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Status Updates posted by Melania13

  1. :LOL: no se pero no hago nada
  2. :D yeah sure! what do you need help with? btw i'm not crazy savvy,but i figured out how to do mostly everything by observing and asking questions :yesey:
  3. thanks for your help though :kiss: i did actually check the website and i do have the latest update *shrug*

  4. nothing happens.... actually a message finally popped up (one i was hoping for) about "moving the virus into the vault" :chuckle: dunno what it means but i worked! :awesome:

  5. hey, i use firefox.... but everytime i do something a message pops up "application cannot be executed. the file is infected" and then it asks if i want to activate my antivirus software.... which doesnt fix anything :unsure: i think i have to ditch my free antivirus and buy a good one :(

  6. :( aw now im jealous!! :LOL:
  7. :LOL: yeah light and mirrors whoo! i think i have a test tomorrow too... i have to check the syllabus to make sure :unsure: on immunology and blood typing
  8. :) good, eating a salad for dinner :awesome: mmm tuna


    :LOL: then i have to get some homework done for tomorrow :indiff:

  9. Hi! :D are you cold or what?

  10. :happy: bye bye! :kiss: goodnight
  11. :wtf: i dont understand why parents are so against it! I mean, its not like after you leave school and start work/whatever you will have the opportunity to go live in another country and culture for months at a time. its such a great experience
  12. :happy: i wish that my parents would have allowed me to do something like that :( but no, theyre pretty strict with the whole "not living at home" thing :noey:
  13. :LOL: yeah, i wish there was more people who I could talk to... it would be awesome to get all that practice in :happy:


    you should come visit america haha like be an exchange student! :awesome:

  14. :LOL: naw... i just like teasing :eyebrows: this is time you can take to get to know Fernando a little better haha


    *random topic* today i talked spanish to someone :awesome: i kinda sucked but i was able to understand her :LOL: i just felt so intimidated and forgot how to say "i think" :facepalm: goodness

  15. :awesome: its very good haha ooh fernando :eyebrows: ok ill stop :facepalm:


    i never had anyone in school that i liked :indiff: lucky you :LOL:

  16. :LOL: wouldnt satan be a null concept for an atheist?? :chuckle: my parents just think Muse is depressing and weird
  17. :LOL: apparently in my religion, its all the work of the devil (not music itself, but what music is now)..... the entire scene, drugs, sex, "worshipping" a band before God and all that :rolleyes:
  18. :erm: wow i am so jealous! i would love to play piano! but apparently music is the devil :( according to my parents
  19. :LOL: well i guess if you go there all the time it would get boring.... you should go visit another city!! :awesome: see other parts of the country
  20. :happy: i dont know why by i love traveling, like even an hour away! just getting out of city is fun for me :LOL:
  21. :awesome: "globalized" is the word :LOL: i would love to be fluent in Mandarin! actually i just wish i can just go live places and immerse myself and just LEARN!
  22. good:happy: just got back from Wal-Mart and developed a bunch of pictures from last year :( i had lost maybe 10 lbs. before those were taken and gained all the weight back like a week later and now im depressed because i want to get back to that weight :chuckle: i have such a hard life :LOL:

  23. hello hello :happy: how're you?

  24. jajaja :chuckle: i knew that! i saw it a lot on the youtube vids put up by people from spanish speakin countries :happy: i thought that was how you said it.... i just wasnt sure :LOL: by the way, why do people from foreign speaking countries know English? you guys have such an advantage :(

  25. :happy: we all have those feelings... i always get mad about the fact i didnt know them well enough in 2007 to go to a concert... and also the fact that i missed them this year as well because my parents would not let me go!
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