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Everything posted by lemons

  1. Had a dream last night that a blond Matt gave me Mardi Gras beads, then I begged him/out of earshot Dom and Chris to play Motp as they had already been warming up with New Born. They did, but I could barely hear the vocals.
  2. Movie trailer: Crazy stupid love. Starting at 1:32. (how do I fucking embed? oh well) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnXeKRRHLE0&feature=player_embedded I got quite giddy when it started playing. Wait for the Twilight reference towards the end, I
  3. Last night I was at this huge dinner with a whole shit ton of people, all waiting for muse to show up and eat with us. I had a really amazing seat right next to where they were gonna walk through and I was really excited that I could say hi to them as walked past to their seats. Then 30 seconds to mars came in, and I don't even like them, but I still told Jared Leto I like his work. I don't think he heard me. Then an uproar started because muse were supposed to come in next. Everyone stood up and started cheering, and there were flashing lights and all that. But then some dude made us all shift our seats and I lost my awesome one and I was pretty pissed. And then they didn't even show up. Until they came in through a back door, just Dom and Matt. And Dom ended up next to me to eat, and Matt right across (Chris is basically never in my dreams. Not that I have many). We talked, and I amazed them with my wit. Then I asked for a picture with them, quietly. We had to borrow a camera phone from someone and I was worried I wouldn't be able to actually get to have the picture. And we all looked super stupid in the picture, Matt blinked, I had my mouth open like I'd been talking, and Dom I think looked scared. We were also really tall. The end.
  4. last night: they were performing in a gym. matt was on an elliptical, dom was sitting on a treadmill, and chris was sort of floating above a mat. the setlist was divided into 5 sections for 5 days: by album, which was pretty awesome. i remember that programs were printed in colors corresponding to the albums (showbiz was blue, origin was yellow, and so on). but i couldn't remember the name of origin of symmetry, so i referred to it as citizen. i was right on the barrier (which was a thick half-wall dividing the gym from another building, or something), and couldn't hear them for some reason, but they spent the entire time talking. then i was in a cafeteria ordering pasta with 1 meatball (specific, yeah). the pasta could be bellamy related, but it's inconclusive.
  5. off topic: i don't think the amount of time spent sleeping has to do with the amount of time dreaming. it's rem sleep that's important, or something. iirc, dreams usually last only a few minutes or thereabouts. on topic: i think i had a muse dream last night, because i remember thinking "dominic!" as though i were shouting to him. but i forgot it by the time i was really awake.
  6. remembered a dream i had a while ago- they were playing in my living room and i had to be the keyboardist. i sucked and all i remember is chris looking at me with disappointment and moving away. slowly.
  7. i don't remember much, but i went on some stage and sort of, i guess, rubbed matt's upper arm with my elbow and told him that he and the other two did a good job. as i went back to my seat (all the while repeating "my left elbow" as though it were holy since it came into contact with bellamy), which was far away from the stage, my grandma went up to chris and mentioned something about him putting a good word in for me at the university i've just applied to.
  8. god, i had another muse dream last night. all i remember is that matt was flying around some room that we were in. either that, or he was in santa's sleigh, which was flying around.
  9. last night i dreamt that i was in line at a concert, and i got to the front, and dom had extra drum sticks and i asked him to sign one for me. he asked my name, and he and matt both laughed at it but then somebody decided that matt needed to drive a golf cart to the back of the stage, and i got to sit in the front with him. it was like a disney cart, with about 20 sections, dom was in the middle, and chris was way in the back. and of course there were a bunch of fans riding the thing too. matt and i were talking and he was really nice and talkative (of course i don't remember what we were on about). but then he drove us to a furniture store near the mall of georgia (because the concert was in atlanta, apparently) and we had to get a tour of the store, and i had asked matt to sign my notebook because i needed it for class (lolwut). then we were all upstairs, and the owners of the store had baked a HUGE fucking chocolate cake for the band and the people with them. so dom and i had to cut the cake, but we sucked at sizing the pieces properly. i remember chris' piece had part of the word "omnia" on it, and i handed it to him and was like, "chris, this is kismet." and then i started dreaming about something else entirely.
  10. last night i dreamed that i went to a concert and touched matt's hand (idek how i got that close, but whatever). then after i was told i could go meet and interview all three of them. we sat 4 in a row on a couch (me, matt, dom, and then chris). i don't remember what we talked about, but i know the interview lasted for two hours (). then dom left, and chris wrote a line from a new song on a napkin for me. i don't remember the lyrics, but i do remember loving it. then matt came up to me (we were all off the couch by this time) and told me the name of their new album: Potassium (K). lol element. i woke up ridiculously happy. i've had other muse dreams, though. one time they threw a concert in my backyard, and i was the coordinator or something and it had to be cut short because my parents were coming home and were being bitches about it lol. i can't remember enough about the others at the moment.
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