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Status Updates posted by JacksSmirkingR3venge

  1. Bout to watch Psych with my dad. I just started to learn piano today. Played a little bit of Newborn. I'm pretty rubbish atm but I only just started :LOL:

  2. Okay, I shall talk to you soon! Good night :)

  3. Aw that's a shame. :(

    I wish teachers wouldn't dump so much HW on people. I know school is important but our lives shouldn't be dedicated to it.

    Yeah I read quite a bit. :) Not recently though. I've been lazy lately :p

  4. I shall wright that down and look that up! I'm always looking for new books to read :)

    You read a lot of books?

  5. I haven't heard of that series. What's it about?

  6. I watched the movie last week and really liked it. I have yet to read the book though I really want to :)


    I didn't even know there was another Harry Potter coming out :$ . I'm not a big fan of Harry Potter but I did like the first one okay :3

  7. It's the second book on the series with Hannibal Lector. (or, Hannibal the cannibal).

    A detective student has to go to Hannibal for advice on how to capture a serial killer. Hannibal is a Psychiatrist except he's crazy. It's violent but Anthony Hopkins is awesome :)

  8. I need to find a book on WW2. I can be such a book nerd sometimes x)


    I really liked it. Anthony Hopkins is freaking creepy! :LOL:

  9. Nahh I like history too. At least sometimes, it depends on what I'm studying. World War 2 sounds very interesting :).

    Out of curiosity, have you ever watched Silence of the Lambs?

  10. Yeah I have to agree with you on that one :p .

    Oh dear. How did that happen? :LOL:

    What's your favorite subject? I personally like Literature and book reports. But seemed to be the most hated subjects :p

  11. Glad to hear you're almost done. I have to study for a math test tomorrow. :L


    I actually don't get HW :$. Since I'm homeschooled I get basically the same amount of school every day. At least for the most part, sometimes I have loads of school. Some days I finish early.

  12. I like Uprising as an opener personally. I know a lot of people don't though.


    I'm watching Psych with my dad :). Ah HW sucks :( You have a lot?

  13. That did sound a bit weird didn't it? :LOL:


    I know how you feel! My mom and sister wanted to record the whole show but ended up getting two whole songs and bits of others. Here's a link to my channel if you wanna see them.




    You doing anything tonight?

  14. Ohhh.... woops :$

    Yes but you are forgetting! They have included MotP in almost every concert, you are guaranteed to get MotP live next time. But I wont let you not be disappointed. I understand.


    Did you get any pictures of the gig?

  15. Really? Cool!


    Yeah but you guys got a totally fudged up setlist! TaB, CE, and Uprising in the encore? That's just plain awesome! Both setlists were epic! :D . Plus, they play NB and MotP a lot, you'll deff here those songs in the future :)

  16. Yay I don't feel bad anymore! :awesome: Haha! I plan on getting their albums soon.

    I hope you do! My birthday is January 22nd. I got a bit of time yet. I'm only gonna be 15 though :p

    You still raging about that concert!? I'm still so psyched about mine! :D

  17. Woh! Sorry about the no reply thing. I accidentally replied to your message on my own profile and didn't realize it until now xP

    Haha well it was just to be safe ;) . I'm guilty of not owning all of their albums yet:$


    Putting OoS in a frame in your room would be sweet! Yes I remember talking about AC. :)

    Do you have any big plans for your birthday? :)

  18. Haha well it was just to be safe ;) . I'm guilty of not owning all of their albums yet:$


    Putting OoS in a frame in your room would be sweet! Yes I remember talking about AC. :)

    Do you have any big plans for your birthday? :)

  19. Niceee :LOL:


    Happy very early birthday! :awesome:

    I'm guessing you have all of Muse's albums? Hmmm. Are there any games you want?

  20. Aww! That's awesome you took your sister and brother trick or treating :happy:.

    You're going as Muse? I do believe that's the best thing I've heard of in a long time! lol

    I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas! I can't believe the holidays are so close :)

  21. Exactly :yesey:


    I'm feeling better now. I'm taking antibiotics which is really helping!

    Thanks for asking :happy:


    How was your Halloween?

  22. No worries :) Did you get any pictures or videos of the gig?

    I'm doing okay, I got sick 2 days after the concert. (thank goodness it was after!)

    Ended up going to the walk in clinic coz my throat hurt so bad. Turns out I have a throat and ear infection. I missed Halloween but I made it to the concert! lol

  23. Hello! Still thinking about the gig?

    How have things been for ya? :)

  24. Holy crap! That's awesome! :D

    I'm so sad that this tour is over :'(

    I don't know what to do now! D:

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