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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Oooooh. SOOO cold!


    During a certain week in Decembre. A certain 2nd week of Deceber 2010.

    I don't mind at all, I play sports, ya know, and normally those make you sweat :chickle:

  2. Its exactly like that, actually. Right now I am thouroughly enjoying the weather, though its a bit wet :p


    Really?! I get it every night. SO much. D: Its stupid.

  3. Well, that would most definitly be creepy. :chuckle:


    Is she in any of your classes? Just be like, "hey your so scene" one time.


    JK don't do that :eek: But be like, "hey whats up?" or just have some random casual comversation out of nowhere, or if shes wearing like a band shirt of something be like, "hey i love that bad, so and so is my favorite song" or something :p

  4. Haha yes indeed you can ask me a question.

  5. Well, yesterday and today were pretty okay. Nice fall weather, not too hot not too cold.

    But hot>cold anyday.


    I've barely gotten into it yet because of all the freaking homework I've had recently. STUPIDSTUPIDFRENCHENGLISHMATHGODIE.



  6. It was the one from July :chuckle::awesome:


    The photography was terrible though :noey: Even I could have done better than that.

  7. Everyday? :(


    I have no socks on and I am quite chilled. Maybe I should visit you these holidays :chuckle:

  8. Sounds like you had an awesome time anyway! ...pushed you into a pool, eh? It must be so WARM :'(


    Yeah I've just started reading the 3rd book, and I've watched bits and pieces of the movies. Like last night, there was a marathon of the movies, and Goblet of Fire was on, so we(I was at a party) were all watching it.



  9. DDD:< I'd rather be warm than cold anyday! I'm seriously shivering right now, and I'm in my house, wearing a sweatshirt!

  10. I might have made that up but I'm going to believe myself!


    I got the Guitar Player with Matt on the cover :dance:

    I don't understand half the guitar babble in there, so I just cut out all the pictures and hung them up :awesome:

  11. In a year! :awesome:


    The beach? I'm so jealous. D: It was 57 F yesterday, not too bad. But I had to rake leaves and mow my neighbor's lawn.

  12. That was awesome. And I swear I saw Matt looking all satisfied with himself for bringing back a rarity and getting such a good reaction.


    I swear it! :ninja:

  13. After we make money doing something else, than we can pursue our career in Dom action figure making :yesey:


    Its called Outsourced. Which is the show that played Lizsto, too, so I'm torn.

    It was basically saying Australians are skanks and whores that are all extremely skinny and blonde haired. Hmph. And her accent was way off. It sounded British but sometimes I couldn't tell because it was so weak! URGH

  14. Aww dude! I just started watching them last night over MY friend's house! :chuckle:


    I've just started the whole Harry Potter thing, but its awesome :awesome:

  15. Do you have modeling skills at all? lol I don't.




    Ugh, so this show I watch totally was degrading Australian people by making them look like whores that throw themselves on American men. :phu:

  16. Oh parents. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.


    I don't care, I had a wicked awesome time even if I was all alone(besides the random screaming back and forth between us. Ohhhh CE. good times.)

  17. I see it now, "Hannah & Liz's Dom Action Figures! Comes in: Wet Suit, Wembley, Young, Old, and, for a limited time only: NAKED!!"


    Ahh. I hope the best for your concert, Liz :D

  18. Lulz. No. I used to, but then I stopped and I never took it up again.

    Now theres a random piano sitting in my house where its never used except when my talented friends come over :chuckle:

  19. You should. :awesome: Then our lives will be complete.


    AINT IT SO FUNNY?! Every time I think about it I just start lolling.


    Emily just broke the bench for my piano.

  20. Awwww. And then you said, "Hey, she's cool. :cool:" right? lol


    I have to admit I was pretty crazy :chuckle: You shoulda seen yourself too, though ;)

  21. And I find him to be one of the most extremely attractive men on earth.


    We should make, like, Dom action figures! Lulz, but haven't they been in Aus in the summer before.


    The board just blew up, and we can't even blame Doris anymore because its served by Muse's crotch regions!

  22. What can I say? I am a hipster and I like cultural things: art.


    Yes ma'am she is! Not even lying, next Christmas during her holidays shes coming to stay :awesome:



  23. Its Jonas Bjerre from Mew :awesome: The resemblance is uncanny!


    Rainbow Dom is always a favorite.

    OH and how could I forget Wet-Suit Dom?! I had Wet-Suit Dom, ya know.

  24. She lives right near me, so it is quite a far distance :chuckle:


    Last night I had a dream about you :eek:

    Well, you were in it. :LOL: I was just at your house for like, 5 seconds then I went to some maze thing :chuckle:

  25. Always lol


    Mmm. Don't be. Its normal. If you feel like being nice you could accept it, but if your just too ultimatley wierded out ignore it, she wont care :chuckle:

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