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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. It really isn't fair, though. Could've played two "rarities" the first night, two the second, instead of ripping off the people who went the first night. Plus, they assume that their old songs aren't popular enough for Americans. They play whatever and even if the songs are *new*, half of the gig-goers don't know them (someone thought New Born was Micro Cuts at the Columbus gig). What's the big deal if they play an old song that not many people know? The major reason that this is all bullshit is the fact that there was a time when Muse didn't care about popularity. They went crazy, had a good time, and played whatever they wanted. They didn't care if they pissed people off. They WERE in it for the music; now they seem more into the money.
  2. This whole thread is a joke. What I really don't get is WHY he can't just buy another pedal...? He's obviously dripping with cash.. AAAAAAND I think it's ridiculous that we BARELY get piano songs. The man can't even play the New Born intro himself anymore He used to seem to love playing the piano and I really respected that and looked up to his playing (since I am a fellow pianist). It almost seems as if piano isn't... mainstream enough for them these days.
  3. Their gigs are more for the casual listeners now. I'm with everyone else, I think USoE will be dropped. I'm really hoping their next album will turn away casual listeners/Twilight fans... not very likely, but still
  4. ^you can if you want to, I don't have time
  5. figuring it out okay? I was real confused when I first came on here :LOL:

  6. HEY HEY

    [takeoffyourdisguise- from tumblr here]



  7. http://facebook.com/twuuuth but I think I'm friends with most of you already.
  8. OKAY, SORRY. I will get to recording soon
  9. I feel young I really should be a junior right now, all of my classes are either junior or senior classes! idek why i'm only in 10th grade *is a genius* *not really*
  10. I've been trying to get here... but no one told me that I was taking an advanced college freshman chemistry course as a sophomore in high school
  11. Ahhhhh. Well, I love it. It's amazing :happy:

  12. It's beautiful! :happy:

    What kind of font did you use?

  13. Kirby

    Me either! :eek:

    I mean, he's hot but I'm just not into him like I love Chris and Matt :chuckle:

  14. Kirby


    I used to be very into Matt and I still am but now I'm becoming more attracted to Chris, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :stongue:

  15. Kirby

    :LOL: Yeah.

    I like your avatar too, I love young Chris :happy:

  16. I could do NSC. But I don't think I could sing AP
  17. I need to get cracking as well. Also, who's singing?
  18. Kirby

    :LOL: Don't rub it in.


    Ianto's everything was sexy :happy:

  19. Went into my room for a couple of hours to practice Sober, ended up learning most of Falling Down instead
  20. I thought the guitar sounded fine! But if you really want to...
  21. Yup Oooooh, the piano sounds AWESOME. I can't wait to record it. I just need to put the left & right hands together for the ending
  22. Yeah they do.Shipping's pretty much the same, not much higher. Actually, I got the guitar books from .co.uk!
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