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Status Updates posted by Melania13

  1. :LOL: sorry i left to go wash :chuckle: and now i have to make dinner :(


    so bye! xoxo

  2. go work out! you have nothing better to do obviously :LOL:

  3. thinking about working out.....but its not gonna happen :chuckle:

  4. hola senor :) como estas hoy?

  5. :LOL: ok ok


    its a date ;)

  6. aw :( well then.... we gotta have a "send-off" party for you :LOL:


    and i might not be here tonight....its a Friday night and last night after the movies my friends were like "we better go party tomorrow!" so if we get a ride i'll be gone

  7. oh really? why? and dont worry im like 3 hours behind haha

  8. cant wait :awesome: see you tonight?

  9. you better.... ;)

  10. :eyebrows: riiiiight haha just kidding :D its ok, i like calling people sir sometimes too
  11. :LOL: haha dont worry about it :D although i personally feel like Melania is a pretty feminine name :chuckle:
  12. i am fine :D heading off to school in a minute :sleepy:

  13. Hello! how are you? sorry i was at a rave/dance party so i wasnt here :LOL:

  14. Yes! :unsure: thats just cuz you havent seen me in person :LOL:

  15. oh...i know. :) most boys are :chuckle:


    actually i am as well, seriously...but very well hidden

  16. the pleasure is mine :eyebrows:


    :facepalm: i swear im not a perv

  17. okay seth, or church.... i was just going to call your Doctor actually haha


    i'm Melania by the way, and you can call me Melania :chuckle: or Mela is good too lol

  18. :awesome: now i see what works for getting friends :eyebrows:
  19. :D Hi!! :unsure: I hope you are well and I love your music.... keep it up haha you can farm when your old (i'll even sell you some land lol)


    ---alright keep being amazing and I cant wait until Monday!

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