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Status Updates posted by Melania13

  1. :LOL: me too i was the same way... but nowadays its much slower and quieter. :happy: you should post sometime, there are a lot of really nice people on there! :D
  2. uh Melania :chuckle: im not very creative with my name :LOL: so are you a pmt, pct or pdter?

  3. good good :) quick question, are you a boy or girl? sorry :LOL:

  4. I hope one day i can write as much as lunamarie :chuckle: how would i say that in spanish? Espero....:(

  5. :happy: gracias! Tengo deicinueve anos y mi cumpleanos es el trece de enero....
  6. night! :kiss: yeah anytime you are here send me a message or whatever! :happy:

  7. :supersad: no.... this board is as "computer-y" as i get :chuckle: i am pretty behind on the times, i fear:erm:
  8. Necesito practicar mi espanol... estudie espanol para dos anos en la universidad y no hablo y no se nada! :unsure: :'(


    you're lucky you are actually really good at english!

  9. im good as well :happy: watching the entire glasto set on youtube right now :awesome:


    so you speak spanish huh?:eyebrows: i wish i was fluent :(

  10. :LOL: its all good :happy: how goes it?
  11. :chuckle: the "what else do musers have in common" thread maybe?


    anyway good night! :happy:

  12. :chuckle: its okay...i kinda wondered how you knew but i figured it was just around here somewhere :LOL: you get to know people pretty well on here :happy:
  13. :awesome: i suck at karate.... kinda actually i dont know, i've only taken a beginners course so far


    although i would LOVE to become black belt :eek:

  14. Es tu cumpleanos hoy? Fue(era?) el cumpleanos de mi hermana en sabado y yo hice una fiesta ayer para ella :happy:

  15. Si tu hablas bastante bien pero puedo te ayudo si tu quieres.... Me dices si no estoy hablando correctamente (??):LOL:

  16. On and off..:shifty: todays a bit hectic, i'll probably be back in 7-8 hours :chuckle: its my moms birthday...

  17. Hola! Te envié un solicitud :unsure: Hablas ingles muy bien?

  18. :yesey: unless of course....i dont want to be. then im pretty easy :chuckle: haha
  19. :p:chuckle: i'll admit....im pretty hard to get :LOL:
  20. :chuckle: i dont even own a videocamera or even a camera with video functions :LOL: so you'll have to do without........ for now
  21. :LOL: just do it..... its good to have no shame once in a while :yesey:


    i've been thinking about doing a "cover" but im too shy :unsure:

  22. :awesome: you shoulda belted it way louder though!!! :LOL: but that woulda been hard for a guy :chuckle:
  23. :wtf: sorry im confused :chuckle: anyway heres the link (http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/6826/l83ffa06831184d83b1a294.jpg) :noey: your email was in my spam folder and i only just now saw it



  24. hey :unsure: did you ever get my pic? i think i did it wrong anyway....:'( oh well

  25. :chuckle: seths "going away skype" party haha
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