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Everything posted by jackparker

  1. Can you vote for my submission? It would be great if you did! http://board.muse.mu/competition.php?s=&pp=25&search=Where+Stars+don%27t+Light+%26+Guide+and+Set+Lists+Shine&minscore=&maxscore=&sort=voted&order=asc

    Do you have one? I'll vote for your fantasy venue entry too! :D

  2. Is not :phu: (Ok, so be it!)



    I suppose they are!

    You actually told him? Haha awesome :D

    I know, I like Starlight too but I thought it sounded good :p Thanks for voting anyway!

    Yep, I'm lucky ;)

    Cool :) I'm just chilling :awesome: When do you go back to school?


  3. :) So would mine. If Muse wasn't around I wouldn't even listen to half the bands I discovered via Muse, like Editors, Kasabian, Ghinzu or Radiohead!


    :yesey: They really should! I don't get this excuse that all the prisons are full! :noey:


    :D Good! You should be!


    :chuckle: That's a good one! :)




    We're going into Surrey too, a bit closer to London :)


    It was horrible. I had a check up and then got called back early so she could put after brace protection on there, which she was meant to do in a few months. She drilled :noey:


    Cool! What are you going to do in London? (:


    Thanks :D What's the link to yours? I'll vote for you then! :D


    Love you too!


  4. Yes they are :phu: I don't know! She wouldn't say :/

    Haha, it is :chuckle:

    You really should! I have a Fuzz so I can play just like Matt :awesome: If I do well this year I'm allowed a Glitterati :awesome:

    Thanks :happy: It's always worth trying! :D

  5. Yes they do. I was having a checkup and then she called me back and started drilling sayibg there was a problem! :noey:

    haha are you sure it was an accident? :chuckle::p

    cool :happy: my sister used to ride too :)

    i like playing guitar, reading, sports and technology :)

    oh can you vote for my Fantasy Venue Competition entry please? I need as many votes as possible! I want at least a top 5! http://board.muse.mu/competition.php?s=&pp=25&search=Where+Stars+don%27t+Light+%26+Guide+and+Set+Lists+Shine that's the link :) if you do one i promise i'll vote for it too :D

  6. Haha not really :p

    Cool :)

    I have the dentist today and i'll go have lunch in town :)

    How long have you been horse riding?

  7. :LOL: haha thanks

    i think a good muse related pun would work! :)

    it is. I've been before, it's amazing :awesome:

    aww it's not such a bad name!

    So, Rachel ( :p ) what are you gonna do this week? :)

  8. :eek: it's terrible! I'm gonna beg daily now! Oh yes I am :yesey:

    Goood :yesey: might just make it tomorrow :)

    that doesn't sound good :(

    ireland is :awesome:


    it wasn't as bad as i though, you'll be fine :)

    you never told me your name by the way, what is it? :)

  9. Is....not :phu: (this is going on forever :chuckle:)


    Cool :D


    I think I will!

    Cool :) Happy Birthday to him! :)

    Your welcome!

    By the way, can you vote for my fantasy venue competition entry? I wanna do good! :)http://board.muse.mu/competition.php?s=&pp=25&search=Where+Stars+don%27t+Light+%26+Guide+and+Set+Lists+Shine Thanks!

    So...what are you doing??? :)


  10. That sucks so much! I wanted to go as my mum said we would go the next time they're close (reading is close enough!) and as soon as I asked her she said no! The reasons were:

    -The day before we go back to school (even if i am already missing 2 days anyway!)

    -The day after Reading we're going to Arcade Fire

    -We have BBC 3, watch it on that

    Such stupid reasons! :noey: My parents don't understand how important Reading is this year! It's possible, I'd pay for it myself and all that and they still said no. So annoyed! I plan on making a shirt which says on the front "I didn't go to Reading and Leeds 2011 and I'm annoyed!" and on the back "MUSE Origin of Symmetry" + the tracklisting. :LOL:

    Cool :) Whereabouts are you? I'm thinking of going back yes, to Kent or Surrey :)

    It was brilliant! 30+ every day! :D


    Really? I'm in year eleven next year! I go back the 29th



    (sorry about the Reading rant :p )

  11. It actually has! I was just talking about that with my dad, so fast! Are you going to Reading or Leeds at all?

    :supersad: Aww that's not good! Why haven't you gone anywhere, may I ask? :$

    Britain is rainy :shifty:

    I went to Spain for 3 weeks :) I was in England house hunting this weekend :) Next monday till friday i'm in Ireland and missing 2 days of school :) And when I go back, I get to see Arcade Fire the same day :D

    Summer has been awesome :)

    When do you go back?

  12. :happy:

    It has been ages, it says here May! :eek: So long!

    I'm fine thanks :) How have your summer holiday's been?

  13. Is not :phu:


    thanks :)


    :eek: I really should go!

    Haha ok :awesome:

    cool :) when is his birthday?

    Good luck with the retakes! :D


  14. :D


    :) Yeah, pretty much!


    They probably would :shifty: In Philadelphia in America they have a curfew for 9PM.


    Cool! I like the lyrics :) Nice one :happy:


    :chuckle: Haha that's always a good trick! Oh Jade, :facepalm: I'd fall for that as well! :LOL:


    :D There are loads!

    Cool! :)


    I know :) It's just a matter of time, might not even be in Kent! :D


    Awesome (: Well, I have the dentist tomorrow, going to Rotterdam Friday and might go to the cinema! :D



    Oh can you vote for me in the Fantasy Venue Competition thingy? I'd love it if you voted! http://board.muse.mu/competition.php?s=&pp=25&search=Where+Stars+don%27t+Light+%26+Guide+and+Set+Lists+Shine Thanks :D


    Love you too!


  15. Is not :phu:


    Yeah it was nice :happy:


    Cool! I've not been to a water park in a while actually!

    :awesome: They're very popular, so many people use it from getting to mainland Europe to the UK. :)

    What are you gonna do today? :)


  16. Is not :phu:


    Yes, we did :) It was called Deesons :)



    Really? That sounds awesome! :awesome:

    Back home to Holland :( we were in england for the last 3 days back. We dove home with an underwater car carrying train :) it's called the channel tunnel :)


  17. Is not :phu:

    Oh yes! :yesey:

    :D yes, it was very nice!




    Awesome :awesome:

    ugh i spent the whole day in the car driving back home! :noey: not good...


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