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Status Updates posted by Melania13

  1. :eek: take that back right now!
  2. Its actually pretty fun :happy: looking at cells and using microscopes and all that


    :LOL: yeah Blount.... we actually did awesome after that game though :awesome:

  3. Yeah :indiff: I got Bio the entire day :noey:


    :LOL: BSU? I didn't see that game, but I think I saw a "highlight" somewhere of the end :chuckle:

  4. :awesome: I know, but I haven't even watched a game yet :$ school all day Saturday pretty much doesn't allow it
  5. We have a bunch of criminals at Oregon apparently :LOL:


    Yeah :chuckle: my dad "chose" them when he was 12-13 and he's been hardcore ever since. And I got into them because of that. Plus, Oregon doesn't have a team :LOL:

  6. :LOL: I'm kind of opposite, I love NFL and am into college ball, but more eh about it. I enjoy the game a lot so I can pretty much enjoy watching any team play, even if I don't know anything about them.


    No :LOL: I'm from Oregon

  7. :awesome: I think anyone is better than Peyton on the douche meter tbh :LOL:


    Do you have an NFL team? I think i saw you post but only about college

  8. :fear::phu: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatever




  9. :LOL:


    and Miles Austin is just SO happy! :awesome:

  10. :chuckle: which part of it?
  11. :erm: I don't know, I really don't spend a lot of time reading the Bible (I'm Russian Orthodox Old Believer, and our bible is in Slavic, we don't agree with many of the stories in the Bible). I learn all I know from the "elders" and stories that were recorded from thousands of years ago :erm:


    Anyways, religion is a choice :happy: and I choose to believe :awesome:

  12. :awesome: No way to prove it either way
  13. :eek:



    God is asexual

  14. Oh then I totally would have! But I have church anyway :p

  15. I fail at anything game-ish :noey:


    :awesome: but have fun!

  16. :LOL: well i downloaded that wednesday song from CK cuz Taylor told me it was good, and I've heard Letters from the Sky... but i'll def. check out the other :happy:
  17. :yesey: im always interested in new music.... what are a few songs that i NEED by them? i'll download some
  18. :awesome: *madly jealous* although i only know a few songs from those bands combined :LOL:
  19. mebbe i will :awesome: i have a few minutes until i have to jet


    aaaaaand jetting

  20. the only thing that would need a codeword really:LOL:

  21. sunglasses was a code word back in the day :LOL: but i think it came back

  22. :awesome: sunglasses!!!


    and not the PMT code kind :shifty:

  23. :eek: you just gave me a disgusting visual :facepalm:


    :'( hurry, hurry fix it!!

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