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Status Updates posted by JacksSmirkingR3venge

  1. That's so bizarre about your cousin. At least it was just a phase and passed. Have you been able to try out that spray stuff? Maybe if you have more time beforehand (like you said) it will work better. Ahaha I did the exact same thing with Avatar! xD I was like,"You know that was pretty good.." to "Wow that was absolute crap!" :LOL:

    I'm going to go look up that book now! It sounds awesome! :awesome:

    I'm sorry that I took so long to get back to you. I'm trying to get back to people more quickly. My grandma was in the hospital from hip surgery so we had to visit her all last week. She's all better now and back home, but the hospital was really far away. OH! My dad has a job!! :D Now we can start looking for a horse again! :awesome:

  2. Aw I'm sorry to hear about that. Hopefully it will just pass on through. I swear I'm gonna kill everybody who said the teenage years are the best xD. So far for me they suck! lol. A lot of people in my family have had problems with anxiety. Nothing knew :p. Have you tried anything to help with the panicking? Maybe doing something you love as soon as you get home? Aha no I find it that way too xD I always get embarrassed when I see a film, love it, and then slowly realize how bad it really was :LOL:.

    I hear they want to make a movie out of the book. I know Billy Milligan has actually "trained" a couple of actors how to play his part. I hear one of those actors was Johnny Depp :awesome:. Ooh what is Diary of Anne Frank about? :O

    I have been good. I've read 'The Minds of Billy Milligan' almost twice now :ninja:. I'm obsessed now xD

    How have you been? Hopefully you enjoyed the weekend :)

  3. Nice! :)

    Really? I envy you people. I usually can't sleep at all, or I'm so incredibly wound up that the thought of sleeping makes me panic :LOL:. Films are a great thing :). I just watched a movie called Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. I wasn't sure what to think of it at first. But I love it more and more everyday :happy:. I've been good! I've mostly been writing, reading, and watching movies/tv shows. Oh- I read this book called 'The Minds of Billy Milligan' . It's a true story about a guy who has 24 personalities! It was unbelievable! I didn't know a book could give you goosebumps :eek:. No worries about the reply. I do the same thing xD

  4. Haha We understand each other lol xD. The movie definitely attracts a certain type of audience I think. If nothing else you'll probably enjoy it just for the visual "style". Have you seen Shaun of the Dead? This guy directed Scott Pilgrim :). Haha why thank you! I must agree with you that my movie tastes is awesome :yesey: . Lmao but seriously, thanks xD. I've been good :). Been having trouble sleeping :erm:. Hopefully it's just a phase and will pass. I'm honestly useless without sleep xD. You got anything planned for the weekend? :awesome:

  5. Heyyyyy! It's been a while since we've had a chat! What's up? :awesome:

  6. Gah! You'll have to excuse me for such a late reply. (honestly how rude can I get?)

    Hope you have been doing well! Scott Pilgrim vs. The World was a fantastic movie! Or at least I thought so x). Here is a really funny scene XD (Don't worry there are no spoilers)

    How have you been? :)

  7. A naughty pony will come your way soon enough :p. lol Most people would consider that to be a great success! It's funny how different everybody is lol. Aww! That's awesome! There's nothing like a good friend :happy:. I can relate to that. Although I consider myself to be a socially awkward person so I stay home for that reason :LOL:. No I didn't unfortunately :(. My parents couldn't go down to the barn with me on Saturday and then it rained/snowed on Sunday :(. Now I have to wait for the ground to dry again.... Ugh! I feel like I'm never gonna ride again! lol. I swear people's computers are never working right xP. Stupid things are a pain but I love them haha. Lmao! Don't get caught! lol

    Oh! Have you ever seen a movie called Scott Pilgrim vs. the World ?

  8. Lmao well I'll have my fingers crossed for you xD Don't die lol. Awww he sounds like a good friend :happy:.

    I usually enjoy being at home for the weekends. Sometimes I do like to get out and do something though :). Thanks! There's still a small chance for riding today and I'm hoping really badly that I can get down there! Oh my gosh! Did you see Chris's new twitpic? It's sooo cute xD lol

  9. Yeah I can't wait! :awesome: I'm hoping I can go ride this weekend :). Aha I'm not looking forward to the sore and aching legs but I'm willing to cope ;) xD haha. Aw that's horrible :(. I'm amazed at how many teachers out there SUCK. Makes me wonder how they get jobs...gossip enrages me. Aww that was nice of him to do :). Is he a friend or did you meet him that day? Sounds like an awesome weekend! I (as always) don't have anything planned this weekend. Make sure you have fun for me too :) lol

  10. At least you still have riding :p. But the ground is finally drying up though so I should be able to go down and ride my neighbors horses :). Ugh. I can't even imagine having a sucky teacher :noey:. I have the same teacher every year so I always know what to expect :rolleyes:. All I can say is that I'm very happy it's Friday! This week has been absolute CRAP! :(

    Hopefully your week has gone better lol. You have anything fun planned for the weekend?

  11. haha Well I kinda feel the same way about America as well. Aww wow it sounds like your dad is really busy. I hope things clear up for you guys :(. I'll have to go IMDB Kick Ass. I LOVE movie soundtracks :awesome:! I've been pretty good. School is so blegh and I'm finding it hard to get motivated for anything. And for that reason my grades have dropped :erm:. Plus our house just seems really depressed :LOL:. Even my parents noticed it and commented on it. How have you been? Anything exciting happening? :)

  12. Definitely! What's it like in England? lol. I would love to visit some day :). I love rainy cold weather as well haha. Oh- a few more things I remembered, the people vary greatly. There are Asians, Mexicans (we have problems with illegal immigration), I've even met a few Russian woman before. I.E. there is a large mix of people here from all over the world. The further down south you go the more outgoing people are, up north (New Hampshire, Maine, etc.) people are more reserved. There are hardly any jobs here either :/. The economy at the moment is extremely poor. My dad has been out of work for months now. None of my brothers can find jobs either.


    I think my brother liked the movie Kick Ass. I can't remember. I've never watched it before. Let me know how it is :). How has your day been? :happy:

  13. Hm. I'm not sure how to describe what living in America is like. Mostly because I don't know what's different from other country's :LOL:. I'll give it a shot though,

    From what I can tell, education is taken seriously. A bit too seriously if you ask me. I was told by a couple of friends (after I said that I wasn't sure if I was going to college) that I wouldn't be able to do anything in life. Horseback riding, is in no way as good as it is in Europe. I've watched loads and loads of Europe instruction and they honestly have horses down so much better than us. I believe our country is more religious than others. (but that's slowly fading) We can't even find a good church to go to :erm:. Uhh, if I think of anything else I'll tell you but that's all I can think of atm :LOL:

  14. I'm guessing that you were asking about the weather in America. I'm not really sure so forgive me if I babble like an idiot :LOL:. VA is incredibly hot. It depends where you live. New Hampshire is freezing cold. California is good weather all year long (or so I've been told). etc. etc. lmao I can't explain anything today :facepalm:. If you don't mind me asking, what country do you live in? :)

    You better have fun for me! :awesome: lol. Well you might like this show then :)

    It's hard to say lol. It can get pretty dark and violent but it's usually pretty tame

  15. Go turn that heat on! lol My house isn't bad. Although it's fairly warm in Virginia right now :p

    You have any plans for the weekend? :)

    I'm good! My sister got me into this show called Criminal Minds. It's very exaggerated but it's kinda funny :chuckle:. But it can also be pretty freakin dark and gross :erm:. hehe xD

  16. I'm so sorry for the delayed response! Forgive me? :$


    I'm relieved to hear you say that. I've had people get pissed at me because I've said I didn't like a movie :LOL:. Ridiculous right? :rolleyes:

    How have you been??? I hope you are having a good weekend :)

  17. I definitely enjoyed it! :)

    For me personally, it wasn't a movie that really hit me. If you know what I mean.

    But it was very well done and a pleasure to watch :happy:

  18. Haha I can see why you like it so much :). Of course the actor who plays Phil was in The Devil Wears Prada. He played a really nice quirky character. It took away some of the creepiness in this film :LOL:

    I hate when that happens :p

  19. I can't even imagine how devastating and shocking the news must have been for his family. :(

    My day has been good :). I'm watching The Lovely Bones right now :). I'm only 30 minutes into it but it's a lovely movie so far :happy:. How has your day gone so far?

  20. I absolutely loved The Dark Knight :awesome:. Heath Ledger was amazing :yesey:. It broke my heart to hear what happened :( . I was glad that when he died he was remembered for the amazing actor that he was. And he finished with possibly one of his best performances ever.

  21. I had only see Maggie Gyllenhaal in The Dark Knight. (she played Rachel)

    I had never seen any of these actors until I saw the movie. They all did a brilliant job though!:)

  22. When you watch it try to see if you can get the directors cut :).


    It has Jake Gyllenhaal, Holmes Osborne, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Daveigh Chase, and Mary McDonnell.

    Jake Gyllenhall plays Donnie Darko. He does an amazing job! :awesome:

  23. That stallion sounded wonderful! :) I would've loved to have met him as well lol.


    Donnie Darko could quite possibly be one of the greatest movies ever made! It has some crude language but it was no worse than Fight Club :p. You should watch it if you ever get the chance :)

  24. I often wondered how more people aren't injured when working with stallions.... However, when you get an extremely gentle stallion there is nothing like them. They almost seem wise or something :chuckle:.

    Haha sorry about that :p . Did you manage to find any chocolate to eat? haha x)

    It's Friday! :D You have any plans for tonight? I think my family is going to watch a movie called

    Donnie Darko. Ever heard of it? :). How has your day been?

  25. Oh dear. Stallions honestly scare me :erm:. I don't have any interest in working with them. I have never heard of Ben Barnes. I shall go IMDB him after I send this message lol.

    My day has been good. I get a 4 day weekend this week so today is basically my Friday :awesome:. I had french toast, carrots, and an apple for lunch so I'm full and happy :happy:.

    How has your day been so far? :)

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