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Status Updates posted by JacksSmirkingR3venge

  1. I can't wait to make cookies! They're so good! :D


    Have you ever seen the movie "A Christmas Story" ? We watch it every Christmas Eve :)

  2. :LOL: That's brilliant! I know my brother did the exact same thing to me and my sister when we were little. We still joke about it until this day :)


    Omg Christmas is only 13 days away! :awesome:

  3. Hahaha! That's hilarious! Little kids are incredibly funny that way x)

    I have to admit that most of the time they drive me nuts but they're kinda fun to "mess with" :chuckle:

  4. Haha yay we're unique! :awesome: lol


    Aw that's great! :)

    I was the one always being influenced by my siblings. The youngest member of the family is my sister and she's only a year younger than me. I can't imagine having such a young sibling :)

  5. You know come to think of it I don't think we've ever had a star on our tree. It's always been a ribbon on top or something lol.


    Ohh cool :) . You can raise your little sister to become a Muse fan :ninja::chuckle:

  6. Yes indeed :) /random we has a santa hat on top of our Christmas tree this year :awesome:


    Oh you have two siblings? I thought you only had a brother for some reason :$ .

    My mum loves them as well. 2 of my brothers like them, my oldest brother doesn't like them very much at all. My oldest sister loves Muse, my younger sister loves Muse. My dad doesn't like Muse at all but admits they're very talented :yesey: (woops I rambled a bit) :$

  7. Haha I know right? xD There were so many t-shirts I wanted and I never had enough money for them so I'd figure I'd just ask for loads of those lol.


    Ooh I saw the ornaments :). That would be cool! Does all of your family like Muse?

  8. Ah no worries :)


    Awesome to hear you had a good time! :D

    Hm, I asked for 2 Muse t-shirts, a Muse hoodie, a book about paramedics, a couple of albums, a poster, and I forget what else lol. How bout you? :)

  9. Hello! This is late but :$, how was your birthday?


    Christmas is so close! :awesome:

  10. Ooh it's a good song :). I generally don't care for Coldplay too much but I do like that song. Violet Hill is another one! Oh my gosh I was sooo addicted to that for a while! :LOL:


    Nice! :D What time is it on??

  11. Cold Play has a new song? Which one are you listening to? I wanna hear it! :awesome:

    I'm watching some Psych at the moment. A new episode is out tonight :)

  12. Thanks! :D

    Nothing is definite yet. But it's looking really, really good! We will know for sure by December 15th. Thanks for asking! :happy:

  13. Hey! Just wanted to drop by real quick and wish you a happy Thanksgiving! Hope it's awesome :awesome:

  14. It's about a guy who's so smart he tricks everyone into thinking he's psychic. Well, he tricked them to get out of jail time. The cops were suspicious of him. It's incredibly over the top and extremely cheesy but it can be funny :p. Hope you're relaxing now that school is done with for a bit! :awesome:

    You don't get HW during break..do you?

  15. Haha let me know when you got it down ;)

    This is a total random question but, have you heard of a show called Psych?

  16. Haha yeah :). I want to learn Exo-Genesis part 3 next :ninja: I love that song! :happy:


    Thank you! We probably wont know if he's got it until tomorrow but it's looking really good :)

    Today is the last day of school! :awesome:

  17. Good to know! The only problem with me is patience. I don't mind practicing but I so want to learn songs :LOL:


    Cool! I'm not sure what we're doing. Probably nothing. Maybe we'll make some rolls and our favorite casserole. Without a job things are iffy. But the good news is that my dad might have found a job! :awesome:

  18. Haha thanks x) Reading music and counting beats is giving me trouble. I'll probably have to get my dad to help me with that at some point.


    Awesome! Tomorrow is my last day at school too! I'm so looking forward to being lazy :) haha

    What are you going to do this Thanksgiving?

  19. Heyyy! :D


    He is? Dang, he sounds like an interesting person lol. Sweet! :D

    I can almost the beginning of New Born lmao XD. How have you been?

  20. He's a good teacher? No teacher is good unless they know a Muse song! (nah I'm kidding) :chuckle:

    Have you ever asked him to help you learn a Muse song?

    What Muse songs do you know? I love the beginning of Stockholm Syndrome! :)

  21. Aw thank you! I really really appreciate the thought! :happy:


    I shall tell her :). My dad plays guitar so she would be able to have a teacher at least. Do you self-teach or do you have a teacher?

  22. You must be better than me though :chuckle:. Seriously, I'm awful! :LOL:

    Thanks! It majorly sucks. But we're getting by. He may have found a job but we're not sure yet...

    How long have you been playing guitar? My sister really wants to learn guitar :)

  23. Ohhh haha. You're probably a lot better than me in that case :LOL:

    I'm self teaching. My dad lost his job so I'm incredibly bored. We were searching for a horse, but that will probably be postponed for about 6 months to a year :p

    Don't you also play guitar?

  24. Sweeet! When did you start?

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