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Butterflies and Hurricanes

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Status Updates posted by Butterflies and Hurricanes

  1. Heh heh! I struggle with one task! lol!:LOL: Well i'm talking to a friend, listing to muse-ic (get my drift?) and talking to you! OMG i'm 3 tasking!:ohmy::happy:

  2. oh good well done lol! I'm done with my assessment as well!

  3. Yeah it was thanks:D! I went to Alton Towers:happy:, the cinema:p and Blackpool:) as well as having to do my History assessment:facepalm:

  4. nice!!! Wish i was there!!!! Apart from seeing Muse what else did you do in the half term?

  5. I'm good thanks! OMG you saw Muse! How lucky are you! Ahh i wish i could see them! Where did you see them? (did you meet Matt?)

  6. Oh yeah same, I would so buy that soap! Now, that I've looked at that picture again, you're right about Chris! How come I didn't spot that in the first place?

  7. Hi oh it's fine mate, any time! :)

  8. Oh hi lol! Did you like your supper? :LOL:

  9. Hi sorry i went before i finished me homework somehow!;) anyway yeah, Matt has "grown up" a bit. But i think when he gets back into the swing (get my drift) he will start his coolness again!:) Well I hope! He's gone more stranger though, if you read the Q mag in August.:eek:

  10. I'm just chilled lol thanks anyway!

  11. Oh thanks! I wish Matt would go red haired again! It suits him so well! Do you think he will dye his hair again?

  12. Hi there mate! How's you today?

  13. Oh I'm good thanks!:happy: I can't talk for long I'm SURPOST to be doing my homework!:LOL: I posted my first thread (finaly! lol!) It's doing alright-ish XD! I love your pictures of red-head Matt! They rock!:p

  14. Hello, hello, hello!:LOL::happy: How's you mate?:)

  15. Oh I'm great thanks! Please, for this halloween, go as Matt! (not saying he's scary I mean) That will be amazing if you do!

  16. Hi there how are you mate?

  17. Hi there I love your profile picture! Where did you get it from or did you make it?

  18. Hi there! I've seen your picture...that's a lot of stuff! It must be well good to have a collection like that! You're amazing! Oh yeah, how are you anyway mate?

  19. don't worry i wont attack you! you're better than Liverpool and Chelsea! XD Well i g2g now c u later mate!

  20. Hi there! Thanks for asking to be my friend! Like your motto!

  21. Yeah, I'm a short sprinter. Is that profile picture you? If so you look nice:happy:. Your hair is nice, mines a complete hair ball (because it's curly) But i ain't bothered about it! do you like footy? If so, who's your team? Mines Manchester United:dance:

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