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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Aww. But Its the girl from Scooby Doo! :awesome:


    Yeah it is.

  2. Haha, I only entered once. You just put your e-mail in there and you're entered.


    I was so surprised when I won :chuckle: It says "COMP" on my ticket :awesome:

  3. Yeah. Wowza thats a pretty name :D


    Yeah thats the big thing, if you actually do get to meet them.


    I met a band on Friday. *points to profile pic* :awesome:

  4. WE DIED.


    I know, right? Its got to be one of my favorite pictures ever<33

  5. I bet it is. My middle name is Faith :awesome:


    Aww don't be embarrased. *can'teventalkI'dbetheexactsameway*

  6. I know. Like the best thing ever in the whole world is David Tennant in that movie.


    My profile picture is me petting the guy's beard!

  7. Really? Its kind of an overrated place :chuckle:


    I was watching Harry Potter last night! The one with David Tennant, AGAINN!!! This time I was with Emily. You should have heard us. Squeling and all.

  8. THAT.






  9. Its called the electric factory.


    ahhhhahahahaha!! i just saw a commecial for the tourist and motp was on it and i saw that song live and im really happyy!!

  10. Hahaha arent you jelly? Youre afraid? lol theyre really cool look em up.


    I've been to the place before, it has really bad acoustics, but its still a party. :happy:

  11. That happened a while ago, in september i think. santa died, but casinocaster lived. the glitterati we saw was the replacement he got...

  12. What?! what ones?? what happened?? D:


    oh and have you ever heard of minus the bear?

  13. Ahhh jaimee the craziest thing just happened to me the past few dayss.


    so turns out i won studio session and concert tickets for minus the bear(ever heard of them?) on thursday. so i went with my friend evan and we got to see a really small acoustic performance and then meet them :awesome: i pet the lead singers beard. :3


    then we went to the concert which was insane. we had center barrier(its a small venue, so it wasnt that hard), and when the band actually came on, everyone pushed forward and i could barely breathe. i was uncourfortably close to some males at one point. :chuckle: me and the girl next to me was standing our ground, though, and wouldnt let anyone come on barrier in between us. she was really nice. :)

    it was nuts, to say the least, AND they recorded the whole show for their tour dvd! :awesome:

  14. Omg! You loser! You didn't like that McDonalds playgrounds?! :eek:


    Geez. You've been to so many places D: I'M the jelly one now.

    I have never even heard of that slang for the word jealous before. Come to think of it, I've never heard and slang at all for jealous.


    :awesome: Omg. Jaimee. It is sooo close! You are just gonna have the best time ever! I promise :awesome: And GA isn't so bad, theres a general respect at concerts which proctects you from being trampled. Unless you jjust go into the mosh on your own accord.

  15. I just wanted to let you know that I love your avatar. :LOL:

  16. Haha, did you get that?

  17. ok, so say the 'G's were a type of bird. G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, and G7 are all part of the 'G' catergory, but are different birds. say a G5 is fly like a G6. if all G5's are fly like G6's, then no other bird can be fly like a G5, since all G5s are fly like G6s. therefore, if you are fly like a G5, then you are fly like a G6.


    nice. i love deep conversations about something thats really not that deep.

  18. Childhood mem'ries.


    I bet you don't even remember it!!! ...wait where were you anyways?


    Jelly?? Like, 24 days left. Oh wait, I mean, 25(for you, I mean. Actually, you only see it 10 hours after I do. I think. I don't feel like doing the math right now.)


    I just realized there is an excessive use of end punctuation in this post. Just felt like pointing that out.

  19. Sometimes we call it MickyD's but i normally just stick to McDonalds :chuckle: I love that place :awesome:


    hehehe. I get snow every year, so i wouldnt mind swapping places with you, especially in the winter. i hate cold :fear:


    HAHAHAHAHA remember when you said you'd get more Doctor Who first, since you're in Aus? well guess what? You don't! It comes on at 9 here on Christmas day and at 730 where you are on BOXING DAY! OH HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED.

  20. Maccas :wtf: lol one time we went and it was almost midnight when they closed and all they could give us was french fries, but we wanted meat D:<


    Last summer was rainy. really rainy, and then that winter was probably the snowiest ive ever seen. the average snowfall up here is 175 in per year, last year it snow 260 in :eek;

  21. Geez, we're such nerds. debating whether we like school or not/there should or shouldnt be school.


    i find myself in situations like this. one time i was discussing with my friend how one could be fly like a G6 if a G6 was a bird and therefore if a G5 flew like a G6 the you couldnt be fly like a G5. ...:facepalm:

  22. Well this is true. as is the fact that youll never get anywhere in life without proper schooling.


    therefore school>no school



  23. Exactly. i mean, whats the point of weekends if all you do is homework and chores? they should just...gove us more school?


    or no school. i like the latter rather than the former.

  24. Bahahaha nice going :LOL: nope. i have one last day of freedom before the three week wait until christmas.

  25. I do it because i love you.


    gosh i feel likke your mom :LOL:

    so long darling<3 ill miss you :kiss:

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