the only one who knew about that movie but apparently not x). I have two questions for you,


    1: It says in your 'about me' you horseback ride. How long you been doing that? :)

    2: Do you play an instrument?

  23. Long time no talk. How's life been to ya recently?

  24. Hellooo . I don't believe we've talked before. What's up? :)

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